ch. 43 Shit shit SHIT

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Y/n's pov

I bit my lip hard trying to hold myself back from yelling in pain.

This pain. Is something else.

As the tears rolled down my cheeks an overwhelming discomfort came over me as i also felt my stomach tighten.

I tried calming myself down with breathing in and out. It did work a little but the pain was still there.

"Where do we go!?" Furlan aaked yelling.

I haven't said a word since my water broke. I been too focused on the pain.

"C-c-call Levi and my parents." I said trying to sound calm.

"Did you fucking forget our phones are dead?" My eyes widen to his words. "What hospital are you supposed to give birth at?" He sounded more scared than me.

"St. Sina's hospital." I said

"FUCK!" He yelled again. "THAT'S FUCKING 45 MINUTES AWAY!"

My eyes widen. My breathing was off so the overwhelming pain came back.

"Can you bare with the pain?" He asked more calmly.


"CAN YOU BARE WITH THE PAIN?!" He yelled this time.

"Holy fucking shit Furlan! Yes! Just get me to a fucking hospital NOW."

I've never seen Furlan like this before. Why is he acting like a mad version of Levi?

I bit my lip hard again. Then sigh. Then i remembered the breathing exercises my mom taught me. I relaxed my body as best as i can and kept taking deep breaths in and out. The only thing that was bothering me was the silence. Furlan turn off the music so the only sound was the car engine.

"Furlan?" I took a deep breath in and out. "Please talk to me."

My eyes were close so i wasn't sure if he was looking at me or not. I heard him sigh.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I just hate this situation." I nod my head. "Our phones are dead. Your water broke. The hospital is almost an hour away. And the worst of all." I open my eyes to look at him. "Your in pain and i can't do anything about it."

I gave a weak smile and continued my breathing.

"Just keep talking. Try to distract me from the pain." I told him.

That's what he did he talked to me distracting me from the pain. But around 15 minutes later Furlan ran over another fucking pothole.

"AHHHH" I yelled in pain

"SHIT SHIT SHIT." Furlan yelled out as well.

How could a perfect day go wrong so fast. An hour ago i was looking forward to hanging out with Furlan when we got home. But now here i am. In pain.

I want my mommy.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks as i clench my fists. Furlan was now driving faster. Fast but not fast enough to break the law.

This time i wasn't holding back. I was yelling in pain and by the look on Furlan's face. He looked scared.

"I'm going to slap you when we get there!" Furlan looked at me confused. "You jinxed it, asshole!"

Furlan bit his lip and ignored my screams and paied attention to the road.

I saw a familiar building and smiled. Were extremely close to the hospital. I took a deep breath in and out and rubbed my stomach. In less than three minutes we were pulling up to the front of the hospital.

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