Chapter 17: Merry christmas and happy new year

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Hmm… too classy. Too casual. Too fancy dress. This is impossible! I’m frantically trying to choose an outfit for my date with matt tonight. I’m sending new years with my amazing boyfriend and I cannot believe it. I don’t even know where we’re going, he just said I don’t need to dress up. Huge help. I plopped down on my bed in frustration, silently begging for my clothes to come to life and choose and outfit for me. But alas they didn’t. Sighing I rolled onto my side and spotted the Christmas present I got from Matt.


“Wake up.” Some said, poking my sleeping body.
“Wake up.” They said again.
“Wake up!” There was suddenly a lot of weight on me and I could feel my lungs collapsing.
“Can’t-breathe-get-off!” I managed to say before I was overcome by a fit of coughs. The weight rolled off me and I could breathe again. I could feel someone lying next to me and when I peeked my eyes open I saw him grinning at me.
“What time is it?” I asked, closing my eyes again.
“4 am.”
“You know dad, traditionally it should be the kid jumping on the parent to wake them up, not the other way around?” I opened my eyes again and saw he was still grinning.
“Traditionally yes, but I decided to spice it up a little and since you’re a teenager who sleeps all day I decided to be your favourite person and wake you up ridiculously early!”
“You’re horrible.” I groaned, but started getting up anyway.
“Do you want breakfast first? Or presents?” he asked.
“Wel dad, since it’s 4 am and WAY too early for breakfast, unless you want to sit around for hours until it’s a decent hour to have breakfast then let’s do presents!” I said, grinning.
“You’re too logical at 4 am. It’s Christmas!” dad said, dancing out of my room singing the Coles supermarket Christmas jingle, “It’s Christmas time.”
Rolling my eyes at my childish father I joined him in song.

I sat waiting in anticipation as dad started opening his present. He laughed when he held up the shirt I bought him, across the front it said ‘Best dad ever!’ and on the back I got a photo of us printed on to it.
“Thanks Katey, I love it! I’ll put it on later, I promise.” He said, putting it aside and opening the second present I got him, just his favourite chocolates.

After opening all of my presents I was very happy. Dad got me a new laptop, IPod and some new clothes. The only presents still to go are our presents to matt, and he’ll be over later for dinner.

The day flew by so quickly. After breakfast dad and I had a water fight in the back yard, watched a movie and started preparing dinner. Now I’m standing at my wardrobe choosing some clothes to wear to dinner. Dad told me he wants me to wear something nice, but kind of casual too. ‘Fancy casual’ is what he said. I have no idea what that means so I put on my black skirt and a shirt dad got me for Christmas. Black lace on the shoulders and neck/upper chest then just blue cotton. After brushing my hair and applying the lightest amount of make up I looked in the mirror. My brown hair fell around my shoulders and my eye liner made my eyes pop just a little. Satisfied I went down stairs where I could here Matt and dad talking.
“Ok dad so I have no idea what ‘fancy casual’ means so this is what I’ve got . Don’t like it then too bad. I joked as I descended the stairs.
“You’ll do.” A joking smile on his face. Matt was full on staring at me in a way that made me a little self conscious.
“Hey Matt,” I said, a little awkwardly, stopping in front of him.
“Hey Kate, you look beautiful.” He smiled, wrapping his arms around me for a hug.
“No lovey-dovey stuff around me. Come on dinner’s ready.” Dad said, interrupting out moment.
“I pulled away from my boyfriend and gave dad a look saying shut up. He just shrugged and walked to the dining room.

Dinner was awesome, we had turkey, and ham, and vegetables and potatoes. When he is motivated dad is a pretty good cook, but normally neither of us can be bothered cooking so we have take away or macaroni and cheese kind of things.

When we finished eating Matt sat back in his chair and rubbed his full belly with appreciation.
“Well I won’t be eating for a while.”
“There’s still dessert to come,” I said, laughing at the look on Matt’s face at the mention of dessert.
“So how long are you staying Matt?” dad asked, stacking the plates.
“I don’t know, how long do you want me here?”
“Well Kate and I have a tradition, every year we watch all of the Tim Allen ‘The Santa Claus’ movies, so you’re welcome to join us if you want to.” Dad said.
“Well since I’m stealing Kate away for the New Year I’ll go home before that so you guys can spend it together.”
“Ok, well after dessert two can have some time to chat and exchange gifts, and then we’ll start. Sound good?” Dad asked, starting to walk away with the plates and cutlery.
“Yeah dad.”

We all talked for a while then I looked at dad with a look saying it’s time to eat the sweet Pavlova I decorated all by myself. Dad understood the look and rose from his chair, walking to the kitchen to get it. When he left I felt Matt’s fingers thread through mine. I smiled and looked into his beautiful, mesmerizing green eyes. The colour of trees.
“Ready for dessert?” I asked.
“Not really but I’ll eat it anyway,” he laughed.
“Dessert… is served!” Dad said, entering the room with the massive Pavlov that probably wouldn’t last the night.
“Wow.” I laughed at the look on Matt’s face as he stared at the Pavlova.
“I decorated it all by myself,” I said as dad put a huge slice on a plate for me then served one for Matt and himself.

“I don’t think I’ve eaten so much in my entire life!” Matt exclaimed, throwing himself onto my bed.  Laughed and sat beside him. He struggled through dessert, forcing every bite down, refusing to let the Pavlov win, it was quite funny to watch actually.
“You didn’t have to eat all of it you know, you could have stopped when you were full.” I said, poking his belly.
“I know.”
“Do you want your present now?” I asked.
“Sure, but you know you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I know, but I wanted to,” I said, reaching under my bed to retrieve the present I wrapped for him yesterday.
“It’s not much, sorry.” I said, handing him the present. “I didn’t know what to get you…” I said, getting nervous as he unwrapped it.
“Thanks Kate, I needed this one!” He said, observing the book I bought him. Clive Cussler’s new book, ‘Poseidon arrow.’
“Are you sure? I saw the other books at your house and I’ve seen you read them at school so I assumed you like them…” I explained.
“I do, thank you.” He said, pulling me in for another hug.
“I hope you like this,” he said, pulling away and handing me a small box.

*End Flashback*

After deciding on my black jeans, red shirt with a sequenced rose and my boots I fastened the bracelet Matt bought me for Christmas. A simple silver chain with a few charms on it. A tree, chips, and the pie symbol.

I heard the doorbell ring and dad talking to Matt. He’s here and I’m really nervous. I walked down the stairs, swallowing my nerves and saw Matt there looking very nice in his white button down shirt, jeans and leather jacket.
“Hey,” I said, stopping next to him.
“Hey,” he said, entwining our fingers.
“See you next year dad,” I said as we turned to leave.
“Have fun guys.”

Matt’s amazing. He took me to dinner at a little restaurant a few town over called ‘Marty’s’,which was awesome. Now we’re sitting at the top of a big hill, waiting for the fireworks and cuddling.
“Are you having fun?” He asked, smoothing down my hair.
“Yeah, I am thank you.”
“Guess what…?” he whispered.
“It’s 1 minute until midnight.”
We looked into each other’s eyes and our bodies turned to face each other, I looked at his lips and he looked at mine, and then ever so slowly he leaned forward, and then right on midnight our lips met, right as the fireworks started colouring the sky.

Here it is, hope it's alright! let me know :)

I hope everyone had a great new year and I hope 2013 is a good year for everyone :)

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