Chapter 11: Lost

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Tears streamed down my face as I ran from Matt. I hate him. I told him exactly why I don't go to the dances, but no he and my dad forced me to go anyway, and look what happend. I can't believe they would pour water and flour over me, I could already feel it drying in my hair and on my body. I don't know where I was running to, but I ran anyway. I just ran and ran without looking where I was. I wasn't going home, I wasn't going back to school and I wasn't going to Matt's. When I couldn't breathe I fell on my knees and sobbed, curling up in a ball, holding my knees to my chest trying to keep warm. Looking through the tears I saw that I'm in a park lying under a tree, but where the park is I have no idea, I crawled so i'm surrounded by the bushes, so if anyone was to walk by they wouldn't be able to see me. I wonder if anyone is looking for me, probably not yet, I don't know. I have no idea how much time has passed so I pulled my phone from my purse and saw that it was already 12 AM. I left the dance at 9, i've been gone for 3 hours. Dad and Matt are probablty freaking out by now, I don't know, or do I care. I'm just so tired I want to sleep. My phone started ringing, the caller I.D saying it was Matt, I let it ring, it stopped but then started again, and again, and again. Sometimes my dad tried but I ignored them too. Curling up I fell asleep, feeling more cold and alone than i've ever felt before.

The bright sunrise woke me from my light sleep. I started shivering when I realised I'm still just wearing my dress, and no jacket. I checked my phone and saw 50 missed calls, and 15 messages.

Kate, where are you? Matt

Kate, i'm so sorry I didn't know that would happen. Matt

Kate, answer me please!  Matt

I'm worried Kate, why won't you answer the phone? Matt

Andrew says you aren't at home, where the hell are you?! Matt

Katey bear, where are you? Dad

Come home sweetie. Dad

Where are you? Dad

They just keep going. I look around the park in hopes of finding some sign to indicate where I am, but I saw nothing, just some swings, a slide and trees. There is a street over there So i'll go check it out. I got up from the ground and started making my way over to the street. It didn't look familiar but I walked down it anyway. I walked for a little bit but then I fell. I scrunched my eyes up as the pain spread through my knee.
"Are you alright?" I heard some one ask, startled I looked up and saw a young man around Matt's age holding a hand out, an offer for him to help me up. I put my hand in his and let him pull me up.
"No," I tried not to cry.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
I nodded my head.
"Do you feel safe with me to come into my house? I won't hurt you or try anything, I promise." I thought this over, and nodded. He looks nice enough, he reminds me of Matt. He led me into his house and sat me on the couch. He draped a blanket over me and sat accross from me. I took him in. He has dirty blonde hair, brown eyes and he is pretty masculine. All in all he seems nice.
"Do you want to talk about it still?"
"Yes please," With a sigh I told him my story. I told him of my dad and Matt forcing me to go to the dance, the bashing a few weeks ago, the prank they pulled with the flour and water, running to Ed, Matt trying to talk to me, and me running away. He stayed silent all through the story until i'd finished, then he came to sit next to me, then he pulled me into a hug.
"You look like you could use a hug," I just nodded and cried.
"My name is Mike by the way," he smiled, rubbing his hand on my arm, trying to use friction to warm me a little.
"I'm Kate,"
"Nice to meet you Kate, is the Matt you keep referring to Matt Sparrow by any chance?" I tensed up and nodded. How the hell does he know Matt?!
"Matt's my best buddy, you babysat for him the other week so he could come have a drink with me. Remember?" I nodded again.
"Would you like to have a shower?"
"Yes please!" he chuckled a little then helped me up.
"I'll get you some clothes," he went up the stairs and returned a few minutes later with a handful of clothes.
"These are my sister's, so they should fit you, come on, i'll show you the bathroom," he smiled and took my hand, leading me upstairs.

Mike is so nice I can't even believe it. The clothes he gave me fit nicely and they are plain things which is good for me, just jeans and a t-shirt.. After having a long shower, and getting the flour out of my hair, I got dressed and exited the bathroom. I was in the hall and I could smell something nice coming from the kitchen. I was about to start walking down when I heard someone knock on the door. I hesitated as I heard Mike answer.
"Matt hey, what are you doing here?" My breathing stopped.
"Have you seen a girl around here in a black dress? Kate ran away and I don't know where she is," he sounded so tired and heart broken but right now I really hope Mike doesn't rat me out, because I can't face him yet.
"No sorry bro, haven't seen anyone," my breathing started again and I felt loads of gratitude for Mike. He really is great.
"Call me if you do ok?"
"Sure thing bro,"
"Mind if I use the bathroom real quickly?" My breathing stopped again and I started to panic.
"Sure, just wait here a sec, gotta clean it up, someone's dog ran in last night and made a massive mess in the bathroom, i'll just be a sec," I think I heard Matt mumble 'Ok," and I heard Mike coming up the stairs, he openned the bathroom door, but pulled me down the hall to a door where he pushed me in and whispered in my ear, "You owe me," he smiled slightly and closed the door. I heard him close the bathroom door and descend the stairs, not 5 seconds later I heard Matt walk up them. I hid behind the door just incase. 10 minutes later the door openned and I started to panic before I realised it was just Mike.
"Coast is clear,"
"Thank you so much Mike," I ran over to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and pulled me onto the bed.
"I guessed you didn't want to see him, that's why I didn't dob on you, but I really think you should call him, and your dad, before they go crazy, ok?" I thought this over and decided to call my dad...later.
"I'll call dad later," I mumbled.
"Matt too," I rolled my eyes and he laughed lightly.
"Come on, let's eat," he pulled me up and led me downstairs to the didning room.

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