ch. 2 10th grade

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Y/n's pov

How long is this stuff? 9? And im two months so that means 7 more months. Crap so that means im due near the end of the school year. I need to get ready for school. Lucky for me i dont have to look around my closet to find what to wear because my school has a uniform. I dont know why people complain so much it saves a lot of time. Just has i finshed putting on my shoes my morning sickness kicked in. I ran to the bathroom and threw up my breakfast.

"Disgusting" i said out loud.

I brush my teeth again and went down stairs to meet my mom in the car.

"You alright sweetie?" My mom asked turning the car on.

"Yeah just a little nervous"

"Dont be nervous! You have Mikasa and Armin and all your over great friends and not so great friends." I laughed as she drove me to school. "Which reminds me. Your father and i looked into driving schools in the area and found one that has great reviews!" I jumped out of my seat to face her forgetting i had a seatbelt on.

"I can start going to driving school!?" She smile and nod. "So i can get my license by 16!" I smiled and was ready to text mikasa the good news.

"No. You'll have your permit by 16 then by the time your 16 and a half. Then youll have your license."

"Still getting my liscense!" I texted Mikasa telling her everything and she was happy for me as well. Then the car came to a stop. I look out the window seeing my school.

"Have a good day at school, kiddo." I laughed nervously and kissed her cheek.

"Bye mom."

I got out and walked to my locker which has been the same since my fressmen year. Which was also right next to Mikasa's locker. I put in my combination and started filling my locker up with books and what not. I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me jump. I turn around seeing Jean with his smile as bright as ever.

"Good morning" i chuckled and he kissed my cheek.

"Good morning" he replys.

"I havent seen you since last week" he frown and i smiled taking his hand into mine.

"Your going to be seeing me every weekday now"

Mikasa come to her looker with her same old expression.

"Good morning, Mika" she smiled at the nickname i gave her.

"Morning, shorty." I frown and Jean laughed.

"Im not that short" I roll my eyes and Jean grab my chin to look up at him.

"Babe your the same height as Histroia."

"Are you talking about my dear Histroia!?" Right on time. Ymir and Histroia came to our side. Ymir's arm wrapped around Histroia.

"Good morning everyone!" Histroia gives us a smile and we all greeted her as well.

"I heard you talking about my Histroia, Horse Face!" Ymir yelled a few eyes where on us.

"I was just telling Y/n shes the same height as your dear Histroia." Everyone looked at me then at Histroia.

"Whats your height, Histroia?" I wanted everyone to stop staring at us.


"We are the same height" we both Laughed and all started making our way to our class room. Which we were all in the same class this year. On our way there we had a few looks because Ymir and Jean were loud. Just as we were going to go in the class my eyes meet a steel grey ones. I go in the class and we all started talking until the bell ring.

Lunch came fast since we didnt have any lessons. Just teachers talking about how we need todo good and how school is important. I had to go to my locker so Armin and Mikasa followed me.

"Why does this school have to be so big?" Armin question as we were heading to my locker.

"You can go to the cafeteria. Mikasa and i can meet you there."

"No its fine. I just dont understand why a high school needs so much space." We laughed as we turn a corner. There in the middle of the hall was Levi with his two friends Furlan and Isabel. I can hear Mikasa and Armin talking to each other but my eyes were locked on Levi. Though he wasnt looking at me i was looking at all his actions. I snap out of it and started paying attention to Mikasa and Armin.

"Do you guys think that i should run for class president?" Armin asked and i chuckled.

"Do whatever makes you happy." Mikasa says. As we pass Levi and his friends. Our eyes meet for a few seconds before i turn my attention to my friends.

"Yeah, Armin. Plus you'll be the best President!" He blushed and smile.

"You think so?"

"I know so!" I gave him a side hug.

Not long after we reach my locker and Armin remembered he had to get something from his locker which was just around the corner from mine so he went todo that while Mikasa waited with me leaning up against her locker.

"Its Levi's isnt?"


She took a deep breath and looked down at me.

"I saw the way you looked at him when we passed him." My face turns red and i felt light headed. "Im not mad, Y/n. Im just worried for you is all." She stops talking when Armin comes back and he had a concerned look in his eyes.

"Whats wrong, Y/n?"

Shit dont cry. Dont fucking cry.

"You guys want to hang out at my place after school?" I faked a smile. Then Armin knew i didnt want to talk about it.

"Im free." We turn to Mikasa waiting for her response.

"Why not" we all smiled together and headed to the cafeteria. We met up with our somewhat big group. Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Marco, Connie, Sasha, Ymir, Histroia, Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt and of course me!

"You look a bit chubbier from the last time i saw you, Y/n." Reiner commented making me tear up a bit.

"Shut up, Reiner!" Jean defended me making me smile and my tears went away. Mikasa who was next to me tap my shoulder and had a concerned look in her eyes. I give her a fake smile and we all just started talking once again.

My eyes were roaming around the cafeteria and it landed on Levi. His arm was around his girlfriend, Petra, and he had his firends surrounding at the table. He did have a somewhat big friend group. There was Hanji who everyone loved. Moblit, Erwin, Eld, Gunther, Oluo, Furlan, Isabel, and his Girlfriend. He looked bored but thats how he always looked besides that one night... y/n dont think of that now! Ugh your at school. But look at him i cant do that to him.

He has his own life where im not part of it.

He wouldnt want a child in his life.

Would he?

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