Chapter 6: The sleepover

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I reluctantly knocked on his front door. I was ready to tell him. He opened the door and a smile spread onto his face when he saw me. But his smile disappeared immediately when he saw my eyes, and saw the tears that were still there.

"I’m ready to talk, Matt." I said confidently before looking forward and meeting his eyes.


He smiled and gestured with his hand for me to enter.
I smiled back at him.

We sat together on his couch, and I was searching for my words, trying to decide how to say this.
Matt just waited patiently for me, just sitting and looking at me. I sighed and started.
"The other week, when I became really sad and depressed, it was because… my mother…had died…" small tears began collecting in my eyes, but I wiped them away.
"Oh Kate, that’s horrible," he pulled me into his chest and I hugged him back.
"What happened?" he whispered.
"She tripped, falling down the stairs, she broke, her neck," I heard his quiet gasp before he continued to rub my back soothingly.
"That’s what I dream about every night, I watch as she falls, I sometimes hear her screaming my name as she falls, then I just stare into her cold dead eyes as she lays there dead at the bottom of the stairs," I said quietly.
"I'm so sorry Kate, I wish you had told me this sooner, I could have helped more," he said, looking into my eyes.
"When you came over the other day, and I was in that dress, I was," I sighed, "getting ready to go to the funeral, it was after the funeral when I was sitting on the couch with my dad, that we spoke about it, and about you."”
"Me?" he asked.
"Yes, he asked if I was alone, because he knows I don’t have friends, but I said no. I told him about you, everything, that you are my teacher, that you care for me, and he said I should tell you, about my mum. It wasn’t until then that I realised how real it all is. Today when I dropped him to the airport, and wrote a poem I realised that I needed a hug, and I realised that I had to tell you, I’m sorry I was so weak, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I just… didn’t grasp at how very real it was. I couldn’t find the words," I said, looking at the floor.
"Kate, I’m just glad you have told me now. I don’t blame you for finding it difficult to find the words to express it, and I’m glad you told your father about me" he smiled at me.
  "Thanks for listening Matt, it feels good getting it off my chest," I smiled kindly at him, and his smile became a grin.
"You are very welcome Kate, I’m happy you found it in you to trust me with this, it means a lot to me," he looked deep into my eyes.
"AHA! A brilliant idea!" he announced loudly, making me jump. He laughed.
"Um, yeah? What is this brilliant idea you have?" I was curious now, he could tell. He started wiggling his eyebrows at me, and I laughed.
"No chance mate," I said laughing.
"You have such a dirty mind Kate, I wasn’t suggesting THAT!" he cracked up laughing again, literally rolling off the couch on the floor.
"Yeah, I know," I said with a grin, and winked at him. This made us both crack up, and soon I was on the floor with him. Once we had sobered up, we sat back on the couch, and he clicked his fingers.
"Oh yeah, my brilliant idea! I forgot," he grinned, I laughed.
"That’s right, please share," I gestured with my hands.
"You should stay here tonight, we can have a movie marathon to cheer you up!" he grinned.
"You want me to stay at my teacher’s house?" I said seriously, trying very hard not to start smiling and laughing like I was on the inside.
"Nope, I want you to stay at your FRIEND’S house, for a sleepover, forget I’m your teacher, tonight I’m just your friend," He said with a grin.
"That sounds… Awesome! I’d love to. Do you realise I haven’t gone to a sleep over since I was like, 5? And that was only because my mother forced me to," I said with a laugh.
"Really? That’s crazy!" he started laughing.
"Well, I’ve never had any real friends, I’ve always been the weird freak, and I have accepted that, and shrugged it off. Who wants to be normal when you can be weird? Seriously!" I started smiling.
"You’re right, weird people are way better," we started laughing.

"Just let me run home and pack a bag, do I need to bring anything specific? Or just clothes and what not?" I asked Matt, who was stretched out on his couch.
"Just clothes will be fine, oh and any movies you want to watch," he said casually. Oh I know what I’ll bring… TWILIGHT SAGA!! Hell yes!
"“Sure, sure," I turned and ran home. Laughing the whole way, like the loser I am. I ran to my room, and grabbed my pj’s, spare bra and undies, jeans and a shirt for tomorrow. Then just before leaving I put the entire twilight saga in my bag, I wouldn’t make him watch all of them… Nah who am I kidding, of course I would!

Just as I was leaving the phone rang.

