ch. 32 The date.

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Y/n's pov

I open the door to see my lovely... guy friend, Levi. He was here to pick me up for that date he asked me out on. I smiled and walked out the door.

"Good morning, Levi."

He stayed quiet but nod and we started making our way to his car. "Everything okay?" He nods once again. He opens the car door for me and i looked at him weirdly.

"I know something up Levi. What is it?" I asked a bit annoyed. He looked away from me and closed his eyes with a sigh.

"You look very beautiful."

Aww is he nervous? That's so cute. I decided not to tease him and just get in the car. Once i was in he gets in the driver seat and started driving away.

"So where are we heading?"

"Were only heading to three places today."

I nod and go back to paying attention to the road even though i wasn't the one driving. We stopped in a very familiar area that's near my school. He parked his car on the side of the road and went to my side to open the door for me.

"Wow such a gentleman." I giggled and he rolled his eyes. I stepped out and waited for Levi to start moving in a direction so i can follow.

"Can i hold your hand?"

"W-what?" I blushed at his question.

"Did you lose your hearing or something? I asked if i can hold your hand." He gave me a cold stare and i smiled.

"That's not something you ask, Levi. You just" i grab his hand. "Do it." He nod and started walking in the direction of somewhere.

We stopped in front of a familiar cafe. I smiled and we walked in. We sat at a table and i look around.

"Wow. I haven't been here since i told you..."

"Since you told me you were pregnant." He chuckled. "I remembered i refused to believe it." I nod.

"Have you been here since i told you?" I asked

"Yeah a few times. Isabel has a part time job here and needs a ride every now and then."

"She really looks up to you." I chuckled out.

"My little sister." He chuckled out as well.

"How did you two meet?"

"When Furlan and i were playing in the alleyway of Furlan's family's bar. We found her hiding inside a big box. She was just there sitting. Weirded out we went to find my mom and we called the police station."

"What happen next?" I asked.

"She was abandon the night before by her mom. Who told her to stay in the box until she comes back." My eyes widen.

"Then what happen?"

"It was later found out her mother committed suicide the day Furlan and i found her. Then she started staying with a foster home. Then when she turn 10 she was adopted."

I was speechless. Stuff like this can actually happen? I thought only stuff like this happens in movies.

"But she's the happiest person i know." I looked down.

"She is...happy if your wondering. She has come a long way but she doesn't let the past bother her."

We stayed quiet for a few seconds. It was a comfortable silents. It felt comforting and warm. I couldn't believe that stuff happen to her.

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