Chapter 19: Some people just can't take a hint

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So this entire chapter is written in Matt's point of view. I hope you enjoy reading it and as usual, please comment and vote or something to leave me some feedback. This chapter is dedicated to one of my fans, smiley1394. She always leaves amazing comments that never fail to make my day. So thank you :D

Matt’s POV

I looked at the photos of Kate and Tom again as I drank my water. Tom was always so happy after spending the day with her and her with him. I can’t believe she’s my girlfriend now, not my best friend, not the weird and complicated ‘we aren’t together but we kiss and hold hands’ but my actual girlfriend. Of course this could end very, very badly for both of us. If we get caught I would lose my job and she’d be expelled. As long as we don’t have a physical relationship I don’t think I could go to jail but it would seriously destroy my teaching career. But for Kate I don’t care, if she’s willing to try then we’re going to try. Try and succeed. I won’t let things come between us; I would happily quit my job for her, if that’s what she wants. It’s going to be even harder now, with school starting again in two days, to keep us secret. As much as I want to tell the world that she is mine no one can know.  I have to go in tomorrow, to get everything ready for when the students come back and it’s a chance to catch up with all of the other teachers before our role as teacher comes into effect. I don’t really want to go, I’d rather spend the day with Kate, but principal’s orders, I have to be there.

I went to bed trying to mentally prepare myself for tomorrow. Dealing with the female staff is going to be hell, with no students around to ‘catch us’ they’ll probably be making a move on me. But I won’t let them. I’m going to tell them I have a girlfriend. Obviously I won’t say who it is, and if I have to I’ll make up a name, but then at least they’ll know I’m taken, they’ll know that I belong to someone else. Someone who I could never cheat on, not even in my dreams.

“Matt, good to see you again. How were your holidays?” Collin asked, shaking my hand.
“They were good, and yours?” I asked, returning the shake. I didn’t want to go into too much detail of how amazing my holidays actually were, just decided to play it cool.
“Same here. What’d you do for Christmas? I took the family to Fiji for a break. The kids keep saying it was the best Christmas they’ve ever had,” he laughed, I could see his eyes were glazed over as he remembered his holidays.
“That sounds fun, your family is extremely lucky,” I said. “I just spent Christmas with one of my best friend who is now my girlfriend,” I smiled, well more like grinned.
“Girlfriend ay? What’s she like?” he questioned, taking a swig from the bottle of beer he was holding.
“She’s so beautiful, and amazing. She means the world to me and I feel so lucky to have her,” I confessed, feeling better just talking about her.
“Ah, sounds like young love. Congratulations, I hope for your sake it lasts,” he smiled, patting me on the back and walking over to Calvin Barcan, the science teacher. I turned from the and walked over to the small kitchen area, getting a glass from the cupboard and filling it up with water from the tap.
“Say Matt, don’t you want a beer or something?” Amelia asked, rather whispered seductively in my ear as she ran her hand down my arm.
“No thanks Amelia, just water for me.” I said, trying to get away but she wouldn’t et me, rather she walked me into a corner, where no one could see us.

“Why not? There’s plenty there, have a drink with me,” she purred, still trying to seduce me.
“No Amelia, I can’t. As soon as I leave here I’m taking my girlfriend on date, so I would rather not be drinking right now, thanks.” I said, still trying to get around her. I haven’t actually made plans to take Kate out tonight but the idea is just so tempting.
“Surely one drink, I’ll go get it for you,” she said, running her hand down my nose. I grabbed her arm, making her stop and look at me with wide eyes.
“I do not want a drink, thank you. I am going out with my girlfriend very soon and I would rather not have alcohol in my system. Because one drink always ends with ‘just one more’. So thank you Amelia, but I’m not interested in having a drink with you.” I said, probably a bit too harshly but if it gets my message across then I don’t really care.
“Well, perhaps another time then,” she said, taking my hand and winking before walking away. I looked at my hand and saw that she had put something there, a piece of paper. I opened it, even though I already knew what it would be.
call me some time, handsome ;)
And right below that message was her number. Some people just can’t take a hint. Sure, Amelia is pretty, but NOTHING compared to Kate.

I walked out of the corner, putting her number in the bin as I walked past.
“You look pissed,” a female voice said from behind me. I stopped walking and turned around to come face to face with Melinda, another of the schools female staff.
“Yeah, some people just can’t take a hint,” I said, still frustrated.
“Come on, let’s go outside, you look like you could use some fresh air,” she said, slightly tugging on my jacket to guide me outside. I nodded in reluctant agreement.