All I could hear was deep, heavy breathing coming from the other end of the phone.
"Um, who is this?" Still just breathing, and then…
"Luke, I am your father," right then, and right there I fell on the floor, and started laughing my ass off! In the process of falling, I managed to knock my hip and leg on the table, it hurt, but oh well, I am laughing too much to actually care.
"What the hell dad! You scared the hell out of me!" I heard dad chuckle.
"Oh, I know," he was laughing again.
"Whatever. Why did you call me Luke?" I asked.
"Well, if you were a boy, your name was going to be Luke, just so I could say that, but then instead we got a girl, oh well. I suppose you’re alright…"”
He chuckled.“"I’m just kidding Katey Bear, I love you. But your name was seriously going to be Luke, so I could say that," His tone was completely serious. I laughed at his seriousness.
"That is so you dad! Ha anyway, I’m guessing you landed safely then?" I was still laughing slightly.
"Yepparoo! Landed safe and sound. Just in the taxi to my hotel. How’s it hanging over there?"”
"Good, good. I told Matt, he was very kind and supportive. Actually I’m staying at his place tonight; you don’t mind do you…?" I was cautious now. I’m telling my dad I’m staying at my MALE teacher’s house!
"Sure Katey, just be careful. Why are you going there though?" he sounded quite curious.
"Well, I was upset after telling him, so he invited me for a sleepover, movie marathon to cheer me up. Tonight we’re forgetting he’s my teacher, just for now, he’s my friend," I said with a smile.
"That’s great sweetheart! I have to go, but call me tomorrow when you get home."”
 "Sure," I said with a smile.
"Goodnight Katey Bear!" I hung up and wandered over to Matt’s, with a limp from my earlier fall.

"What happened to your leg?" Matt asked after letting me in, he must have noticed my limp.
"I fell," maybe he would have left it at that, but I started laughing again, and stumbled into the wall.
"I must say Kate, it’s good to see you laughing, but I am DYING to know what has made you laugh like this."”
"Phone-breathing-Luke-father-fell!" I said during my laughs.
"Didn’t quite catch that," he started chuckling.

I sobered up and explained it to him, soon he was laughing with me. My hip started really hurting so I rubbed it a little, but it didn’t help.
"Kate? What’s wrong?"”
"My hip, oh that’s right, I hit it on the table when I fell earlier," I smiled. Matt sighed.
"Let me look,"”
"Do I have to?"”
"Yes," I sighed and lifted my shirt slightly, which revealed the nasty looking bruise on my hip.
All I did was laugh.
"What’s so funny this time?"”
"I don’t know, I just laugh a lot when I hurt myself. Don’t ask me why, like I’ve already told you, I am a strange person," I said with a few laughs still coming.
"What am I going to do with you?" he was very amused with my little laughing fit.
He gave me some ice for the bruise and turned to me.
"Let’s go buy food!" he said with lots of excitement.
"Hell yes!"”

We drove to the next town, so no one would see us, and an hour later, we arrived back to his house, with a LOT of yummy food!
"What are we watching?"”
"Well, I brought a few movies I thought we could watch…" I tried not to grin, but failed completely!
"And that is…?"”
"I’m going to change into my PJ’s first, you should too!"”
"Fine," once we were changed, he asked again about the movie.
"Not telling, sit down, and close your eyes!"”
"Do it!"”
"Fine," he sat down covering his eyes with his hands. But since I didn’t trust him not to look, I grabbed a scarf from my bag and tied it around his eyes.
"Is the scarf really necessary Kate?" he was obviously trying not to smile. My simple reply was, "Yup." I giggled as I retrieved the first twilight movie from my bag, and put it in. Once it started I removed the blindfold.
"What is this?" I simply pointed to the screen, which in the next second showed its title.
"Twilight? Really?"”
"Yes!!" I started grinning and jumping up and down. He sighed again. I grabbed the salt and vinegar chips, and opened them, shoving them into my mouth. He joined me.
"Look at that sexy god! Edward Cullen is just so… AMAZING!! I wish I had Edward! Bella is so lucky!"”
"You don’t need him, you’ve got me!" he said, winking.
"Are you a vampire?"”
"Are you sweet and caring?"”
"But do you want to drink my blood?"”
"Sorry Matt, you’re no Edward," I smiled and turned my attention back to Edward. Truth be told I was lying slightly. Matt is definitely good looking and caring enough to be my Edward, but my feelings for him are already confused, and he’s my teacher, so no matter how I feel, it’s illegal, and can’t happen.

We didn’t watch anymore twilight movies tonight, he insisted that it was his turn to choose the next one, and like I did before, he blindfolded me. I just shrugged it off, and waited.

When he removed it, I saw what movie he put in. I started grinning.
"Nice choice man!" I said with a chuckle.
"This movie is THE BOMB!"”
"It so is!"”
"I’ve loved this movie since I was a kid!"”
"Me too! I mean really, who doesn’t love Rugrats in Paris?!"”

