Chapter 4: You never know what is around the corner

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*Beep beep*
I groaned and internally cursed whoever sent me a text message this early. The brightness of the screen blinded me, after a while of squinting, I could finally read the message.

Can I come over today, and we can work on our project? Maddie.
I frowned.
Sure, when will you come? Kate. Maddie and I were paired for a science project yesterday, I guess yet again my Saturday will consist of me doing work.
12 o’clock? It was 8:30 now, so that gives me time to actually wake up.
Sure, see you then. I sent the message, and rolled over, so now I’m lying flat on my face. My arm isn’t too bad now, whatever the nurse did to it had helped me a lot.

It took me 1 hour to find it in me to remove my blankets and go downstairs. I had just made it to the kitchen to make some coffee, when I heard a knock at the door. Confused, I went to open it.

“Matt? What are you doing here? And why are you here so early?” for some unknown reason, Matt was standing on my doorstep, with an amused look in his eyes.
“Hey Kate. Well, I came to ask you a favour, and it isn’t early, it’s 11 o’clock, did you seriously just wake up?” he gestured to my body, I am still wearing my pj’s.
“Well no, I woke up at 8:30, well, I was woken up at 8:30, and then fell asleep only waking up an hour ago. But I only just got out of bed…” I trailed off, biting my lip. Matt laughed at me. He does that a lot.
“Anyway, what’s this favour?” I was curious now.
“Well, I agreed to babysit my nephew today, but I’ve just been called to a teachers conference today, and no-one else can take him. Do you think you could look after him for the day?” that took me off guard.
“You want me to babysit your nephew for you? Matt, I don’t know…” Maddie was coming soon, I raked my brain for things I could entertain him with.
“Please please please Kate? I’ll make it up to you, I swear,”
“Oh fine. You owe me. When will you bring him over?” I’ll have to ask Maddie to come over tomorrow instead.
“Well, he’s ah, already in my car…” he smiled warmly.
“Oh well, ok. Bring him in, just let me get dressed and text Maddie,” I started turning to get dressed.
I ran into my room, chucked on a pair of jeans, with a cookie monster t-shirt, brushed my hair, and sent Maddie a text.
Sorry Maddie, I’ve got to babysit today, just found out then. Could you come over tomorrow? I clicked send and started heading downstairs.
I found Matt sitting on the couch, but what stopped me in my tracks was the little boy on his lap. He has the same eyes as Matt, he looks 2 or maybe 3. He is just so… adorable!
Matt smiled when he saw me,
“Nice t-shirt,” he said, with a grin.
“Ha, um thanks,” I blushed lightly, but I don’t think he saw.
“This is Tom, he is toilet trained, so you don’t have to worry about nappies,” we both chuckled lightly.
“Alright then, what time will you pick him up?”
“Um, well the conference finishes at 6:30, so it’ll be maybe 7ish, is that alright?” he looked unsure.
“Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll take him to the movies, or something to keep him occupied…” I mentally calculated how much money I have, and was excited when I realised I have hardly touched any of the money my parents left for me.
“Awesome. Call me if you need me, my number is on the paper, I’ve told him to behave, and he knows what to do, and is also happy to meet you. Thank you so much for doing this Kate!” he grabbed me in his arms and pulled me into a bear tight hug.
“Can’t…breathe!...” he had blocked off my airways.
“Oh, sorry,” he pulled back with a grin.
“S’okay, see you tonight then,” I added with a small smile. Matt turned and left, I heard the front door closing.
I turned to the little boy on the couch.
“Hello, my name is Kate,” I smiled warmly at him.
“Hello Kate, my name is Tom,” he smiled shyly back at me. I sat next to him on the couch.
“It’s nice to meet you Tom, How old are you?”
“Thwee,” he smiled shyly.”
“Oh wow, that’s cool Tom. Now I have a very serious question for you Tom, and no fooling around with the answer,” I turned my smiling face into a serious face, and Tom’s face went from smiles to shock and scared. I smiled again.
“What do you want to do today?” I smiled warmly again, and the look of relief on tom’s face was hilarious.
“I don’t know,”
“Hm, what kind of things do you like?” this could take a while. I know nothing about this little boy!
“Ice cweam, and movies, and games,” he admitted with a smile. Now we’re getting somewhere.
“well, what if we go to the movies first, then I hear there’s a fair in town, we can go there, and maybe after we can pick up some ice-cream and come home?” I had more than enough money, and going out would be fun.
“Yes yes yes yes yes!!” Tom squealed with excitement, and starting bouncing where he sat.
“Alright, let’s go!” I decided to drive, yes, I do have my license, I just prefer walking to school.

