ch. 11 Levi's daily routine

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Levi pov

Stop it. Get her out of your head. It's been 3 fucking months and it was just that one night at that's it. We both agreed it was a one night stand. But I couldn't stand seeing her with Horse Face.

Ever since that night with Y/n I couldn't stop thinking about her. I only told Furlan about what happen that night and he said go with my gut feeling. My gut feeling was to talk to her about it and see of she's been thinking the same thing.

But the day I was going to go to her house to talk to her. I saw Sasha started a Instagram live. I wouldn't normally join those but I remembered that her and Y/n were close. So I join to see if she was with her and I was right. But it wasn't just Y/n and Sasha. They were having a little hang out with her group of friends from school. Sasha told everyone on her Live to ask questions.

Hanji, one of my many annoying friends, asked "is it true that Jean has a gf?" Sasha read the question out loud and everyone laughed. My eyes were on Y/n she was bright red.

"So Jean do you have a girlfriend?" Sasha asked bring the phone to him to hold.

"Yes. In fact this is she." He smirked and then flipped the camera so it was facing Y/n. She smiled and waved at the camera.

That's when I knew I didn't have to go to her house to talk about things. She has a boyfriend and I was a one night stand. Nothing else. I felt a little bit empty but I knew I couldn't do anything about it. After that whole thing happen I wanted to find someone who made me feel the same thing Y/n made me feel. I don't even know the feeling but she made me feel a different way. So the next day when I went to do some grocery shopping I saw Petra there. We talked a little and she said her and Oluo broke up on good terms. I told her that's good and she asked me if I found anyone yet. I said no and her face brightened up. She asked me out that same day.

I saw her as a distraction. As a way I can cope nothing more nothing less.

Looking back at it I shouldnt have done that. I'll apologize for what I did to her one day. But I'll never forgive her for slapping Y/n that day. I kinda wished I was there to watch Isabel fight Petra. Isabel is strong so I knew who would've won anyways.

Right now I'm at my apartment with my mom. She was getting rest and I was doing my homework before I had to go to work.

I didn't want to answer that question Y/n asked me before. If I had money problems or not. The truth was I really didn't have money problems. Even though my mom couldn't work all the time because she easily gets sick. We didn't have any money problems. Thanks to Kenny of course. We did have money problems. But Kenny stepped in when I was nine. He moved in with us in a two bedroom apartment. Kenny had his room and so did my mom. But for me I had a walk in closet as my room. It was right outside the living room. I don't mind it at all really. It fit my twin sized bed. My desk and dresser.

The reason I got a job was to just better my future by saving up early and helping out by buying food for the apartment. But now that I have a kid on the way. I have to start thinking about how to manage my money more.

I yawn and looked at the time. I had to get ready for work now. I closed up my textbook and clean my desk. I took a shower and got my uniform on. Before I left I went to my mom's room to kiss her goodbye even though she was sleeping.

Now I'm driving to work. It wasn't an ideal place for me to work at. But the pay is good plus tips. In a week i can make up to 200 from tips.

I parked my car in the back of the restaurant and checked my phone. 15 minutes early. I sighed and got out of my car. When I got out I realized Furlan's car was pulling up. He parked his car next to mine and got out.

"You look tried." He laughed at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I had the closing shift yesterday. Then I needed to clean up around the house when I got home. Did some homework then got 2 hours of nights rest."

"I have no idea how you do it."

We talked for a bit near our cars. It was a light conversation until he started mentioning Y/n.

"Y/n came to me today. I kinda slipped the fact you told me you guys had sex that night." He sounded a little uneasy but I knew it was because he was a little scared of my reaction.

"You did what?!"

"It was an accident. I told her how she looks big for 3 months."

"Tch that doesn't even make any sense."

"She never told me she was 3 months. The point is she knows i know something." He winked with a smirk.

"I want to kill you." I told him coldly.

"You wouldn't do that. You'll just end up missing me to much." He laughed and pat my back.

"Let's just clock in now."

He nods and we head inside to clock in for work. 5:30 just on time. Now I have to be here for another 5 hours. At least I don't have to close today.

I got off at 10:30. I was extremely tried running on only two hours of sleep. When I got home my mom was wake and in the living room watching TV.

"Hey kiddo. There's food on the table."

I nod and go to her to kiss her forehead. I go to the kitchen to heat up some food.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her. She looked at me with a weak smile.

"I feel better than this morning. I'll be going back to work tomorrow so I won't be home till 11:30pm." I nod and ate my food at the dining table. Once I was done I washed my plate then kissed my mom goodnight then headed off to my room to do the homework I didn't finish. I got all my textbooks out again and was going to start but I got a text from Y/n.


Hey I know it's late.
But are we still going tmr?
Sent at 11:40pm

Read at 11:40pm

Okay thanks!
Sent at 11:40pm

I was going to leave her on read. What else can I possibly say to her?

Goodnight, Levi:)
Sent at 11:41pm

Why didn't I think of saying that?

Read at 11:41pm

This time she left me on read. Whatever I have work to get done. After another hour or so pass by I finished my school work and clean everything. I laid in my bed closing my eyes.

Lucky for me my boss switch my schedule around and made it so I was off on Fridays and Saturdays now. But that lucky bastard Furlan got Saturday and Sunday off.

He's a pain but still a good friend of mine.

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