Chapter 3: Forever alone

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I answered the door and saw two police officers. There was an older officer and a younger good looking officer. The older looking one spoke to me.
“Are you Miss Masen?” he asked.
“Yes, what’s going on?” I asked them curiously.
“Is everything alright? Your mother informed us before she left that you would be alone, we’re just making sure you are alright,” the officer smiled.
“Yes, thank you I’m fine,” I replied with a small smile.
“I’m glad to hear it. Call us if you have any problems, you know the number,” the young officer winked at me. I laughed.
“Don’t mind Jeff, he’s new to the force,” the older looking officer said whilst rolling his eyes.
“Sure sure, thanks for coming. I have dinner cooking, so I should go. Bye,” I closed the door with a smile and returned to the stove to finish cooking dinner.

After dinner I cleaned up and decided to have a cup of tea. I was thinking about my parents, and how they had actually asked the police to check in on me, to make sure I’m ok. How sweet. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I wasn’t paying attention to the kettle that now held boiling water, without realising it I poured the boiling water all over my arm.
“OW!” I screamed and ran to the sink; I put my arm under the cold water, trying to hide the burn. The cold water helped, but as soon as I moved my arm, it hurt like a b*tch. Only me. With a sigh I placed a wet cloth on my arm, and went to change for bed. I dressed carefully in my cotton shorts and tank top, and then just before climbing into bed I re-wet the cloth.

I didn’t sleep well at all. Every time I moved, my arm suddenly burned.

When I woke at 6:30 I went to the bathroom and checked my arm. Removing the cloth I gasped quietly. My arm was red, with blisters all over it. It still hurt to move. Today is gonna be great! *Note sarcasm*. With a sigh I got in the shower, my arm burning with the slightest warmth, I had to have a cold shower.

After dressing for school I dug out the first aid kit, grabbing the burn-aid cream, covering my wound. I covered my arm in a bandage to keep the air off it; I covered it with my school cardigan, and threw the cream in my bag. Grabbing my lunch on the way, I left for school.

I looked at my watch when I arrived. I was early. Strange, school doesn’t start for another half hour. Oh well, I’ll go talk to Ed.

“Hey Ed!” I spoke whilst sitting against him.
We spoke for a while before I decided to go and get my stuff from my locker. Once I opened my locker I grabbed my books and turned to leave, running into a wall. What the? I looked around and saw that I had turned left instead of right, and since my locker was right near the end, next to the wall, I smacked right into it. My arm is now blazing under the bandage, and my face hurts. I place my fingers on my upper lip, and notice my fingers are now a shining red. I ran to the girl’s bathroom, grabbing some toilet paper, holding it to my nose. I let out a sigh of frustration. Yesterday, I burn my arm with boiling water, and today, I walk into a friggin’ wall, causing my arm to blaze and get a nose bleed. I wonder what will happen tomorrow. When the bell went announcing homeroom was starting, I stayed where I was, until my nose stopped bleeding. Once it stopped I flushed the paper down the toilet and ran to class.

“Miss Masen, you’re late,” Mr Sparrow said turning to look at me.
“Sorry Sir,” I mumbled.
“Care to explain why?”
“Well I-“ I was cut off by the bell ringing.
“You can tell me in lunch time, detention Miss Masen.”
“No buts, see you at lunch,” he walked out with a smile on his pretty little face. God friggin’ damn it! I kicked the wall, and yelped out in pain. My foot had hit it at a bad angle! With a growl, I limped out of class and towards the gym.

When lunch came, not only was my arm still blazing, but my foot was still hurting, and my walking into a wall has given me a lovely headache to top things off. With a sigh, I stepped into the class room to serve my detention. He wasn’t here yet, so I took a seat towards the middle of the room, and put my headphones in. Some nice music will make me feel better.
I was listening to ‘flightless bird, American mouth’ by Iron and wine when the door opened and in stepped Mr Sparrow.

