Part 14

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"For the first time ever I present to you, Miss Da-vid, la casa de Dinozzo." With that Tony opened the door to his apartment. "Ladies first." Tony bowed before he led Ziva in which made Ziva laugh. She slapped him at his back while he bowed. "Don't do this to me Tony. I'm not as special as you think." Gibbs who stood behind them said: "What about going in before arguing?" Tony got up and they all went in. "Don't worry, Tali and Abby are at the playground. I wanted to show you my place first before you meet Tali again." Ziva looked around and smiled: "Your place is beautiful, plain but cozy. Just like your old apartment in D.C." "Thank you, if it was a compliment." She looked him in the eyes and said: "Of course it was a compliment, Tony. Can you show me Tali's room?" "Yes." He took her hand and walked with her to Tali's room. He stopped in front of the door and turned to Ziva. "As you might know our princess isn't the most organized little girl so don't expect very much." He opened the door and was surprised to find a very clean and studied room. He let out a 'wow' in surprise. "I think you underrated her skills." Ziva walked past her desk and looked at the pictures on the wall. There were all kind of pictures: Tony with Tali in the zoo; Senior, Tony and Tali eating ice cream and pictures of Tali with her friends at her school. One picture got her attention. She took the frame in her hands and asked: "Who is this girl?" Tony came closer to her and looked at the picture. "This is her best friend, Charlene. She met her at her first day of school and they became friends immediately." Ziva said with proud: "She is so big now. And so beautiful." "Yes, she is. And she is as caring and stubborn as her mother." Ziva turned around to face Tony. Now they were standing very close, face-to-face. They looked each other in the eyes and Tony said: "I've missed you. I never thought I could miss someone that much, but as always everything that's related to you is different." While Tony was talking Ziva could feel tears coming up. "And I think it's a good time to quote what you said to me... Ziva, you are also so loved." Ziva could not held her tears back. Tony swiped her tears away with his hand and leaned his forehead against hers.

A few seconds they were just standing there like this, their foreheads against each other. For Ziva this was a moment of hope. She dreamed about this moment for so long, the moment she would be back by her family. Now that it was there, she finally felt safe and like she was home again. They were interrupted by the voices of Tali and Abby coming from the living room. Ziva stepped back and wiped her tears away. Tony just stood there and kept looking at her. He asked: "Are you ready?" Ziva nodded slightly with a smile on her face. They went back to the living room. As they entered the room Tali and Abby, who were sitting on the couch turned to them. Abby jumped up and ran to Ziva to hug her. "Ziva! You're here! OMG I was so worried that something was wrong because it took you so long at the NCIS. Everything good?" Ziva answered: "Yeah Abs. Everything's fine." Abby ended the hug and gave Tony one. Ziva looked at Tali. She was just sitting there quietly looking at her. She played with the necklace between her fingers. As Tony noticed it he wanted to headslap himself, because he forgot about the necklace, but that was irrelevant in this situation. Tali slowly stood up and walked to Ziva. She hesitated for a second, but then smiled and give her a hug. Ziva was overwhelmed by her emotions. She knelt down and hugged Tali as tight as she could. Tears rolled down her cheek again. She whispered to Tali: "I've missed you so much my princess. I love you, Tali." Tali whispered back: "I've missed you too Ima and I know that you love me." Ziva was surprised by that answer. She went back and looked Tali in the eyes. "You know?" Tali proudly said: "Yes. The necklace told me. I felt it every day! I knew you were there for me all the time and that you would come back!" "AWWWW. How sweet!" They all laughed about Abby's comment.

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