After watching heaps of movies, I looked up to the clock. 3:30 AM.
"Tired?" I asked.
"Nope!"  He said and then chuckled.
"Well unless you want to watch more twilight movies, what do you wanna do?"”
"Hmm," he put his hand on his chin, thinking. "Well, I would like to know more about you. 20 questions?" He asked.
"Sure! You first!"”
"Hmm, when is your birthday?" he asked.
"5th September! Yours?"”
"17th June," We both smiled.
"What do you like doing in your free time?" I asked.
"Hmm, well, I enjoy reading, watching movies, eating, sleeping, walking, and having fun with friends. What about you Kate?"”
"Well, in my free time, I read a lot, watch movies sometimes, do homework, joke around with my dad, when he’s here, sometimes I like going for walks, and I sleep as much as possible, and well, there is something I do almost every weekend…" I looked away blushing. Matt saw the blush, and of course wouldn’t shut up until I told him.
"Come on! What is it?"”
"Gah! Whatever, I build a fort and write poems in there, as well as eat and sleep. Basically I build a fort and I live in it all weekend, only coming out to get more food, or go to the bathroom, shower and what not,"”
"That is pretty cool Kate, don’t be embarrassed about it. I love building forts! I prefer doing it with someone though, maybe sometime we can build a fort together?" he asked with a smile.
"Yes! That would be awesome!" I grinned.

We played 20 questions for a while, until I drifted off to sleep. I was in a half sleeping half awake state when I felt some one carrying me, I ignored it and went back to sleep.
I didn’t have the nightmare tonight. I dreamt I was in Bella and Edward’s meadow, but it was Matt and I. I was laying in his arms, and we were surrounded by the beauty of the meadow, we just stared into each other’s eyes.

I woke and didn’t know where I was. I panicked and looked around, before recalling last night. I must be in Matt’s bed. I relaxed, and got up.
Still in my shorts and singlet, I wondered downstairs, where I found Matt sitting on his couch, flipping through the channels.
"Morning," I said as I walked over and sat next to him.
"Morning sleepy head,"”
"You’re just in time for lunch," he chuckled. I looked at the clock, and sure enough it was lunch time.
"Sorry," Suddenly something occurred to me.
"Matt, where did you sleep?"”
"Couch," he said.
"You didn’t have to do that, you should have slept in your own bed, I would have had the couch." I said.
"Don’t worry about it, you were already asleep, using me as a pillow, I might add, "he stopped to chuckle," and you looked tired, so I was a gentleman and let you have the bed. I didn’t mind the couch anyway, don’t worry," he smiled warmly.
"Alright," I said with a small smile, and a small blush. I was using him as a pillow!
"Hungry?" he asked.
"Not really, after all the food we had last night I think I’m good," I chuckled.

I spent the day at Matt’s house. We actually built a fort and it was awesome! I had so much fun it was unbelievable! My weekends usually consist of me doing homework and cleaning, but this time I got to have a movie marathon and build a fort with my only friend! Well only friend who isn’t a tree…
"I think I should go now, there is something I want to do," I said to Matt, smiling.
"Oh alright, but we should do this again sometime Kate, it was awesome!" he grinned.
"Absa-freaking-loutely!" I said and started laughing.
"Good!" he started grinning.

I walked home to change into something more comfortable, and grab my notebook and pen. I threw on a pair of comfy track pants, and a comfy t-shirt, chucking my notebook and pen in a small bag before walking down to the school. I looked at the clock on my way out of the house, it read 3:45. I have 1 hour and 15 minutes until sunset.

I sat against Ed and grinned.
"Ed my man! How’s it hanging?"”
"That’s good! I’m glad you’re happy!"”
"Oh what’s that? You have a crush? On who?!" Ed has a crush! And I’m going to find out who!
"That tree right there? I’ll be right back!" I ran over to the other tree, introduced myself, and she told me her name is Ella. Ed and Ella, so cute! I ran back to Ed and told him her name.

After playing cupid for a while I sat down and pulled out my note book.

Grass is beautiful, it feels no pain,
I remember when I wished to be grass.
When my loved one left forever, to feel no pain was all I asked.
But I wasn’t grass, no I was human,
I felt the pain, and I felt the cold,
I suffered for weeks, having no one to tell,
that is until recently, when I found my friend.
I’ve opened up, I’ve told him everything,
I admitted that I am weak.
But he stayed with me, and joked with me,
he made me happy and he made me feel loved.
I know he is there for me, and I am there for him,
I no longer wish to be grass,
I wish to be a caterpillar.

