ch.3 Telling him

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Y/n's pov

Days seem to move fast. Its been two weeks since school started and every day just felt like the same.

Get ready for achool

Throw up

Go to school

See Levi but not talk to him

Hang out with my firends during lunch

Go home to change

Go to driving school until 5:45pm

Go home

Eat dinner

Do homework


What is my life? It feels so boring. It Thursday's day and thank god my Teachers didnt give me any homework todo today. So i was just in my bed rubing the very small bump.

"I think i love you"

I say to the baby growing inside of me.

"Your now 3 months old. You make me throw up everything i eat. You made me have mood Swings which im able to maintain. I also have to lie to your grandparents that im on my period and im just pmsing." I continue to talk to my stomach until i jumped out of bed hearing something hit my window. I pick up my phone and it was almost 12Am but thats not the only thing i saw. I saw 2 miss calls from Mikasa and a whole lot of text messages from her. Then i had a shit ton of miss calls from Armin. Since Armin called me almost 50 times i called him back first.

"Y/n!?" He sounded scared


"Come outside. Mikasa and i are throwing rocks at your window." I move to my window and saw the two with small rocks in their hands. I laughed and said ill be down there in a second. I put on a white over sized hoodie and carefully went outside my house making sure my parents are asleep. I met them on my back porch on the steps leading to the backyard.

"Guys its the middle of the night! What the hell are you guys doing here?" Armin looked at the ground and Mikasa was avoiding eye contact with me.

"I know..." Armin said in a shaken up vioce.

"You know what?" I started to shake as well. I look at Mikasa and she pats the step next to her for me to sit down. I sit down between the two.

"I told, Armin." My eyes widen and i looked at Armin's Blue eyes that were worried.

"Whos the father?"

At least Mikasa didnt tell him that.


Armin stood up and looked at us.

"Levi Ackerman?!" I slowly nod as Mikasa rubs my back. "Does he know?"


"You have to tell him, Y/n." Mikasa said and i put my head on her shoulder.

"I know..."

"I say wait until your at least 3 months along. So we know for sure the less chance of getting a miscarriage." My face turn white and i felt light headed.

"Armin" Mikasa said in her calm vioce. "She is 3 months, right?" I nod not wanting to look at any of them.

"Y/n... your 15." Armin sat back down grabing my hand.

"Ill tell him tomorrow. Ill ask him to come to that cafe near our school after school."

"I know you wouldnt do this, Y/n but..." he squeeze my hand. "Did you cheat on Jean?"

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