Once outside we leaned against the brick walls of the school in silence. I could tell she wanted to ask something, so I asked her about it.
“What do you want to say?” I asked with a sight, rubbing my face with my hand.
“Well, it’s rather what I want to do.”
“If it involves you and I doing anything that would count as cheating on my girlfriend then forget about it right now because I’m not interested.” I said in a stern voice, already fed up.
“Oh but matt, you don’t need a girlfriend, you have me,” and with that she leaned forward and tried to kiss me, but luckily I side-stepped just in time for her to slam her face into the wall.
“Are you ok Melinda?” I asked, worried that the wall seriously hurt her, but when she pulled back from the wall and glared at me I knew she was alright.
“Why the bloody hell did you do that? I could have been seriously hurt!” She screamed, slapping me.
“Well maybe if you had bloody well listened to me then that wouldn’t have happened! I DO have a girlfriend, someone who I care about so much I would do anything for her, and I will NOT cheat on her, never. So now you know, spread the word, I am UNAVAILABLE.” I said loudly, resulting in another hard slap to land on the same cheek.
“You’ll come around, no one can resist me,” she spat, turning and storming back inside. I didn’t bother going back inside, I just leaned on the wall before shrugging off and walking in the direction of the nearest tree, who happened to be Ed.
“Hey,” I said quietly as I sat down, leaning back on him.
“So I just lost my cool and pretty well yelled at one of the teachers. But she tried to kiss me, I hope Kate doesn’t get mad, I mean she didn’t actually kiss me, so I don’t know if I should even tell Kate. I don’t want her to think badly of the female teachers, but I feel as though I should be truthful with her. I don’t know what to do!” I sighed, throwing my face into my hands. Then something weird happened. The wind started blowing a bit stronger and one of Ed’s branches, still connected to Ed, blew down and bounced lightly on my shoulder, almost as if in a comforting gesture. Maybe Kate isn’t crazy, maybe Ed really is alive in more ways than a tree should be.
“Thanks Ed,” I smiled, patting the branch.
“Are you talking to a tree?” my head snapped to Collin as he sat down beside me.
“Ha, er yeah, yeah I am,” I chuckled nervously.
“So what happened with you and Melinda? You both left then she comes back in with a grazed cheek and I find you out here, talking to a tree with a red hand print on your cheek.”
“Well,” I started with a sigh,” When I was inside Amelia wouldn’t leave me alone, she kept insisting on having a drink with me but I kept refusing and explained I’m going out with my girlfriend after this and don’t want a drink. But she wouldn’t take a hint so I was kind of harsh then she still gave me her number. I was still frustrated with her when Melinda approached me and brought me outside for some air,” I explained. “But then she tried to kiss me even after I told her that I have a girlfriend. So I sidestepped and she went into the wall. Then she slapped me, then I went off at her, then she slapped me again, then I came here.” I finished my explanation. Frustrated yet again. Why does it matter so much that I’m a young teacher, sure I know I’m good looking but why can’t the other teachers keep it professional. Collins laughter brought me out of my thoughts and had me looking at him with a raised eyebrow, trying to figure out what’s so funny.
“I remember being in your situation. Don’t get me wrong, I’m only 35 nut when I started teacher 10 or so years ago everyone treated me how they treat you. So I get you, I understand. If you really love your girlfriend then just stay loyal to her, that’s all you have to do.” HE said, patting my shoulder again.
“Thanks Collin, you’re a great friend,” I smiled.
“No problem kid,” he smiled back, then got up and left.
“Oh and Matt?” He said, stopping mid step and turning to me.
“Just go home, nothing’s happening here, and no one will judge you for what happened to Melinda, it was obviously her fault. So just go see your girlfriend and say hi for me,” he said, smiling again and leaving. I didn’t waste any time, I went straight to my car, and called her.

“Hello?” she answered, bringing an immediate smile to my face.
“Hey, it’s me.” I said, making her laugh.
“I know Matt, I have caller I.D on my phone.”
“Oh, right,” I laughed.
“What’s up? Aren’t you at the school today with the teachers?”
“Yeah, but I can leave early so I thought we could hang out today, I miss you already,” I said honestly. Because I really did miss her, a lot.
“Sure, are we hanging at your house or mine?”
“Neither, I’m taking you out somewhere.” I said, suddenly having the perfect idea.
“What? Matt we can’t. IF we get seen by anyone at school we’re toast. We’ll just stay in until I finish school, it’s only a year to go now, we can handle that.” She said, she has a point, and I can hear the panic in her voice.
“What if I took you many towns over? There is a very small chance of us being seen.”
“True, but Matt there are actually students that live in towns away from here. But I trust you, if you say we’re safe then we’re safe. What kind of clothes do I need to wear?” She asked, pushing aside the panic and trusting me. This just brought a massive smile to my face.
“Well, it’s quite warm outside, and we’ll be outside so just anything comfortable really.”
“Ok, when will you pick me up?” she asked. I could already hear her going through her wardrobe.
“I’m leaving the school now so I’ll be there very soon, but I can wait if I need to.”
“Ok, bye.” She said, hanging up.

“Are we there yet?”
“Are we there yet?”
“Are we there yet?”
“Are we there- wait yes?” She said, turning to look out the window at the park we just pulled up at.
“Oh my god, a park? I haven’t been to a park, since well. Never mind thanks Matt, this is great already!” She said, jumping out of the car.
“I’m glad you like it, I’ve got food and everything we need for a picnic at the park.” I grinned, retrieving the basket from the boot of the car.

We spent the rest of the day together at the park, no one from school saw us and we had an amazing time, in public, together.

“Push me higher” she giggled as I pushed her on the swing. She’s so cute as she acts like a child on the swing. But swings have that effect on people, they bring out your inner child.
“You asked for it,” I said, then pushed her
really high, making her squeal in terror and excitement.
“Too high, too high. Stop me, please stop me!” she squealed and giggled at the same time.
“Your wish is my command,” I said, grabbing the chains from behind and pulling her to a stop, having to run with the swing for a bit thought to get it to stop. When it did though I rested my chin on her shoulder from behind, then turned and kissed her cheek.
“You asked to go higher,” I teased, my head still next to hers.
“Yes, go higher not be killed.” She said, teasing me by poking her tongue out.
“Ew, you licked my nose.” I said, using her face to wipe it off.
“You love it.” She joked, trying to move her face from mine to stop me from wiping my face on her cheek but it only brought her face closer to my face, our noses touching, I didn’t resist the need to lean forward and close the gap between us.

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