ch. 40 babyshower

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Y/n's pov

February 27

"But what if everyone makes fun of me?!" I said with tears rolling down my face.

"They won't do that." Historia tried making me feel better.

"We're going to be late if we don't go soon, Y/n." Mikasa said sweetly.

"But i look like crap! I should change my dress."

"AGAIN?!" Mikasa and Historia said disbelief.

"Holy shit!" Ymir yelled. "I feel like punching you in the face right now!"

I cried out louder and harder.

"Ymir! You know it's her hormones." Historia frown.

"I know! But were going to be late if we don't leave right now." Ymir stood in front of me and put her hands on my shoulders. "Listen Y/n. I know your hormones are horrible right now. But can you stop being a whiny little bitch."

I looked down and nod.

"Great! Let's go." Ymir said already leaving the room.

I turn to Mikasa and Historia who had warm smiles on.

"I'm sorry guys!" I cried out again.

"It's okay, Y/n." Historia put her hand on my shoulder. "But Ymir is right. We need to go now."

I nod and us three made it down to Ymir's car. Historia had plan a babyshower. I asked her not too be she did it anyways. She said this one is different from the gender reveal. It was only going to be girls and it's going to be at a cafe. She said not a lot of people are coming. Maybe around 20-25 people.

As we enter the cafe i noticed it was a quiet elegant theme. As we passed the front counter i saw the menu. Which was mostly baked goods and different kinds of teas.

I should take Levi here one day.

I smiled as we enter a private dining room. Everyone was already there.

"Sorry we're late everyone!" Historia apologized.

I looked around and saw my mom and Kuchel talking with each other. Then my eyes wondered to Marco and Sasha. They were laughing and making fun of each other.

Marco is allowed to come with the girls.

Mikasa lead me to an empty table and we sat down. I sighed and rubbed my stomach big stomach.

This kid.

Is going to be the death of me.

My stomach is way to huge now and anytime i see food. I just want to eat it all up.

After a few minutes i stood up and made my way to the adults table. I honestly also just wanted to be near my mom.

"Hi mommy." I said and she hugged me while she was still sitting down.

"You okay, sweetie?"

"No." I whined a bit.

"Aww it'll be okay."

I sighed and nod with a fake smile.

"You guys doing okay?" I asked the three adults.

"I'm doing fine." Kuchel said with a smile.

Then i looked at Mikasa's mom. She already had a small bump and had a smile on.

"I'm okay as well." She says and i nod.

"Y/n!" I turn my head and saw Isabel coming up to me. "How are you feeling?"

"Don't ask." I frown and she giggled.

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