We ended up watching Madagascar 3, Tom was laughing all through the movie. I had to laugh at him, because as he was laughing, he would be shovelling the popcorn I bought us into his mouth at the same time. So cute.

At the fair we went on the teacups, little did I know but the cost of the ride included a photo of us, on the ride. So when I got off the lady handed me 3 copies of Tom and I in the teacups. Tom was sitting on my lap, and we were laughing and smiling. I had to admit, this photo was awesome!

We went on the teacups a few times actually, each time we pulled different faces, and laughed when we got them back. We also went on the toy cars, and boats. After that, Tom and I froze at exactly the same time, and at exactly the same time we turned to look at each other with wide eyes. I scooped him into my arms and ran with all my power.
“Two please!” I said to the man at the stand.
“Take your shoes off before entering,” he sounded…bored.
We both took our shoes off before diving into the sponge bob jumping castle.

After a few hours of that we went for ice-cream, before returning to my house. We arrived back to my house at 6:30, Matt will be here in half an hour.
“Want anything Tom?” I don’t know about him, but I was dying for some water.
“Water please Kate,” he grinned at me, and I stumbled my way into the kitchen. He was just so adorable!

We were sitting on the couch, Tom in my lap when I heard a knock at the door.
“Come in!” I shouted, I knew it was Matt, he always knocked the same way. He stepped into the door way, and when he saw us, sitting on the couch with Tom still in my arms, he grinned hugely at us.
“You two look comfortable,” he chuckled, taking a seat next to us.
“How was the conference?” I can guarantee Tom and my day was way better.
“Lame, don’t even ask. How was your day?”
“Awesome! Unca Matt! We went to the movies, and the fair, and we had ice cweam! The lady took photos of us too!” Tom answered, pointing to the envelope filled with our photos. Before I could stop him, Matt had the envelope in his hands.
“Wait, Matt-“it was too late. He had the photos, and was grinning at them.
“I must say Kate, the teacups suite you. You look like you were having as much fun as Tom,” he said, ruffling my hair, and then Tom’s.
“For your information, I was,” I said, blushing lightly.
“If you got 3 photos, who are they for?” he smiled again.
“Well, I was going to keep one copy for myself, I guess Tom could take a set for him and his mum, I don’t know about the 3rd…”
“May I have a copy? I haven’t seen photos of Tom like this in a long time, it would be nice to look at them,” he grinned, and I smiled.
“Sure, I guess. I don’t need them,”
“Thank you Kate. I should take Tom back to my place, his mum will be there soon to pick him up. You’re welcome to come over, I’ll cook you dinner, I owe you big time, remember?” he smiled warmly, and I felt flattered. He was invinting me over for dinner.
“That would be great, thank you,” I returned a smile.
“We’ll leave in a minute then,”
“Just let me have a really quick shower, and change,” I handed Tom to Matt, and ran upstairs to change. My clothes were muddy and icky.
I showered very quicly, and went to change into jeans, but I couldn’t find any clean pairs. I guess I need to do some washing. I grabbed my black skirt that has a blue pattern, and decided to wear that with leggings and a blue shirt. I grabbed my phone and wallet, before running downstairs.

I went with Matt and Tom in Matt’s car. When we arrived we only had 10 minutes until Matt’s siter, Dominique, Tom’s mum was due to pick him up. Once she arrived we talked for a little bit before she turned to Matt.

“Matt, go put Tommy in the car for me would you?” she turned to her brother with a grin.
“er, sure?” Once he was out of earshot, she turned to me.
“He likes you.”
“Wait, what?” how could she know this. Why would he like me? I’m his student!
“Matt likes you. I’m his sister, I know these things, and when I say ‘like’, I don’t mean as friends,” she grinned at me, and I blushed.
“But, I’m his student. Nothing could ever happen Dominique.” I whispered.
“Do you want something to happen?” she cocked her head to the side.
“Well, yes, I mean no, I mean, I don’t know.” I blushed again.
“I think you do. Don’t let the fact he’s your teacher change anything. The heart wants what the heart wants,”
“Well, I-“ I stopped immediately when I heard footsteps approaching us.
“He’s ready Dom,” Matt rounded the corner, looked at us, and turned away.
“Alright!,” she said to Matt. She turned back to me and whispered, “Remember what I said,” she  then spoke with a louder voice, ”Thank you for today Kate, I really appreciate it. And I love the photos,” she chuckled and walked away.