I finished my poem and smiled before reading it. When I write I don’t think, my hands do. So when I finish I do not know what I have written. I was slightly surprised when I read that I wish to be a caterpillar. But I mean, really who wouldn’t? Caterpillars are awesome and beautiful. Gosh, I really am weird… I put my note book away and smiled before closing my eyes and resting my head on Ed. I do this every time I am happy. I haven’t done it for a while, as you know why, but it feels good to do it again. The sun was setting but I stayed where I was. I don’t want to move yet, I’m happy just being here alone.

I woke suddenly and looked at my phone, it read 10 o’clock. Oh fudge! I fell asleep, for 5 hours! I jumped up and made sure I had everything before running towards my house. Since it was so dark I wasn’t really paying much attention to the ground, so next thing you know I’m tripping over my own god damn feet and face-planting the foot path. I groaned from the pain but then continued going home.

I looked in my mirror and saw my face. I had a big graze along my cheek and a sore elbow too. I cleaned it and went to bed, to prepare myself for school tomorrow.

*Beep beep beep*
God damn alarm clock. Go away!

But it didn’t. No instead it just kept beeping until I punched it, then it shut up.

I got ready for school at a slow pace, I decided I would drive today, since it is so cold, so I don’t have to leave so early. My cheek is still pretty bad, but what can I do? I don’t have any make up, I threw it out after the funeral. I don’t like it anyway, and it reminded me of my mum, she would wear it almost every day.
So with nothing to cover the graze, I decided to just try to hide it with my hair. I managed to cover about half of it, I just hoped no one would pay too much attention to me.

Once at school I went to my locker to gather my books. I was about to leave when my name was called over the P.A calling me to the office.

"Hello? I was just called here…" the office lady looked at me.
"What’s your name, dear?" she wasn’t old, but I’d say she’s maybe in her 40’s? She looks good though, red hair, blue eyes and she was wearing a nice officey skirt and blouse ensemble.
"Kate Masen,"”
"Ah yes, Kate. As you know P.E is only compulsory for 1 semester, however, the principal has asked me to pull you out of the P.E class, he knows you don’t like it, and as I know, you two are fairly close. So would you rather stay there, or change into a different class, Kate?" Mr Jim McGuire, the principal was my permanent babysitter when I was younger, I would live with him when my parents were away, so naturally I grew very close to Jim and his wife Martha.
"I’d like to change please. What options do I have?"”
"Well, writers workshop/creative writing, or there is music, or art," she smiled at me, waiting for my decision. Don’t do it Kate, you’ll be embarrassed… Oh well, I’m gonna do it!
"WRITER’S WORKSHOP, I CHOOSE YOU!" I even stepped back and pretended to throw an invisible poke ball. Gosh I’m such a loser. The office lady laughed lightly at me, and then agreed, handing me my new time table.
"I’ll call the teacher and tell him you’re coming,"”
"Thank you," I said walking away with my head high.

I entered my writer’s workshop class a little late, due to my encounter at the office, so as I stepped in I was greeted by the teacher.
"Ah Miss Masen, I heard you were joining this class," I heard a smirk in his voice. A voice that I recognise. I looked up to see Matt standing at the white board, smirking at me.
"Um, yes. Sorry I’m late sir," I said that and made my way to a seat in the middle of the room.
"Just don’t do it again," he said to me, then he started speaking to the entire class. "Alright, today we’re doing a free choice. I want you to write either a short story or a poem, you can choose a topic, but I want something good! Alright, start thinking!" he said enthusiastically, before turning and sitting at his desk, looking around the class. I closed my eyes and thought,  but couldn’t think of anything, so instead I just did what I usually do, let my hands do the thinking.

His eyes so soft, so green, like trees,
Trees are beautiful, as is he.
He does the impossible, who knows how,
but he makes me happy even when I’m down.
When I’m feeling so low, he makes me rise up,
he makes me smile, he makes me blush.
Our love is forbidden, like Romeo and Juliet,
We cannot be together, but maybe there is hope yet.
I cannot tell him my feelings,
I cannot tell him why.
I love him and want him but we can never be,
why would he ever want to be with someone like me?

I blinked, coming back to reality, only to see the entire classroom empty, except for me and Matt.
"Zoned out did you Kate?" Matt smirked at me.
"Oh, yeah, sorry," I smiled slightly.
"What did you write?"”
"A poem,"”
"Can I read it?" I quickly skimmed over the page, reading what I had written, my eyes widening in shock.
"Why not?"”
"I er, haven’t proof read it yet…" He cannot know what I wrote about him!
"I don’t mind, let me read it," he smiled. I shook my head.
"Fine, what happened to your face?"”
"I tripped,"”
He just shook his head.
"I have to go, I’ll talk to you later," I bolted out of the room before he could ask for my work again. There is no way I’m handing that up, and there is no way he will be reading it! Ever!


That’s another chapter done! I hope it was good!

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