“Ah, Miss Masen, you came,” he smiled at me.
“Yep,” I said, popping the P. He just chuckled at me, taking a seat in front of me, sitting on the chair backwards.
“Now tell me, why were you late this morning?” he tilted his head a little to the side. It was pretty dang cute!
“I don’t want to tell you,” I told him, a light blush colouring my face.
“You have no choice,” the look on his face told me he was completely serious. With a sigh, I answered his question.
“Iwalkedintoawallgivingmyselfableedingnose…” I quietly whispered. This was embarrassing.
“Sorry, what was that?” he has an amused look in his eyes. I sighed.
“I walked into a wall this morning, giving myself a bleeding nose. I was in the bathroom waiting for it to stop bleeding,” I looked at my desk. He laughed suddenly.
“Why on earth did you walk into a wall?” He managed to say between laughs. I just ignored him.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t be laughing,” he said, looking me in the eyes. A hint of amusement still present in those glowing green eyes of his. Suddenly my arm blazed, and I took my hand to rub it, trying to rub away the pain. Mr Sparrow noticed the bandage that was only just visable underneath my cardiagan. He carefully grabbed my arm, pulling the cardigan out of the way, and looking at my arm.
“What did you do to your arm?” his eyes were now full of concern.
I just stared at my desk, not wanting to embarrass myself anymore.
“Kate?” I made the mistake of looking into his eyes, lost in the depth of them, I started telling him about my arm.
“I was making a cup of tea last night, I wasn’t paying attention to the boiling water in the kettle, and I um, poured it over my arm,” I mumbled, dropping my gaze as my cheeks flamed.
“May I?” he asked, pointing to the bandage. But before I could answer, he was un-wrapping the bandage. He gasped quietly when he saw how bad the burns are.
“Kate, you need to see the nurse. Come on,”
“But sir-“
“No, come on.” Leaving no room for questions, he pulled me out of my chair and out of the room to the nurse’s office. I grabbed my bag on the way through.
“Ms Kelly, Miss Masen has a terrible burn on her arm, she got it last night and I saw it just then, it is really bad and needs urgent assistance,” I just stayed quiet whilst Matt explained to the nurse. Suddenly she was right there examining my arm.
“Oh my,” she said, shaking her head.
“Really, I’m fine-“
“Nonsense dear, come on, sit down and I’ll see what I can do,” and with that she started tending to my burns.

I had to stay there ALL DAY. Stupid nurse wouldn’t let me leave. I sighed, she’s not really stupid, and she’s just looking out for me. With a grumble I started walking in the direction of my house.

Suddenly a roar of thunder sounded from the grey sky, and not two seconds later, the rain pelted down. Using my backpack as an umbrella I started running. I was still a fair way away from my house, the rain still pounding when suddenly a car pulled up next to me.
“Want a ride?” I recognised Matt’s voice.
“Sure,” I climbed in.

For the car ride, we mostly sat in a comfortable silence.  When we pulled up, I invited him inside.
“Sure,” he responded with a smile.

I made us some tea, being very careful with the kettle. When I sat it in front of him, he seemed to be lost in thought.
“Um, Matt?” suddenly his eyes met mine, and all I could do was stare at him. Like the true idiot I am.
“Mm?” he asked innocently.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” he responded with a smile. Dazzled beyond belief, I stumbled into the arm chair. What the hell, he is my teacher, but he was just so nice to me.
“You going to the social this weekend?” he asked, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Nope,” I said, popping the P. He chuckled.
“Why not?”
“What’s the point? It’s not like I have any friends or anything, no date, no nothing. So why waste my time going to some stupid dance thing to watch people grinding against each other, when I can stay at home, and actually have fun?”
“Fair point, I’m not going either. Not very appealing to me. How come you don’t have friends at the school?” he asked, cocking his head slightly to the side.
“No-one likes me. I’m the plain looking nerd, who has no social life, likes twilight, is best friends with a tree, and will die forever alone with my cats,” I stated. Matt chuckled.
“No Kate, you are the opposite of plain. I don’t see why no-one likes you. You’re beautiful, smart, caring, funny and very kind. What’s not to like? And by the way, I seriously doubt you’ll die forever alone with your cats,” he chuckled, flicking my nose. Was he… flirting with me? No. Surely not. I knew it wasn’t true, but I still hoped it was. Oh my god. I have a crush on my teacher. My teacher who happens to be sitting with me in my house.
Turning my head away so he couldn’t see my blush, I responded to his words.
“Well, thank you Matt, but I’m afraid people want popularity, not brains. And we’ll see about the forever alone thing, you never know what might happen,” I mumbled back, still embarrassed from him calling me beautiful. Suddenly I felt his fingers grip my chin, and force my eyes to meet his.
“Well, that’s just their loss,” staring into his eyes, I felt the sudden urge to kiss him. I’ve never really had a crush, so I didn’t know this feeling, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t some little kiddy crush. No this crush was a powerful one. I could see something in his eyes, lust? Desire? Sadness? Before I could figure it out, he dropped my chin, and slid away, a smirk on his face.

The days that followed we’re nice. Every time Matt saw me, a warm smile would spread across his face, causing my face to mimic his, smiling warmly back at him. He came over to my house sometimes; we’d watch a movie or something. It was nice having a friend, even if I had a thing for him. Jesus Christ, pull yourself together man! I screamed at myself in my head. He’s your teacher, for one thing, he definitely isn’t interested in me, and even if he was interested in me, it’s not like anything could happen between us.

Matt was staying for dinner tonight, so I decided to cook chicken stir-fry. Matt commented on it whilst eating.
“My god, this is amazing Kate!” his eyes wide as he took another bite. I giggled, and continued eating my dinner too.


Sorry, this was a short one.

Hope it was Okay, let me know, comment please :)

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