ch. 48 Little guy

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Y/n's pov

So because we had a big group of people in the waiting room the nurses were allowing 6 people at a time in my room. It was really nice of them.

So when it was exactly 6:00am the doors open revealing the first group of people. Which were Hanji, Moblit, Isabel, Furlan and surprisingly Erwin.

"Hi~" i said holding Eren in my arms.

"He's so tiny!" Hanji said loudly. All our eyes widen. "Sorry. He's so tiny." She said more quieter.

Eren wasn't asleep. He was just staring off into space while in my arms.

Then i noticed they were all holding something. Hanji had a big teddy bear in her arms. Moblit had a shit ton of roses. Isabel had a gift bag. Then Furlan had a balloon attached to a string that said "welcome to the world."

"We all got you a little something." Isabel said with a wink.

I chuckled and nod my head to the table in the corner.

"Thank you. You guys can put it there."

They quietly put the stuff in the corner then surrounded my bed. Everyone just looked at Eren in aww. I smiled then looked at all of them.

"Would you guys like to hold him?" I asked and Hanji and Isabel had stars in their eyes.

They both nod their heads and came to my side. But of course Levi being Levi. He had one condition.

"Tch wash your hands for 2 minutes straight. Then you can touch our son."

I rolled my eyes but everyone listened to Levi. Probably knowing if they tried to argue they wouldn't win. The first person to hold Eren was Hanji.

"Can i have him?" Hanji asked.

"No." Levi and i said in a harsh tone

"Relax i was just kidding around."

I sighed while Levi "tch"

After they had their time with Eren they had to leave because a nurse came into the room. Since Eren was still awake Levi wanted to hold his son.

"Are you rested all up?" She asked and i nod. "Good. Now that your awake. Your son does need a name." She clicked her pen open and brought it to her clipboard. "What will be his name?" She asked sweetly.

I looked at Levi and nod my head indicating for him to answer the question.

"Eren Ackerman."

"Spell it please."

"E.r.e.n Eren then A.c.k.e.r.m.a.n Ackerman." I answered.

"Will you be doing breast feeding or formula?"

I bit my lip. I didn't think of that.

"What do you think is best?" I asked her.

"It depends. If you plan on having more kids it's best recommend todo formula."

Having more kids? I just had one already. How many kids do i really want?


My eyes widen and i looked at Levi who answered. The nurse smiles and hands me a paper.

"You can follow the instructions on the paper i gave you. Because he is a newborn you will put 3 scoops of formula and half a cup of water." I nod my head in understanding.

"Your son is perfect health. So in the afternoon we will do a check up on you to see if your in perfect health. If all goes will you might be able to leave the hospital by the evening." She informs us.

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