ch. 1 two lines

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Y/n's pov

Two lines

How could two lines on a stick make someone feel so empty and broken. Im only 15 and my parents are going to disown me. No their going to kill me. I cant get an abortion that feels to selfish. Adoption? Im going to carry this child for 9 months just to give it away? What are people at school going to think? What is Jean going to think. What is Levi going to say? He's the father he should have a say in this. But i shouldn't tell him just yet. A miscarriage is still possible Right? Fuck i need someone here with me right now. I picked up my phone and called my best friend that i know i can trust.


"Hey Y/n. Whats up?"

"I need you to come over right now."

"Is everything alright?"

"No. Just come over please."

"Alright do you need anything?"

Its to late for a plan b

"No im good just get here asap."

"Walking out the door as i speak."

"Okay see you in 5"

I end the call and thank god Mikasa lives close by. With in those 5 minutes i took the time to cry to myself until my mom knocked on my door telling me Mikasa is down stairs. I tell my mom to tell Mikasa to go to my room. Mikasa sits on my bed staring at me waiting for me to say something.

"Okay im tried of waiting. What is it?" Ill just show her the test. I go to my bathroom and hold the test behind me. "What are you hiding?" She lift an eyebrow. I sigh and hand her the test.

"Y/n! Im going to kill Jean!" She had her death stare while staring at the test.

"Jean isnt the Father..."

"Oh no, Y/n. You cheated on Jean?!"

"No! It happen two weeks before Jean and i started dating."

She stares at me thinking.

"So your 2 months. Whos the father? And why didnt you tell me you lost your virginity?!"

"I cant tell you that yet... he goes to our school."


How do i say oh i had sex with your cousin?

"Because i should talk to him first about what i should do. He is the father after all."

"And who is this father?"

"Nice try but no." I lay in my bed and Mikasa lay down next to me.

"Y/n your 15."

"Yes i know! Everything happen so fast that night."

"What did happen that night then?"


Fuck its raining. I started to run home in the dark. I just came from a party at Sasha's house and my parents said to be home by 10:30 and its 9:24. I know its nothing i should be worried about but no one couldve given be a ride home so here i am now. Running in the rain to get home.

"I shouldve taken Sasha's offer on staying the night!" I yell to myself as i had to stop because of a cross walk. A car pulls up in front of me.

Fuck no im not getting kidnap today! Just as i was ready to run in the opposite direction the car window rolls down revealing a familiar face.



"What are you doing its raining? Get inside."

No need to tell me twice. I get in and start shaking from how cold i was.

"Thank you, Levi."

"Tch dont mention it. Mikasa wouldve killed me if i left you out in the rain knowing i couldve done something about it."

Levi Ackerman. Mikasa's cousin. I see him every now and then but we were never close what so ever. He was a grade a head of me so we never did have the chance to get to know each other. I think this is my 5th time talking to him. He does come off a bit rude and acts like a little stubborn bitch but he's okay now since he's giving me a ride home.

"Where am i taking you?"

"Home. i need to be home by 10:30."

"It's only 9:30, brat. Lets just hang out in my car for a bit before i take you home."

End of flashback

I told Mikasa what happen but left out all the parts of it being Levi or any hints of it being Levi.

"You had car sex!?"

I slowly nod.


"At some parking lot." By her shocked face i tried making the situation better. "We both agree it was a one night stand."

"And he's a Junior? And he goes to our school?" I sigh and nod. "Is it Erwin?"

"Eyebrows? No!"


"Hes dating Hanji!"


"Just give up. Im not telling you."






"Hes dating Petra!" I laughed

"No they broke up. Shes dating my cousin now."

My heart stopped. Fuck. This is going to be hard. I cant really say anything since im dating Jean. But why Petra out of all people?

"Come one, y/n. Just tell me. School starts in 4 days."

"Mikasa" i stand up and put my hand on her shoulder. "Just trust me and dont tell anyone. Not even Armin."

"What about Jean?" I took a deep breath.

"Ill tell him one day. But that day isnt anytime soon."

She pulls me into a hug and rubs my back.

"You poor knocked up bitch." She joked.


"You deserve that right now and you know it."

"Your not wrong"

After a few hours of Mikasa and i doing research online about all this stuff she went home. Mikasa is really trying her best to help me. I really don't deserve all she does for me. I sigh and get into bed. I already ate and shower so all that there is left todo is sleep.

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