Part 24

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A few weeks go by. It became their habit to meet Charlene in the woods nearly every day. They ate together, played games, went in the city. It was like Charlene became a member of this family. The family itself became closer and closer every day. Ziva and Tony talked, snuggled, and loved each other a lot and their bond got even stronger as it was before this all. Ziva still needed to get used to her 'new' life in Paris and Tony offered his help and didn't let her deal with this on her own. Her anxiety she had over the last few years slowly faded away and instead happiness got in her life. And it normalized. "Tony?! How long can a person shower?? You're gonna be late!" The door swung open, and Tony stepped out with only a towel wrapped around his waist. "It's okay Ziva, I planned my time in my head and when I cut breakfast out then I still have enough time." "That's not healthy and you wanted to eat with us." He grabbed her waist and placed a soft kiss on her lips: "I can do that tomorrow and I pinky promise I won't let out breakfast anymore, okay?" He looked at her with the most charming look and she smiled and said: "Okay but hurry up. Even though I drive we still have to get across the city." She stepped back and looked at him one more moment before turning around and going back to Tali who was waiting for them in the kitchen. A few minutes later Tony stepped out of their bedroom and said: "How do I look?" He spun around to show off his new expensive looking suit. Tali said: "You look great! But did you go shopping without me??" Tony stuttered: "Uh... well, I needed that suit and you... you..." Ziva stopped his attempt of forming a sentence by saying: "I'll go shopping with you, Sweetie! I promise. And you look great Tony. Maybe a little overdressed." Tony let a laugh out: "No, I'm not overdressed, YOU are underdressed." "No, I'm not." Ziva grabbed the car keys and her jacket and said: "Can we go now?" Tony and Tali said at the same time: "Yes!" They grabbed their things and went to the car.

"Could you stop that??" Ziva frowned at Tony who was nervously tapping on his cup of coffee. "I just can't wait any longer." He leaned back and put his head against the wall. They were waiting for about half an hour and Tony was obviously too nervous to wait any longer. "We will be accepted Tony. I don't see any chance that it won't be like that." Tony sighed. "Tony Dinozzo?" Tony jumped up as he heard his name and said excitingly: "Yes?" The woman said: "There is a call for you." Tony looked at Ziva and she looked at him. They both new exactly who the call was from. They entered MTAC and saw Gibbs on the big monitor. A man in a suit welcomed them: "Mister Dinozzo, Miss David, welcome to NCIS Paris." They shook their hands and turned to the screen. Tony was the first to talk with Gibbs: "Hey Boss, look who's still with me." Ziva rolled her eyes and said: "Hey Gibbs, It won't take long until I get rid of him." Gibbs said: "Good to know he didn't change. I have good news for you." Tony asked surprised and confused: "Really?" "Yeah. I've heard some special agents are going to lead a new special force, aren't you Special Agent Dinozzo and David?" Ziva and Tony looked at each other and Tony said: "We got accepted? Wow. That's awesome. Thanks Boss." "Don't thank me." Director Vance showed up on the huge screen. Ziva welcomed him: "Director, good to see you!" "Long time no see Agent David. Good to know you are alright. And I hope it won't be a problem to work with Agent Dinozzo again, or will it?" Ziva said: "No Sir. I have him under control." Tony turned to her: "What's that supposed to mean?" She glanced at him with a mocking smile and turned back to the screen: "I am looking forward to work for NCIS again, I hope we won't disappoint anyone." Gibbs answered: "You won't ever disappoint us Ziva."

Ziva looked at their new bullpen, their own. She was pretty amused by the idea of working with Tony together, especially leading a team together will be very funny. She slowly sat down on the not so comfortable chair behind her knew desk. It all had that smell of new articles, the whole room smelled like that. She opened the drawer and found something she didn't expect. There was a box with a bow on it. She took the box out the drawer and looked at the little tag that was on it. It said: "Rule number 9" Ziva's eyes got big as she realized who this was from and what she has to expect in the box. She smiled and opened the gift. She took the knife in her hands and looked at it. The blade was sparkling in the bright light of the office, and it seemed very sharp. She stood up and put her foot on the chair. She placed the knife in the free knife holder on her right leg and covered it with her trousers. The box went in the drawer pretty fast as she heard the sound of the elevator. Tony rushed out with two cups of coffee and a big smile on his face: "They have the exact same coffee machine as in D.C. It tastes the same. I get so many déjà-vus here it's insane." Ziva let a laugh escape and looked at him being the childish energetic man he is. He placed one of the cups on her desk in front of them and went to his desk which is in front of Ziva's as back then in the bullpen in D.C. He sat down as well and took a sip of his coffee. They both looked at the empty bullpen with the new desks and unfilled drawers. Tony smiled and said: "We're gonna have our own team." Ziva slowly nodded and simply said: "Yes." "That's crazy." They both took a sip of coffee before Ziva said: "So, we have a lot of paperwork to do and decisions to make, let's start working." "Ay ay, Ma'am." They both started tipping on their keyboards.

The next day they were about to meet their new coworkers. Ziva was clearly nervous about it. She was going up and down the bullpen looking around. Tony wasn't there. He went to get coffee but that he didn't come right back was stressing her out. She mumbled to herself: "Where is he?!" She was about to get very upset when Tony finally came back with coffee. He was running through the bullpen and placed the cups on her desk saying: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Don't kill me. There was this woman asking me questions. It was really awkward even though she was very good looking, but-" Ziva cut him off: "I don't want to hear Tony." She took her cup and took a sip and tried to relax. Tony who was now in fear that she was upset and would kill him if he would say a word took the second cup and quietly went to his desk. He looked at her, but she didn't look at him. Her eyes were still on the elevator which the new team members should come from. She jumped as the elevator doors opened: "Their coming." She placed her coffee on her table and went to the elevator and as she past Tony's desk she grabbed his wrist and pulled him with her: "Come on, Tony!" They stopped in front of the elevator and Ziva let go of his wrist which he rubbed in pain. The three agents stepped out of the elevator and Ziva welcomed them: "Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Special Agent Ziva David and this is Special Agent Anthony Dinozzo. Welcome to NCIS Paris!" The three agents thanked her and they all went to the bullpen. Tony said: "So these three desks are free. You can choose your own desk. This is my desk and this is Bambina's desk." Everyone looked at him with questioning eyes, except Ziva who give him a threatening look. Tony explained himself: "Bambina is an old nickname I gave Special Agent David, but because we're team-leaders now I'm not gonna use it anymore." He looked at the new Agents and pointed at the only other woman in the groop: "You! You are Bambina from now on." He pointed at the other Agents: "And you two are Bambino 1 and 2. Don't forget who is who." Ziva rolled her eyes and thought about if she should excuse his behavior or not and she decided to let Tony torture their coworkers the same as he did to her, so she stayed silent.

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