ch. 5 Date

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Y/n's pov

"Its okay Y/n."

I tell myself looking in the mirror wearing my school uniform. My bump is starting to show more. I'll just start wearing a jacket. Yeah no worries! Everything will be okay and no one well notice. My parents left for their trip yesterday so I'm home alone for the next week. Mikasa texted me telling me she was a minute away. So i got a school jacket and my school bag. I locked up the house and got my keys before going outside to meet Mikasa in her parents car.

"Good morning, Y/n!" Mrs. Ackerman greets me.

"Good morning!" I smile at her.

"You look like shit" Mikasa laughed at me.

"Mikasa!" Her mom yelled

"You said im free to say whatever i want!"

"Yes but thats mean."

"Its okay Mrs. Ackerman. I know she's just joking."

"I wasnt" Mikasa laughed harder.

"Mikasa." Her mom said in a mean tone.

"She's my best friend, Mom. I can be myself around her." I laughed and nod.

"Im sorry, Y/n." Her mother said to me.

"Its okay. Im used to this Mikasa."

The whole car ride was fun listening to Mikasa's mom tell Mikasa to be nicer to people. Then Mikasa telling her mom how people are shit. It was really funny.

"Alright ill pick you two up after school." Mikasa's mom said when we reached the school.

"Bye Mrs. Ackerman!"

"Bye mom"

"Bye girls!"

We got out of the car together and started walking to our lockers.

"Your mom is so nice. What happen to you?"

"My dad. Thats where i get the Ackerman blood from. My mom is Japanese and my dad is French. So when you have your little girl she'll be French and whatever you are."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. She must really want a girl. Armin and her are betting on the gender of the baby. Just as i close my locker my eyes landed on Levi and Petra walking down the hall together hand in hand. He seems happy with her. Even with his bored facial expression. I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I turn around and saw Jean.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning." I giggled and hugged him. Just has im hugging him i hear a familiar "tch" and see Petra and Levi walking past us not holding hands anymore.

"I want to take you out." My eyes widen.

"Are you sure?"

"We haven't had a date since school started and that was a month ago. Unless you dont want to-"

"No i do!" I jumped in his arms.

"Then lets eat out at the restaurant near the mall."

Shit there's two. Levi works at one.

"Which one?"

"Pancake world" I jumped with joy. "Good to know you like pancakes ill pick you up at 6." He laughed and i hugged him tightly.

"Get a room you two!" Ymir said even though she was doing the same to Histroia everyday.

"I can say the same about you guys!" Jean yelled back at them.

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