Part 7

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The next week was pretty normal. Tony visited Ziva everyday which helped her get her memory back. She could almost remember everything, except Tali. That's why Tony needed to promise Tali every single day that she would see her mom soon. Their movie nights turned into dad-tell-me-something-about-Ima nights. They sat together on the couch with some sweets and Tony told her the stories. Tali listened to every single one curiously and with a smile on her face. Sometimes they talked so long that Tony had to get her to sleep and end the story early. Her excitement about Ziva's past helped him a lot to process all that happened. He told her about their first time in Paris together, the rescue in Somalia, his visit in Israel after Rivkin's death. He obviously let the parts where they shot and did other things which are not good for little girls out. It was Friday night and they sat on the couch. "What do you want to hear tonight princess?" "I don't know dad. Hm..." Tali thought about it and said: "What about the first time you met Ima?" Tony laughed in remembrance. "You really want to hear that?" "Yes." Tali nodded and looked at Tony curiously. "Ok. Where should I start. You know that's a really long time ago, I don't remember everything." "I know that you are old. Tell me the story!" Tony looked at her amazed. "What did you just say?! I'm not old I'm just older than you. Do I need to tickle you first?" Tony grabbed her to start tickling. Tali laughed and said: "NOO. Stop dad. I take it back, you aren't old. Now tell the story." Tony took his hands back to him. "Ok, you get away with this for now. The first time I met her was actually her first time at the NCIS. She came to D.C to stop her brother Ari from doing stupid things, you know? But she came too late. Ari did something really stupid." "What did he do?" "Do you remember Kate?" "Our goldfish?" "Yes, our goldfish. But the Kate as a person. Ari caused her death, that's why Ziva had to stop him." "Oh no. Why did he do that? Did you get him?" "He did that because he hated Gibbs and wanted to hurt him and yes, we got him but that's a different story."

"So, Ziva came to the NCIS headquarters and as the class clown I am, I said some stupid things. I was talking to myself and Ziva rushed in. That was the first time she gave me that 'really Tony?!' look and she didn't even know me. Anyways, Ziva looked a bit different as you know her. Her hair was wild just like yours now and she was fearless and cold as ice. She was the Mossad assassin she used to be in Israel." "What did happen after that?" "Well, we introduced ourselves and she waited for Gibbs to come. What happened then is a bit boring, so I leave it out. In the evening of this day, I had to observe her what was actually really funny. I followed her to her hotel and watched over her. Then Gibbs came and gave me some food and I told him what happened so far. As I came back to the hotel Ziva stood in front of the hotel waiting for me, remember I didn't even know her, and she didn't know me. We stood there for some time and talked. She told me about her family especially her little sister Tali, your namesake." "What did she say about her?" "She told me that she died in an attack when she was just 16 and that she didn't wanted to lose her brother as well." "Oh no... Did she cry?" Tony grinned: "No, she did not cry. As I said she was different in that time." Tony checked the time. "Oh, Is it so late already? I'm sorry Tali, but you have to go to bed now." "What? NOOO! You didn't even finish the story?! Why?" "Because you have school tomorrow Tals. You need sleep to survive school and your dad needs his beauty sleep as well. I can tell you the rest tomorrow ok?" Tali answered disappointed: "OK." She got up and went to her bedroom. Tony followed her with his eyes and smiled. He was so proud of his little girl, the way she handled all of this and her personality which reminded him of her mum.

The next morning was pretty good for Tony. He was happy that day, but he didn't know why. Everything went right. Tali didn't make any trouble and looked happy as Tony got her to school. Everything was fine. That was something that didn't happen for a long time. He was feeling good and decided to go get some donuts and coffee before he would go to Ziva. He drove to the café where they were the first time they were here. He got his favorite donuts and two cup of coffee and drove to the hospital. This day seemed to him like one of these cheesy movies, everything was perfect. He went down the corridor with a smile on his face. This smile disappeared as he saw nothing, but an empty room where Ziva should be. He was confused and shocked, so he looked around to find a nurse. He ran to the nurse and said: "Ms., uh... can you help me please?" "Yes, of course. Do you need medical help?" "No, no. Can you tell me what happened to the patient from this room? Her name is Ziva David." "Sir, she got released this morning." "Really? She didn't even tell me." "Someone came and helped her maybe she is with them now." Tony was confused: "Stop. There was somebody?! She doesn't know anybody in Paris. Who was this person?!" "They said they were related; I don't know more." " Ok, thank you." The nurse went on with her work and left a confused Tony.

Who was the person with Ziva? Did she had friends here and didn't tell him? He looked at the empty hospital room. Why didn't she tell him that she got released? His mind flipped as he saw something under the hospital bed.

He rushed into the room and walked to the bed. He knelt down and grabbed the piece of paper which was lying there. There was a name on it and a row of numbers. Aaron Agbari. The man who tried to track her down. The number could be a phone number or some sort of a code or anything else. He got up and put the note in his pocket and went out. He tried to focus. He had so many questions in his head. Why would she leave that note? Where is she and is she all right? Did she get kidnapped? He had to find out. He rushed to his car and drove back home. He ran up the stairs, opened the door, threw his jacket in the corner and went directly to his bedroom. On his way home he had tried to call Ziva, but she didn't answer. He tried one last time. Like the other calls he heard it ringing too many times and then the mailbox. He said: "Ziva, It's me again. PLEASE, if you hear that CALL ME!" He ended the call and put his phone away. He went to his shelf at his desk and grabbed a folder. He placed it on the table and opened it. It was the folder he used to put all things in which he found out about Ziva's 'death'. He never opened it again since he found her at the car accident. He put out the pictures maps and other papers which were loosely in that folder and pinned them to his wall. He was very nervous. He knew every second could mean pain for Ziva. He had to find her as soon as possible and make sure she is all right. He sat down on his bed and starred at the wall. He planned his next steps in his mind: 'Tali is at school, she will come home at lunch... It's 10 am so I have about three hours. First I have to call Mcgee to get all his information about Aaron Agbari.'

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