Episode 1: ITZY

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All scenes that take place in this book are completely fiction and have not happened in real life


I was walking home from school with my friends Lisa who was a 5th grader while Lia and I were in 4th grade

School just ended and we were talking about how Lisa told her crush she liked him

We were laughing and teasing her

Lisa went off into the other direction since her house was in the neighborhood across from ours

"Yeji-ah, how's Hyunjin oppa?" Lia asked, he was in the same grade as Lisa and he recently sprained his arm from falling off the skateboard

"Oh he's ok" I said and she nodded as she kicked the pebbles on the sidewalk, not knowing what to talk about, Lisa always had the interesting stories

"Do you like anyone in our class?" She asked "No not really" I said "Well you hang around a lot of boys so I was just wondering" She said with a small nervous laugh, she gets really nervous when it comes to boys so I'm friends with all of them while she is just friends with the girls

"Oh but there all my friends, I don't like them like that" I said and she made a 'O' with her mouth while nodding

"This is my house, ill see you tomorrow!" She said walking up the steps to her front door, my house was only around the corner

I was walking and a soon as I turned to corner there was a man sitting down curled up in a ball leaned up against the house, my house was only four doors down

I continued to walk and as soon as I took a step in front of him, something jumped in front of me


I woke up breathing heavy and I was sweating all over, I look at the clock and took a deep sigh to calm myself down, 6:30, a couple minutes til I usually wake up so I went to the bathroom to take a shower

I got out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror, I sighed as I dried my hair, I looked at all the scars and bruises on my body

After I got dressed, I went downstairs and fed my dog, I looked at the couch and he wasn't there, he must have left to work

My boyfriend Jiheon usually sleeps on the couch but he wasn't there, I fell asleep before I saw him last night so he probably didn't even show up

He is abusive but put many threats on my if I broke up with him, I was too scared to leave him

I made a little breakfast shake so I could take it to work with me, I had a couple minutes left to spare so I decided to go on just a short walk so I wouldn't sweat before work

I walked outside with my phone and earbuds, I left my shake and purse in my locked car so that I could just take off when I get back

I walked around the block from my house "Yeji-ah!" I heard a elders voice from my right, I turned towards the houses beside me, I took out my earbuds and smiled at my sweet neighbor

"Oh Ajumma, Hello!" I said and bowed, she always makes me foods cause she thinks I'm too skinny and need to eat more, she is like a second grandmother, she also lives in the house that Lia used to live in

"How is your mom doing? Did you eat the food I gave you last night?" She asked "Of course, it was delicious and she called me a few days ago, everything is good!" I said

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