Chapter 14: The truth comes out

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It's been a few weeks now since we made up. I think everyone can tell how happy he now seems when teaching us compared to before when we weren't speaking. He used to always be so glum and moody, but now he is happy and laughing. It's good to have the old Matt back. Mike and I are still good friends. Matt's learned to accept the fact that we're friends, although I don't think he has quite forgiven Mike for lying to him. I feel bad because it's all my fault. I've become quite the rebel since the incident those weeks and weeks ago at the dance. Often i'll skip class to go hang out with mike, or just because I  want to. Not many of the teachers say anything about it though because I do all the work at home and my grades are still perfect. I get a thrill after breaking a rule because i've spent my entire life because the 'good girl.'

As I was sitting in writers workshop with Matt teaching I was thinking about Ed. How the last few times i've sat with him i've been really down and glum. I decided that as soon as the bell goes i'm going to go see him, so he can see me happy.

I sat with Ed all lunch. We talked and laughed and joked around the whole time. It felt so good to see him again. People probably think that because now I have friends I shouldn't still be talking to a tree, but the truth is Ed means alot to me, even if he can't speak outloud, I know what he is trying to say. I can feel it. I sound like a crazy person but really i'm not. He was my only friend for a long time so naturally I feel a connection with him.

After school I went to say by to Ed and what I saw will scar me forever. I saw Josie and her minions SPRAYPAINTING the word Loser onto him. I immediately set off in a run and only stopped when I was a couple of meters away from them.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled.
"Don't speak to us like that loser!" Josie wing chick said, venom coating her voice. I coated my voice with more venom.
"I'll speak to you however the fuck I want because that's my friend you're grafitiing." I spat. They blinked shocked then started laughing uncontroledly.
"It's just a tree loser. Is it your only friend? Aww" they mocked, still laughing.
"No, he's not my only friend for your infomation. Not that it's any of your buisness." I spat.
"Better watch the attitude bitch unless you want a repeat of last time." I glared and stepped forward, my fist clenched tight. She smiled bitchingly at me and I lunged. My fist connected with Josies face and made a loud SMACK. She stumbled back, holding her face with her hand, all of her minions staring with wide eyes.
"What's going on here?" I turned and saw Matt standing there with shock written over his face.
"Mr Sparrow Kate just punched me for no reason!" Josie screamed, stomping her foot like the bimbo she is.
"Kate? Why did you punch her?" He demanded, looking into my eyes.
"They were prevocing me. Did you see what they did to my tree?" I said, pointing a hard finger at Ed's grafitied body.
"Josie, did you do this?"
"No Sir, none of us did. Kate did it and called us over so she could punch me then accuse me of doing this. I'm completely innocent." She said, rubbing her face then wincing for effect.
"Oh that's a load of bullshit and you know it." I spat, then turned and walked away.

Matt's POV

I love seeing Kate smile again. Those days we weren't alking literally drove me insane. It's impossible for me to survive without her. Her voice and her smile gives me the energy I need to get through the day. I sound like such a girl but I don't care. Want to know why? Because I love her, and  I love having her back. Even though I really really REALLY want to be more than friends I know we can't. I'm her teacher, she's my student. Plus it's not like she'd ever like me that way anyway. There is no point filling myself with false hope. If being best friends with her is the best I can get then i'll take it. Mike keeps telling me to talk to her about it, about us, but I don't know if I can do it. What if she thinks i'm some gross peadophile or something and i lose her forever. I can't live like that, I can't live without her. I really am falling in love with Kate Masen. No what am I thinking? She won't think i'm a paedophile, we're best friends, if anything we'll just be awkward for a while but we'll settle back down and even if we don't get together we'll still be best friends. I think i'll tell her next chance i get.

When I looked out the window I saw Kate there with Josie and her friends. Immediately I jumped to my feet and started walking fast to ed and Kate. Something is wrong and I don't like it. Just as I was about to speak Kate lunged at Josie and punched her right smack in the face.
"What's going on here?" I demanded, my face one of shock.
"Mr Sparrow Kate just punched me for no reason!" Josie cried, stomping her foot like a little girl.
"Kate? Why did you punch her?" I said, looking right into her eyes.
"They were prevocing me. Did you see what they did to my tree?" she pointed a finger at Ed and that's when I noticed the word loser spray painted on to Ed.
"Josie, did you do this?"
"No Sir, none of us did. Kate did it and called us over so she could punch me then accuse me of doing this. I'm completely innocent." Yeah right. I know Kate and I know she would never do that to Ed.
"Oh that's a load of bullshit and you know it." I heard kate spit the words out before she turned and ran away.
"Girls my office first thing in themorning. I have to be somewhere now but if you aren't in my office I will come and find you. Call your parents if required." I threatend.
"Of course Mr Sparrow. We'll be there first thing tomorrow," Josie said, tryig to sound seductive. With a wink her and her posse walked away. I wasted no time in running to my car and jumping in. I started the drive to kate's house.

Kate's POV

I paced angrily from one side of my room to the other, over and over again. I can't believe what they did! Then they had the balls to try blame it on me! I grunted loudly and punched the wall. I hit it badly and I felt a bruise forming.
"Jesus fucking gah!" I ran downstairs to put some ice on it before I decided to call Mike.
"Hey pretty lady, what's crack-a-lackin?" I laughed a little despite my mood.
"Those bitches at school spray painted the word loser onto my tree then provocted me so i punched her in the face." It was silent for a minute before Mike's loud, and I mean really LOUD laughter floated through the phone and into my ear. I had to pull it away from my ear to prevent deafness.
"Did Matt see it?" He asked after calming down a little. I could still hear his chuckles.
"Yeah, I think he's mad at me." I sighed,  looking down. I know i've changed since that time I ran away. And I don't know if Matt still likes me. He's my best friend and I don't want to lose him again.
"Oh don't worry about THAT Kate, he could never stay mad at you."
"Why not?" It was silent for a second before Mike collected himself.
"Oh ah, no reason. Just because ah, well you're one of his best friends. Yeah, so he wouldn't want to lose you." I could tell he was improvising. This wasn't what he was going to say.
"I know you're lying. Now seriously why not?"
"He'll be m.a.d..."
"I don't care. Tell me."
"No I can't, but i'm sure he'll tell you soon enough." I sighed and was about to argue when I heard a knock on the door.
"I have to go Mike, thanks for talking to me." I smiled and hung up the phone.
As I walked to the door all I could think of was, What won't he tell me?

"Hey Matt," I said with a smile on my face as I openned the door and there he was.
"Hey kate, are you ok?" he asked, stepping inside.
"Yeah, i'm good. They just really pissed me off, but i'm all good now," I smiled, plopping myself down on the couch.
"look Kate, um there is something I really want to tell you... but please be open minded and don't hate me." I looked up into his eyes and saw the hesitation in his. I smiled and took his hands in mine as he sat next to me.
"I won't hate you, I promise." I laughed. He sighed, looking down before lifting his head, locking his gaze to mine and speaking the 7 words I never thought i'd hear him say.
"I'm falling in love with you, Kate."

He finally said it! He told her! Woo hoo! I decided it's finally time for him to say it! I'll update soon hopefully :D From this point on I am making an eternal apology for any spelling or grammar mistakes i may make in this story!

Also @AlejandroWriter and I are writing a story together called "It all started with a fake boob" It is a humor and a joined piece so we made the account ColatheStrawberry as our account. I would really love it if you would read our story and tell me what you think of it. Here's the link: Thanks P.s I write Chrisite's POV, Just so you know if you read it ;D

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