Chapter 2: Happiness and Smiles

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When I awoke I was still lying on the couch with Ed next to me Last night had been so fun!
 A movie night with my favourite movies, favourite junk foods, and my very best friend.
I got off the couch and glanced at the clock 11:30. Nice, we’d been up until 3am or something last night, so I still got some sleep. I went to make coffee for myself, knowing that Ed doesn’t drink coffee. I poured my coffee and returned to the lounge. When I returned to the couch, I continued to tell Ed about Edward Cullen’s hotness.
“Wanna watch another movie Ed?”
“Yes? Cool, let’s watch… Oh! Pirates of the Caribbean! “I put it on and spent the rest of the day talking like a pirate.
When it finally started to get dark outside, I went to start dinner, when there was a knock on the door. I went to the door, and looked through the peep hole, since it was dark, if I just opened the door, who know what might happen. I stepped back shcked. What is Mr Sparrow doing at my house!? I slowly opened the door and laughed at his facial expression. He was also shocked to see me.
“Mr Sparrow?” he laughed at me. Why? I looked down, and I am still wearing my pajamas. My pajamas that say ‘I love Edward’ Crud.
“I thought I told you to call me Matt outside of school, I forgot you live here” he still was still slightly laughing.
“Right, sorry. Stop laughing at me. I wasn’t expecting anyone. Speaking of that, what are you doing here?” I asked with a smile.
“I just moved in down the street a few days ago, so I’m just introducing myself to everyone on the street. I had completely forgotten you live here. Are your parent’s home yet?” I should probably be polite and invite him in. but he’s my teacher…
“No, they are both still away on a business trip for another week or so…”
“Oh, you don't get scared or anything being alone?”
“Naw, I’m good, I likebeing alone sometimes. Do you wanna come in?” I regretted that offer instantly. The mess in the lounge…
“Sure,” he stepped in.
“Wait! Wait here for a minute ok?” I didn’t wait for an answer. I sprinted into the lounge to clean up the mess Ed and I made last night. I shoved all the wrappers into a rubbish bag, and straightend everything out.
“Slumber party hey?” I looked to see Matt leaning against the door way, grinning at me.
“You could say that. Twilight marathon, followed by pirates of the Caribbean,” I admitted with a small smile.
“Very nice,”
“Have a seat, I’ll be back in a minute.” I went upstairs to my room, to put some clothes on. I ended up with a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt.
I ran back downstairs, to see matt sitting on the couch, looking rather comfortable.
“Comfortable there?” I asked with a smile.
“Yes, thank you,” he replied with a grin.
“Tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate? Anything?” I offered.
“Coffee please,”
“Sure thing, how do you have it?”
“White, 2 sugars.”
“Same as me,” I said with a shy smile. This isn’t like me. I have a guy in my house, a very good looking guy at that, and I’m smiling and not being shy. What the hell is going on with me?
I went to the kitchen to make the coffee. I sat it in front of him, and took the arm chair.
“So, how do you like teaching so far?” I asked with a small smile.
“It can be alright, but I tell you one thing, I’m so sick of the girls flirting with me all the time! God, it’s just so frustrating,” he admitted to me with a smile.
“Come to think of it,” he said,” you’re probably the only girl at the whole school who hasn’t flirted with me. It’s good,” he smiled at me.
“Yes, well, I’m there to study and get good grades, not chase after boys,” I gave him a small simle. He chuckled at me.
“I wish more people were like you Kate, maybe then they would focus more on the work I set.” He grinned.
“I wouldn’t hold your breath Matt, people like Josie don’t care at all about school, they just want boys, boys, and did I mention, boys?” I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.
Matt just laughed and laughed, almost spilling the coffee. I joined him with a small laugh.
“You’ve got that right, I don’t think I’ve received any homework, or work from Josie at all yet.”
“You know why, right?” maybe he didn’t know. He looked confused.
“What? No. tell me then.” I laughed at his confused look.
“She just wants detention so she can spend more time with you It’s what all the skanks want,” I laughed again at hs face when he realized I am right.
“My god, you’re right.”
“Of course I’m right. I’m the nerd, I’m always right,” I smiled at him.
Again he laughed lightly.
“True true, Thanks for the coffee, I should go home, and you should have dinner and get some sleep, school tomorrow,” he winked. I chuckled.
“Oh yes Matt, how can I forget about school? Although, the new teacher kind of bothers me, he’s so annoying, I’m definitely not looking forward to maths,” I laughed lightly again.
“That hurts Kate,” he held a hand to his heart and pretended to be hurt.
“Life hurts Matt, deal with it, “
“You’ll regret saying that Miss Masen, mark my words,” he winked and chuckled before leaving and going home. I laughed again and again before I remembered how hungry and tired I am. I made noodles and went to bed after cleaning up.
I haven’t laughed that much with anyone except my dad and Ed. Not even my old best friend. What does that mean? I don't know, but I cannot deny, his visit definitely made my weekend.

Monday was good. When I saw Matt in the corridors and in class he would smile at me and I would smile back. Maybe… maybe I have another friend. Maybe it’s not just me and Ed now.

The day passed quickly and next thing you know, I’m at home. I checked the messages.

1 unread message. I pressed play.

Hi sweetie it’s mum, I guess you’re at school. So just give me a call when you get this. Love you sweetie, Mum.

I sighed and dialed mum’s number, something was up.

“Hello?” Mum’s voice answered.
“Hey mum, sorry I just got home from school,” I yawned loudly.
“Oh that’s fine sweetie. How was school?” she asked.
“Pretty good actually. And how’s the trip?”
“It’s not bad. Bu listen sweetie, I have to stay for a few more weeks, I’m so sorry dear. Your father and I are so sorry.”
“Oh, that’s ok mum, don’t worry about it. I’ll see you in a few weeks, I have homework to do,” mum just laughed.
“Alright sweet heart, call us if you need to, I’ll let you know when I know exactly when we’ll be home. I hate having to leave you.”
“It’s alright mum, no worries I’ll talk to you later.”
“Bye sweet heart,” I hung up.

I got changed and went to find a snack. I’m actually not that bothered by being alone. I miss them so much. Especially dad, He’s my rock to lean on.
Now that there was actually food in the cupboard I had a bit of variety. I had an apple before I made toasted cheese sandwiches for dinner.

Tuesday at school was easy, I knew all the stuff so that was good, but also very boring. Ed and I sat and ate lunch together laughing at the lamest jokes. Laughing and smiling so much. I'm having a good day today.
Once home I changed and played some music for a few hours, dancing around like a loon. When I was tired I went to cook the spaghetti bolognaise I had decided to cook for my dinner. I had just started cooking it when I heard a quiet knock on the door.

I went to the door, openning it slowly, and seeing two police officers.

“Are you Miss Masen?” The officer at the front asked.


What has happend?

Find out very soon. The next chapter will be uploaded very very soon.

I hope you like it. Sorry it isn't very long.

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