Chapter 13: Making Up

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"Kate, seriously you have to talk to him." dad said to me as we sat at the table eating dinner. 
"I've tried, but he won't talk to me." I said, pushing my brocolli around my plate.
"Mike's been a good friend hasn't he?" he said after swallowing a piece of potato.
"Yeah, Mike's great," I smiled.
"He puts a smile n your face but not in your eyes Kate, i can see how much you miss him."
"He's one of my best friends dad. He was always there for me when I needed someone so yeah, I miss him. But as i've said, he won't talk to me." I felt my eyes watering up so I decided to go have a shower.
"Can I please go have a shower dad?"
"Sure Katey Bear, i'll do the dishes."
"Thanks." I pushed away from the table and made my way into the bathroom. After a long hot shower to calm me down and wash my tear away I looked in the mirror. My wet hair clung to my face and I had little water droplets on my nose, lips and cheeks. But my eyes. They were red and puffy from crying, but when i looked into them I didn't see me anymore. I saw a black hole. I miss Matt so much it hurts.

I have to clear my head, so I put on my loose pants and top and went downstairs.
"Dad, i'm going for a walk." I said as I hit the bottom stair.
"Ok, got your phone?"
"Yep. See you later." I excited the house and started walking down the street with my headphones in. I put it on shuffle and listenned to whatever came on. Twilight: The Score came on and I let the calming classical music calm me, and relax me. It was working well. I reached the park and sat on the swing. I just sat there, not really swinging or moving, just being a motionless statue. After sitting there for about 10 minutes I decided to go home, but just as I stood up I heard the sound of an approach. I put away my headphones and prepared myself for whatever was coming towards me. The steps got faster and faster until I saw a silhuette not far from me.
"Um, hello?"
"Kate?" The far too familiar voice asked.
"What are you doing here?" as he stepped closer in the limited light there was I could just see his face. He looked tired.
"Walking. Why are you here?"
"Oh, well cool." We stood in an awkward silence for a few minutes until I broke it.
"Well, it was nice seeing you," Nicer than you know. "I'll see you on monday." I turned to leave but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He pulled me into a hug and for a second I was speechless but then I recovered and hugged him back.
"I'm so sorry Kate." He whispered into my hair as he hugged me.
"No Matt, i'm sorry."
"I think we should talk, will you come back to my house?" He took a step back from me but kept his hands on my arms.
"Um, sure. Yeah let's go." We started walking back to Matt's house in silence so I got out my phone and texted dad.
Ran into a certain someone at the park. Going back to his house to talk. Be home soon. -Kate

It only took him a second to reply.

Alright sweetie see you soon. -Dad 

When we reached Matt's house I stepped aside so he could unlock it. He gestured for me to enter first so I did, and I sat on the couch in the lounge room.
"Would you like a drink?" he asked.
"Yes please," I nodded then layed my head back on the couch and closed my eyes.
"Tired are we?" I openned my eyes to see Matt smirking at me, with a glass of cold water in his hand. 
"A little," I smiled a little smile then he handed me my water.
"Can I ask you something Matt?" I decided to get straight into it.
"Yeah sure."
"Does it bother you that Mike and I are friends?"
"No, it doesn't. It's good that you've found another friend."
"Then why-"
"Why was I so mad at you two? Because you lied to me. I was such a mess when I went to his house looking for you, I thought i'd lost  you forever. And you hid from me. He lied to me. It just really got to me. He nows how I feel about you and-"
"How do you feel about me?" His eyes widenned and he froze. When h recovered he replied,
"That's a conversation for another time." I laughed a little and agreed.
"SO you don't mind that Mike and I are friends, just that we lied to you?"
"That's correct. You guys are.. just friends right?" he looked nervous.
"Yeah, of course we are. Why would you think we were anything more?"
"Well, on a few occasions i've seen him dropping you at home late, and i've seen him come tothe school and hugging you and I don't know I just thought..." he shrugged and i tried not to laugh. This isn't the time for laughing. I just find it funny that he thought that because it's HIM I like. Not Mike.
"No, no no Matt. He's just a friend. A few times we've gone out for some food, or gone to karaoke or something just to hang out, that's why I came home late sometimes. And he came to school when I asked him to come pick me up, or I told him I couldn't take it anymore. Because seeing you everyday but not being able to smile at you or laugh with you or even TALK to you was killing me. It's been really hard for me without you. Because you are my best friend." I looked down at my hands as I said this, I just played with my fingers.
"I'm really your best friend?" I looked up to see a smile on his face.
"Yeah," I smiled in response.
 "You're mine too." his smile stretched into a larger one and I saw the light in his eyes flick back on. He pulled me over to him and I hugged the hell out of him.
"You should sleep over tonight Bestie." he said before laughing.
"Sure, if you want." I grinned and stood up.
"Where are you going?"
"To ask dad and get some pj's. I'll text you in a few minutes." I grinned and left.

