ch. 42 an unexpected twisted

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Y/n's pov

March 29

Today is going to be a long boring day. My parents are at work. Levi works today.

So I'm home alone.

Since I'm supposed to be giving birth on the 31st my hospital bag is ready. I think I'm ready. Eren's room is ready. But i am bored out of my mind. I sighed i went though my phone. It's the middle of the day and almost everyone is busy today. So because I'm bored i texted almost everyone i knew asking if they want to hang out today.

I sighed after 30 minutes of no one replying until my phone made a ding sound.

I smiled and texted the person back.


Are you busy today?
Read at 12:26pm

Why you ask my lady?
Sent at 12:26pm

Let's hang out today.
I'm really bored:(
Read at 12:27pm

Umm sure.
But i have to do
Something at 4.
Sent at 12:27pm

That's fine
I'll do it with you.
Read at 12:27pm

Whatever you say
my lady.
Do i pick you up?
Sent at 12:27pm

Be here in 20 mins.
Read at 12:28pm

Your wish is my command.
Sent at 12:28pm

I put down my phone and started getting ready. When i mean ready i honestly mean putting on a flowy dress and putting my hair in a low ponytail. Since i am home alone, no one could help me put on shoes so i put on black flats.

I heard the door bell ring so i got my bag and slowly made my way downstairs. Once i open the door i smiled seeing Furlan.

"I haven't seen you in awhile." I said stepping out of my house and locking the door behind me.

"Will you been doing online school and usually refuses to hang out with the group so what do you expect?"

I give Furlan a side hug and we make our way to his car.

"How are you?" I asked as we got into his car.

"I been okay. How have you been, my lady?"

"Let's not talk about that." I sighed rubbing my stomach.

"I shouldn't have asked. Levi has already told me all about it."

"I'm not surprised." I rolled my eyes.

He started driving and put on some calming music on. It was a really nice comfortable silents. Until Furlan broke it.

"Have you eaten?" I nod. "Are you still hungry?" I nod once again. "Good because i haven't ate at all and i am starving."

I laughed and rubbed my stomach.

"Can we go somewhere with spicy food?" I asked with puppy dog eyes but he didn't look at me since he was driving.

"Of course my lady."

I smiled.


He then chuckled and we went back to our comfortable silents. As the car came to a stop Eren started kicking like a soccer player.

"Fucking brat." I said under my breath but Furlan still heard me.

I tried my best to ignore the kicking and got out of the car. Furlan walked by my side like he was on edge about something. I sighed and entered the building.

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