ch. 28 Hi I'm Levi

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Y/n's pov

This isn't weird at all. Just me and Zen in his room while he constantly ask me questions about my life.

"Okay last question."


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah of course"

"Are you sure?"


I think i am. I mean I'm sure i am. Why wouldn't i be?

"So do you feel better knowing your little sister is happy and healthy?"

"I don't know. Y/n your still so young and i don't know if i can trust this Levi guy you were talking about."

"You can... he's not exactly good with people and that's understandable with our generation"

"I want to meet him" my eyes widen


"I need to know if this guy is able to be with my baby sister." He looked away from me and folded his arms. "And its obvious something is going on between him and you."

I sigh and look down. It was obvious of course and i knew this was going to happen one day. That day being in less than 24 hours. Eren started kicking me so i started to rubbing my stomach.

"Is the baby kicking?"


"C-can i feel it?"

I smiled and placed his hand over my stomach where Eren was kicking. A smile grow on Zen's face.

"Zen..." he looks up at me. "Do you want to meet Levi now?"

"Right now?" I nod. "Is he here?" I nod again and he removes his hand from my stomach. "Let's go to the living room. Where mom and dad are... so i don't accidentally kill him" i laughed and playfully pushed him.

Yeah and i accidentally fallen in love with him.

Zen and i walk out of his room and we go to the living room where our parents were watching TV. I go to my room and my eyes landed on Levi on his phone in my bed.

"What took you so long, brat? My phone is almost dead." I giggled.

"Sorry about that." He sits up on the bed and i walk towards him. "Ready to meet him?"

"Depends how did he take? I didn't hear yelling."

"He took it will. I know he's still holding himself back from killing someone but he wants to meet you."

"Did he say he wanted too?" I nod. "Fine let's get this over with."

He pushed himself up and we started slowly making our way to the living room. They were having their own conversation until my mom turn around and saw us.

"Oh their here." My mom said.

Everyone's heads turn to look at us.

"Hi I'm Levi"

There was an awkward silence and we all just stared at each other.

"Why is he that short?"

All our eyes widen. Oh no Zen...

"Zendrick! Be nice!" My mom told him. He continued to look at Levi until he chuckled and look away. "I hope Eren inherit the boys height on our side of the family" Zen said out loud. I look over to Levi who was frowning.

"My uncle is tall so because of science Eren will be taller than me." He admits.

What am i getting myself into?

Levi and my brother start talking having a normal conversation. I was honestly spacing out a lot. I wasn't listening in their conversations because that wasn't really my busy. Then i started feeling extremely tried all of the sudden. I look at the big clock in the living room and it was almost 6:30.

"Hey I'm going to sleep now." I said standing up.

"But we have guest." My mother reminded me.

"But I'm tried" i whined.

I think I'm getting to comfortable with Levi to the point were i can act out.

"Y/n L/n-"

"It's okay Mr. And Mrs. L/n i should be heading home anyways."

My mom gave me a disappointed look and sigh. We all stood up and walked Levi to the door.

"Oh Levi. Would you like to join us for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow? You can bring your family." My mom said.

My brother and i both said "HUH" and Levi had a shock facial expression. It soon soften and he nod.

"I think my mom would like that very much."

My mom smiled and yayed. Everyone said goodbye to Levi but i told everyone I'll walk Levi to his car while they go inside doing whatever.

"You don't have to come tomorrow, Levi."

"No no no i want too." He unlocks his car. "Plus i think my mom will enjoy it."

"Don't you have plans with your family though?" He chuckled at my question "what?"

"I've never celebrated Thanksgiving before"


"Do you celebrate any holiday?"

"I celebrated Christmas when i was little but when i turn 12 we just stopped."

"Only Christmas? What about Easter? New years? Valentine's day? Halloween? St. Patrick's day-"

"I did celebrate Easter once with Furlan when i was 9 but i didn't enjoy it that much."

"You must've had a sad childhood."

He chuckled and looked up and i saw a small smile.

"Yeah i did. But my mother made it the best." His face soften and i smile.

He really does love his mom.

"Okay i need to go." He says. He gets in his car and roll down the windows. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah see you"

I started walking inside as he drove away.



Hehe just you wait.

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