ch.23 Halloween night

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Y/n's pov

This is the best.

I'm just in my living room in the comfy sofa, with a nice soft blanket. Watching Hocus pocus on the flat screen TV. While my parents are having a date night.

I told my parents to have fun since they didn't have work and it was Halloween night. My parents agree under one condition which was to pass out candy to tick-or-treaters. Me being the awesome person i am got a piece of paper and wrote "please take one" on it. Then placed both the bowl and paper outside together.

So here i am. Joining my Halloween without moving. The door bell rang and i was going to get up but I'm to lazy.

"Read the sign!" I yelled loud enough for the person outside to hear me.


They rang the bell again. I sighed and stood up. Eren started kicking me and i rubbed my stomach.

"Yeah i was comfortable too." I said to him. I walked over to the door and open it.

"Trick or treat!"

"Trick" i close the door but he managed to get a hold of it before i can fully close it.

"I prefer a treat my lady."

"Go home Furlan. I'm watching a movie."

"Let me join you."

He walks in uninvited. I frown and closed the door.

"You don't seem all too happy to see me." He pointed out.

"I had to get up to answer the door." He chuckled and i roll my eyes. "Don't you have work today?" I sat down.

"I have the weekends off." He sat down as well.

"Where's Isabel?"

"Family gathering"

I nod and got comfortable. Furlan seem to have gotten comfortable himself so i press play on the movie.

Once the movie was over i looked at the clock above the tv. Its not even 8 yet. I look over at Furlan who seems to be texting someone on his phone. I sighed and rubbed my stomach. My parents are having their date night so I don't know what time their coming home.

I got up from the couch and stretch. As i did that one of my bones popped and Furlan's head snap in my direction.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah just popped a bone."

He nods and goes back to his phone. I didn't eat dinner yet. I went to the kitchen leaving Furlan in the living room. I first got myself a glass of water. Then i looked around for things i can cook.

I need to tell my mom to go shopping.

There's not even food i can cook. I sighed and went upstairs to check my wallet. I have enough to get a pizza. I went back downstairs with my wallet in hand and went to my phone.

I order a small pizza online to be delivered at my location. Now the waiting game. I placed my phone down and looked at Furlan.

"Yes, my lady?" He asked without lifting his head up from his phone.


"Talk to me." I said.

"Talk to you?" He put his phone down and i nod. "What would you like to talk about then."

I never got to ask him how he knew i was 3 months pregnant.

"So" i started "how did you know i was 3 months pregnant back then?"

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