"Dad! I'm home! We made up! I'm so happy!" I said as I bounced into the living room.
"I'm glad Katey Bear. You definatelt look happy," he chuckled and gestured for me to come over. I sat down next to him and he put his arm around me and hugged me.
"Hey dad? Matt invited me to have a sleep over at his house tonight. Is that ok?"
"Sure honey, you head on over now. I'm gonna hit the sack." he yawned then laughed with me.

Agent Teddy this is Agent Bear come in. Mission sleepover is going ahead. I repeat, mission sleep over is a go. Rendeveur in 20 minutes. The secret knock is- knock. knock kncok. knock. knock knock kncok. Over and out. 
I laughed at my message as I sent it. I grabbed my bag and put some pj's in it, with a few movies such as the lion king, and all Johnny Depp movies I own. I quickly changed into my other pair of black loose pants and a slightly nicer t-shirt, before grabbing my phone and wallet and keys and exiting the building. I skipped over to my besties house and knock on the door with the secret knock I told him in the text message.
Knock. knock knock. knock. knock knock knock. With in seconds agent Teddy openned the door, grabbed my bag threw it on the couch and dragged me to his car.
"Agent Teddy what-"
"Quiet Agent Bear. We have to go now. The cupboards are empty and we need food. Hurry agent, in the car now." he whispered and pushed me gently in the direction of the car.
"Understood Agent Teddy." as soon as we were both seated in the car we both cracked up laughing so much.
"That was awesome,"
"I know. I've always wanted to be a secret agent and now I have. Woop!" we kept laughing until we made it to the store in the next town. Even though it's already dark you never know who is working. We filled the trolley with lots of junk food and soft drinks before paying at the register and loading the car.
"Why is my agent name Teddy?" he asked as we pulled out of the supermarket carpark.
"Because you give amazing hugs like a Teddy bear," I grinned at him and he did too.
"So you think I give amazing hugs do you?"
"Yeah, yours are better than Mikes. I mean Mike gives good hugs too, but not as good as yours." He grinned again and laughed.
"And why are you Agent bear?"
"Mostly because my dad always calls me Katey Bear. And when I was a kid I used to think I was a bear." I blushed and looked out the window, hoping he wouldn't see how red my cheeks are.
"Maybe you should be agent Tomato with the colour your cheeks are," he smiled and I cursed under my breath. He saw them.
"No, i'm Agent Bear."
"Okey dokey," we laughed and talked and joked the whole car ride until we made it back to Matt's house.

"What do you want to watch?"
"Have you seen the alien movies?" he asked.
"No, I haven't."
"Do you want to?"
"Sure, make it so number 1." he laughed and put the movie in. I openned the chips and started eating them when Matt sat down next to me and took a handfull. I leaned against his side as I used to as we watched many movies. We ate and laughed and smiled and I was happy. So happy to have my best friend back. 

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