ch. 47 Welcome to the world

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Levi's pov

The waiting was killing me. It was now 5 in the morning and we still haven't heard a single word about Y/n. Everyone was already awake some of them left to get stuff for Y/n and Eren. I was thinking about doing that too but i wanted to be here incase anything happens. So i gave Moblit money to buy something for Y/n.

"Levi." I turn around and looked to see Connie calling me.


"What does sex feel like?"

My eyes widen. Why is he asking me? You shouldn't even ask a person that.

"Umm you should ask someone else."

"But your the only person i know who's had it that's here."

"Ask Y/n's dad."

"That's werid!"

This whole conversation is weird.

I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder. I like Connie he's funny and annoying but not to the point where i want to kill him and plus I'm taller.

"How about you find a girl you love and then wait for awhile until your both ready then just... do it. With a condom. Don't forget the condom."

Connie laughed.

"You sound like a dad."

Because i am going to be one.

"Yeah i guess."

"We're back!!" I turn to shitty glasses.

I see Moblit, Hanji, Furlan, Sasha, Historia, Ymir, and surprisingly Annie. She didn't stay the night but she was holding a blue teddy bear in her arms.

"You made it Annie!" Marco said and she looked away like she was embarrassed.

"The rest is coming later in the day." She said in a low tone.

She probably just woke up not to long ago. Moblit walked up to me and hand me a bag. I looked inside and saw 5 roses a teddy bear. Then Hanji handed me a blue balloon.

"This is what we were able to get with the money you gave us." Moblit told me and i nod as a thank you.

Hanji was rubbing it in my face that she got Y/n more stuff because she had more money. But then Historia told her it wasn't nice todo that so Hanji stopped then started hugging Historia then Hanji got a nice punch in the face by Ymir. It was fun to watch but scary at the same time.

We all went quite as we heard someone clear their throat. We all looked at a Nurse holding a clipboard in her hand.

"Are all of you here for Y/n L/n?" She looked shocked by how many of us there was.

"Yes." We all answered at the same time.

"She just finished and is now resting."

Hearing that was one of the best things i heard in my whole life.

"Can i have the father follow me?"

I nod my head then put the things down that i got for Y/n next to Moblit. Then i started making my way to the nurse. She lead me to the same room as before but she told me to be quite before we entered. Once i walked into the room my eyes laid on Y/n's sleeping body with her mother holding her hand. Then i looked at a plastic crib to the right side of the bed. I slowly walked up to it then my heart stop.

My son was there.

He had brown hair. I just wanted to pick him up and carry him but he was sleeping. I felt like crying.

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