Chapter 7: Awww, I'm an Aunty, well... sort of

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"Why don't you sit with me Kate?" his calm voice whispered seductivly. I looked into his gold eyes and saw love, and adoration.
"Of course," I spoke in a shy yet strangely confident voice.
"Come here," he lifted me swiftly off the couch where I had just sat down next to him, placing me on his lap. My cheeks flamed, he slowly leaned in, kissing my neck, making me feel things i've never felt before.
His mouth moved from my neck to my lips, the feeling was unbelievable. The way our lips molded together, yet as satisfying as this was, it was missing something...
"Edward," I mumbled between kisses, openning my eyes to look into his beautiful gold eyes. As I stared into them they started to change, they were no longer gold, but a beautiful green, his face changing slightly, until I was no longer sitting on Edward's lap, staring into his eyes, but instead, it was Matt.
"I love you Kate," Matt whispered into my ear, trailing kisses from my ear to the corner of my lips.
"I love you too, Matt," and with that I turned my head, pressing my lips against Matt's. The feeling was much the same as with Edward, but the sparks flew and and my lips molded perfectly with his, this time though, it felt complete.


Matt pulled away  to get the door.
"No Matt, stay, please?" He drifted away until all that was left was-


My eyes flew open as I woke from my dream. Wow, that was some dream, I blushed remembering the way Matt's lips had felt against mine. If that was what it's like kissing him in a dream, imagine wha it would be in real li- Kate, stop it, he's your TEACHER! And your friend!


Oh, I should probably answer the door. Dragging myself from the comfort and warmth of my bed, I cursed whoever was making me get up this early, although I have no idea what time it is.


"I'M COMING!" I yelled, peeved at the mysterious person. Pulling it open I demanded, "What do you want?" without even looking to see who it was. But when a low chuckle reached my ears my head shot up and my eyes met with those beuatiful green ones that belong to Matt. remembering the dream my cheeks flamed, and I turned crimson.

"Did you just wake up?" he asked, still chuckling.
"No, I was just WOKEN up. What time is it?" Glancing down at his watch he spoke,
"2:45," My eyes widenned and I turned to look at my own clock, surely his is wrong. Glancing at my clock it too read 2:45. Shite!
"Oh my god... That's awesome! Wait, it is weekend right?" I suddenly wasn't so sure of what day it was.
With a chuckle Matt answered, "Yes, saturday."
"Good," I said in relief, "So what DO you want?" I asked with a smile.
"A favour,"
"Oh really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Please please please babysit Tom for me!"
"Why can't you?"
"I have another teachers meeting soon, then i'm going out drinking with a buddy of mine, he's down for the weekend. Please, Tom loves you!"
"What if I have plans?" I teased, sticking my tounge out at him.
He just looked me straight in the eyes, and rose one eyebrow.
"Alright so I don't have any plans... You owe me big time," I replied with a smile.
"Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!" He started jumping around, then he grabbed me in a bone crushing hug.
"Matt-can't breathe!" he put me down, and held me at arms length. I bounced a little bit, then blushed so much i'm surprised I didn't turn into a tomato. I'm not wearing a bra. Matt saw my face, and laughed.
"Why are you blushing? You look like a tomato," He continued laughing, I just unsuspiciously, crossed my arms over my chest, and hoped he wouldn't notice.
"Oh, um, no reason," I looked away, trying to stop another blush.
"Sure kate,  tell me!"
"Nope, not gonna happen! When are you bringing Tom over?" I asked in an attempt to change the topic.
"Well, i've got him now... so now?" he pouted his lower lip, and gave me the most adorable puppy dog face I have ever seen, in my entire existance.
"You are so adorable when you pull that face Matt!" I cracked a smile, he chuckled in response.
"I know," he replied, winking.
"I can take Tom now, but you'll have to sit down here with him for like, 15 minutes whilst I shower and get dressed, ok?"
"Sure, I'll just go get him."
"Just bring him in, and wait in the living room. I'll be in the bathroom."

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