Matt cooked us Chicken schnitzels and veg for dinner. It was really good. But dinner got kind of awkward at some points, mostly when I would remember what Dominique said to me.

We were sitting on the couch, starting to watch ‘Die Hard 4’ when his curiosity got the best of him.
“Alright Kate, what did she say to you?” I could feel his eyes boring into my cheek, but I just kept my eyes down. I felt a blush run to my cheeks, I knew he saw it.
“Um, nothing, she said nothing.” I didn’t want to tell him that she thinks he likes me.
“Why won’t you tell me?” there was a hint of sadness in his voice, I tried to ignore it, I’m a sucker for sadness.
“Because it doesn’t matter,”
“Just tell me, please?”
“Another time, it’s late; I should really go home…”
“Alright, come on. I’ll drive you.” We got up, and he drove me home.

Maddie came over on Sunday and we worked on our project for most of the day. The progress we made was excellent, but I’m not sure if I’d count us as friends, well at least not yet.

The school week continued as usual. Whenever I saw Matt, we would exchange warm smiles. I couldn’t help but wonder about what Dom had said. I mean, she is his sister, if anyone could read him, it would be her. Sometimes, I can’t be sure, but sometimes I think he does. The way he looks or talks to me, but that is probably just my imagination getting in the way of my logic…

“Alright class, I know it’s Friday, but we need to work,” the whole class groaned in unison. Except me. I don’t mind working.
“I know, I know. Let’s just do some linear equations, then we’ll see what happens, yeah?” now the whole class nodded in unison. I had to try not to laugh. About half way through the lesson, Amber caught my attention. Most of the class was quiet so I was able to hear her. She was doing some serious flirting with Matt. I’m talking the ‘sexy voice’, flicking her hair over one shoulder, or twirling it in her finger, with a small smile on her lips.
I burst out laughing. Even when people turned to stare at me, I couldn’t stop. I just kept laughing.
“Something funny Miss Masen?” Matt was walking towards me now. His serious teacher face was on, but I could see the amusment in his eyes.
“No sir,” more laughter, “nothing at all,” I’d sobered up now, and realised how stupid I must have looked.
“Good,” he turned and walked back to his desk.
After a long class full of complaints, and glares from Amber, the bell finally rang, and we were free.
“Miss Masen, a word,” Matt didn’t look up from his sheets as he called me over. Once everyone else had left, he looked at me.
“Your laughter interrupted my class Kate,” his entire face was amused.
“Yeah, um, sorry about that…”
“What were you laughing at exactly?”
“Amber’s pitiful attempts at flirting,” just remembering had me laughing again. Matt joined this time.
“I agree, it was funny, and pitiful, but you have to hold your laughter in whilst in class. Got it?” he was still smiling.
“Sure sure. I will Sir,”
“Matt,” I threw him a weak smile. I turned to leave.
“Wait! That’s not actually why I asked you to stay,”
“Oh? Please continue then.” My curiousity grew as he leaned back in his chair and looked at me with a smile.
“Wanna come over for dinner tonight?” he asked, grinning now.
“Oh, um. Why?” I didn’t want to admit how much I wanted to spend more time with him. How pitiful.
“Well, I have no plans, and I thought maybe you’d like to, since you’re at your house by yourself. You don’t have to if you don’t want to though,” his smile started fading.
“No, no, I’d like to. I have no plans either. What time should I come over?”
“Well, how about 5 o’clock?” his smile returned.
“Sure, see you then…” I turned and left, fighting a grin the whole way home.

I looked at the clock, 4:30. I had stopped to say hi to Ed before leaving school, then it had taken me longer to walk home than I had planned. I sprinted upstairs and jumped into the shower. 5 minutes later I was out and drying my hair with the hair dryer. I put on a skirt with leggings and a nice shirt, brushed my teeth quickly and ran back downstairs.

I was nervous as I reached Matt’s door. What if he really did like me? What was I going to do about it if he did? Did I like him back? So many questions swarmed in my head, I chickened out and turned to leave. But I didn’t really want to stand Matt up, even if it isn’t a date. Just two friends, hanging out. I whispered the words ‘don’t be a coward’ under my breath, turned and marched up the stairs, before hesitantly raising my hand and knocking. I heard someone moving inside and next thing I knew Matt was right there in front of me. Once he saw me a grin stretched along his face. I grinned back.

