Chapter 9: Surprise!

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It has been days since the incident, I haven't gone to school since because my doctor said to stay at home and to go see him again at the end of the week.

I was laying in bed, and it was noon. I was too tired to move, so I just stayed put. Next thing you know I hear the front door open and close and foot steps echo through the house, indicating some one is accending the stairs. My body locked up, I lay frozen, my bruised body and broken ribs protesting as I added strain to them. My door openned slowly and in stepped... my dad?
"Katey bear?" he looked shocked to see me.
"Oh my god! Dad!" I grinned.
"God Katey, what the hell happend to you?!" his horror struck face reminded me of Matt's face when he saw me too.
"Nothing dad, just some kids at school. Don't worry about it,"
"Don't you dare downplay this Kate. How bad are your injuries?" he demanded.
With a sigh I replied, "four broken ribs, bruises covering most of my body, and i'm hoping my black eye has gone down, and that my face isn't as swollen as it was."
"Did you get looked at by a doctor?"
"Yes, I avoided him for a while but Matt came over and I showed him some of my injuries then he took me to the hospital. The doctor said to stay home for the rest of the week and go see him again on the weekend," I explained to my father.
"I'm glad you had someone, but i'm sorry it wasn't me."
"Don't worry dad, you're here now," I smiled, hugging my dad. "Wait, dad, why are you here?" Chuckling he replied.
"Well, I was planning to surprise you when you got home from school today, but that didn't work out. I just honestly missed you Katey Bear," he smiled and kissed my forehead.
"I missed you too dad," I replied with a smile.

I filled my dad in on everything that has happend since the last time he was here. He seemed truly happy that I have made a strong friendship, even if he is my teacher.
"I'd like to meet him Kate," dad added with a wink and a smirk.
"Damn dad, you aren't going to give him a hard time are you?" i added jokingly, he's my father, of course he will.

After dinner we were sitting on the couch, me cuddled up to my dads side when the doorbell rang.
"I've got it," I said, standing up, I looked at my dad and smiled, I love having him home.
"If it's that Matt guy, bring him in, I want to meet him," he started laughing evilly.
I openned the door to see a familiar looking Matt standing there, his face lit up when he saw me.
"You look happy Kate, something happen?" He smiled.
"You could say that," I grinned. "My dad's home!" I squeeled and jumped a little, then winced when a sharp stab of pain shot up my ribs, damn me and my stupidity.
"That's great Kate! I'm so happy to see that smile of yours," he winked and we laughed.
"Do you want to come in Matt? Dad want's to meet you," I smirked and chuckled when I saw the uncomfortable look cross his face.
"Er, sure?" he said, although it sounded more like a question.
"Good," was all I said, before grabbing his arm and leading him to the lounge room where my dad was waiting to pounce. I grinned evilly.

After sitting in silence for a little while, I was trying to hold myself together, my dad and I were smirking evilly at him, we have had this plan since i was 13. Dad and I used to hang out all the time, and we would always make jokes about stupid things, and we made this plan for wheni brought a boy home, whether he be just a friend or anything more. Thinking back I remembered the good old days.

"Hot chocolate my dear?" my dad asked, pouring me one from our tea pot even before I even answered. Dad and I made that tea pot out of clay a few months ago, it has become our little hot chocolate pot.
"Thanks dad," I said, taking a sip from my mug. I put it on the small low table we had in our cubby house. We made it for dad and I so we had somewhere to hang out. It has a small couch and a table, but we sit on the rug positioned in the middle of the room, under the table.

"Anything for my little 13 year old," dad chuckled and I joined him.
"Dad?" I asked.
"I have a boyfriend,"
"Really?" his eyes widenned.
"HAHA! Got ya! Nah, I don't." I cracked up laughing at my dads face.
"Just you wait missy, when the day come that you bring a boy home, friend or boyfriend, and you will, we'll pounce on him," he laughly evilly and I joined again.
"So what will we do?" Mischief flicked in his eyes as he thought about it.
"Well, here's what we do..."

"Kate? Katey bear? Yoo hoo are you in there?" my dad knocked on my head.
"What? hmm, yeah, yeah i'm here." I shook my head, coming back to reality.
"I think you were scaring your friend Kate, you were doing that evil laugh of yours," dad looked amused but Matt just looked scared.
"Sorry, I was just thinking about K.A.D.P.F.B," I said, looking at my dad, his face slowly stretched into an evil grin much like mine. K.A.D.P.F.B stands for 'Kate And Dad's Plan For Boys'.

"So Matt, tell me about yourself," My dad prompted, his face now blank, but I could still see the evil glint in his eyes.
"Ah, well Sir, my name is Matt Sparrow, and i'm er, I'm Kates maths teacher, she is my best friend and i care about her alot," i'm friend? No one has ever said that before, except my dad.
"What happens when shit goes down at school, and someone finds out you guys have more than a student-teacher relationship huh? are you gonna run off and leave my daughter alone?" dad made his voice sound so stern, but I could see behind the mask, this is all part of the plan. Shake the prey.
"No sir, I would never-"
"Don't call me sir, boy! I'm a man, not an old man!" dad saounded angry, I didn't want to laugh and blow our cover, so i kept a stern look on my face too.
"I'm sorry si- ah i mean, mr Masen. But i would never let anything hurt Kate, you don't have to worry about that,"
"You bet your balls i don't have to worry, because if you hurt my daughter, it'll be the family jewels that take the hit," A knowing look crossed Matts face and i swear his hand was shaking out of fear. This plan is working way better than expected. Dad noticed the shaking too, and we turned looked into each others eyes and he did a small nod, initiate phase 2.
"You know what matt, just get out, i don't want you near my daughter again, you got that?"
"But Mr Masen, please-"
"No, i won't leave Kate!" Matt was standing up for himself. I like it.
"You're good son, you pass. kate, you can keep this one," dad said, then the 2 of us cracked up laughing together while matt just stood there looking very very confused.
"God Matt! You were shaking!" I kept laughing.
"Oh god kate, that was the best thing we've ever done!" dad said between laughs.
"I know!" we kept laughing until we sobered up, then I turned to explain it to Matt.
"Sorry matt, we just had to do it. Dad approved of you even before he met you, it's just that we've had this planned since i was 13, it had to be done."
"You guys scared the hell out of me!" Matt exclaimed, he seemed a little pissed off, but then he let his amusement show, and he laughed with us.
I turned and high fived my awesome dad.

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