ch. 6 Stubborn Brat

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Y/n's pov

The next day at school i felt some eyes on me. Did something happen? Oh god what if Levi told everyone? He's not a people person. The fact he's a waiter makes it sound impossible but its true. Even that night he was still calling me a Brat. Mikasa was by my side for the whole day at school. Like she didnt want to leave my side. Even when i needed to go to the restroom. She came and i was confused. I felt sick so i went to the nurses office to just rest. Mikasa finally left my side and went to the cafe with Armin. I feel someone put their hand on my forehead. I open my eyes to see someone i wasn't expecting to see.

"Are you okay, Brat?"

"Levi what are you doing here?"

"You didnt answer my question."

"I just dont feel good. Are you okay?" He sat in the chair next to the bed. He nods. "What are you doing here?" He looked at me then away.

"Just lay down and rest."



I gave up not wanting to argue with him. I layed down closing my eyes. I didnt know i fall asleep until i felt Levi shaking me.

"Oi get up"

I sat up blinded by the bright room and little light headed from getting up to fast.

"What time is it?" I groan out.

"How are you feeling?"

"What time is it?" I fold my arms waiting for an answer. He sighs and check his phone.

"Almost one. How are you feeling?"

"Thank you. Im feeling just a little better but i still feel light headed and hungry. Still a bit tired but i can get though the day." I stood up getting my school bag but Levi beat me too it.

"Lets go. I already sign you out."

He started walking out of the nurses office. Sign me out? For what!?

"Levi where are you going?"

He didnt turn to look at me or say anything. He just kept walking. I still questioned him when we were walking but he didnt say anything until we were at his car. Damn i didnt even notice we were in the parking lot.

"Get in"

"What!? No way. We have school and i dont even know where your taking me!"

"Get in the car y/n." He sounded like he was going to lose his shit soon.


That set him off. He grab my wrist and shoved me into the backseat. While he got in the drivers side. I rolled my eyes and fold my arms. Is this kidnapping? He started the car and started making his way to the main road.

"Put your seatbelt on"

That i listen to because safety first.

He's a real bitch but he's a nice bitch? I don't know how i feel about him. Its hard to explain he's nice but thats only because his child is growing inside of me. We got to my house and i was confused but didnt complain. I didnt want to be near Levi Ackerman right now. So the second the car stopped i got out without a single word said. I get to the door and hear Levi turning off the car. What the fuck does he want? I unlock my door and was going to go inside until...

"Let me in"

"What? No. Im tried and i just want to eat."

"What are you planning to eat?"

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