Matt cooked me spaghetti bolognaise, with his special ‘secret ingredient’ that he refused to tell me. It was actually very good, he was a pretty sweet cook.
“Thank you,” I said as he started clearing the table.
“Here, let me do the dishes,” I offered, I felt bad not helping.
“Na, I’ll do them later,” he smiled.
“Sure, sure,” I mumbled, and then suddenly smiled. I started saying that after I read the twilight books. It was something Jacob Black would always say. I guess it has kind of stuck with me. As much as I love Jacob, my loyalty was to Edward Cullen. He is just so… beautiful. Matt’s eyes are what I would picture Edward’s eyes would have been when he was a human. I yearned to stroke Edward’s cold, hard pale face. I grinned.
“What?” Matt asked, breaking my fantasy. I had forgotten about his existence.
“Oh nothing,” I continued grinning.
“Whatever,” he rolled his eyes, and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the living room. We sat on the couch and listened to music. I recognised the song immediately. Decode by Paramore was playing. I started singing along very quietly, hoping Matt wouldn’t notice.
“I’m guessing you like this song?” he smirked at me. Damn it, he noticed.
“Yes, I love this song,”
“Me too,” he grinned at me, and I grinned back.

Matt walked me home, and we now stood at my front door.
“Thank you for dinner Matt, it was alright,” I started teasing.
“Alright? That food was dang amazing!” he said enthusiastically.
“Sure, sure,” I laughed at him.
“Whatever. Thanks for coming over Kate. I had fun,” he grinned at me.
“Me too. I’ll see you on Monday,” I returned the grin, and turned walking inside my house.

Saturday wasn’t very eventful. I did my homework, finishing it all earlier than I had planned. I was soon out of things to do. I decided to clean my house. When I say clean, I mean full on cleaning. I spent hours mopping, vacuuming, scrubbing, straightening, name it. My house was soon so clean I could almost see my reflection in the bathroom floor tiles.

I slept well that night. I was cuddled up in my doona, hugging my teddy Jake.
 Next thing I knew it was 11 o’clock Sunday morning. I lay in bed for ages, not bothering to get up. I mean, why should I? I had nothing to do.
Once I found the energy I required to get out of bed, I went to the kitchen looking for food. I would need to go shopping again soon, the cupboards were practically empty. I frowned, and decided on some toast. The phone suddenly rang. I skipped over to it.
“Allo’ sweetheart!” Oh my god!
“Dad!!!” I yelled excitedly into the phone.
Dad chuckled, “I miss you Katey bear!” I laughed in return.
“I miss you too dad, when will you be coming home?” Just hearing his voice was magic. I love my dad so much. He isn’t just my father, he is also my best friend.
“That’s kind of the reason for me calling,” I could almost hear his grin.
“Oh?” I grinned into the phone.
“You know, Katey bear, I can actually hear the grin in your voice,” he chuckled.
“As I can hear yours,” I was still grinning.
“Like oh my god, we are SO in sync,” my dad said in a high pitched girly voice. I cracked up laughing right as he did.
“This is why- I love you dad,” I managed to say between laughs.
“Mmhm and you love me for my wallet, correct?” I heard him chuckle.
“You caught me,” I laughed again.
“I’ve missed your laugh Katey bear. But I’ll be hearing it again in a few hours,” I sobered up immediately.
“What do you mean?” I was excited. If he meant what I thought he meant then…
“I’m on my way to the airport now, sweetheart. I’m coming home!!” OH MY GOD!
“YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled into the phone.
“I know! Katey- hold on a sec, my other phone is ringing, I’ll call you back in 5,”
“Ok!” He hung up and I did a major happy dance. I was so into the dance it made me jump a foot in the air when the phone rang again.
“I’m back,” my father’s voice was dead. Something has happened.
“Dad? What’s wrong?”
“Your mother…”
“What happened to mum?!” I was panicking now.
“She tripped, fell down the stairs. The police just called then. I’m going back to talk to them. Sorry Katey, I won’t be home today afterall,” his voice cracked at the end of his sentence, and I went cold.
“Mum, is she…?”
“She didn’t make it Katey,” No. NO! I started crying and dad could hear it.
“Shh, shh, I’m sorry Katey,” I could hear his tears, in his heart-broken voice. “I have to go sweetie, I’ll call you soon,”
“Bye dad,” I collapsed on the floor then and there. Tears exploding from my eyes. My mother is dead, it’s hard to even think the words. Why did this happen?! Why wasn’t someone with her to catch her!? Sobs broke from my chest and I was curled in a ball on the floor. The phone was hanging off the hook, I hadn’t hung it back up.    

I stayed like that all night. Just curled in a ball, sobbing. I didn’t sleep at all.


Sad, I know :(

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