Special - Episode 15 (Part 2)

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I was walking through the crowd of people, I was looking for something but I didn't actually know what that is, I just didn't want to be alone since the girls went off to do something else, yeah it's a mask party but you can still see little features of there face and body so I could kinda tell who was who

I saw my friend from middle school Hannah Bang and her brother Chan or Chris, whichever one

"Eonnie!" I called out and she came to me with a her mouth open shocked to see me "Holy wow! Chear you look so...wow" She said making me laugh "You do too, it's so good to see you again" "Yeah, Chris's music career is starting after he got accepted here and I have a beauty line here as well so we came back from Australia and Chris has been friends with Juyeon for a while, we thought we'd stop by" "Oh what beauty line, I'm gonna have to start using it" I said making her smile

"HB Beauty, I'll send you a welcome package" She said with a wink as I cheered "Hannah!" Chris called and we both looked over to him and a group of friends both girls and boys "I have to go, you can come if you want" She said about to leave but then suggested

"No it's fine, I was actually gonna meet someone, its nice meeting you though" I said and she smiled before leaving to Chris

I didn't actually need to leave, it's just that there are these girls in that group that I don't like and actually bullied me a little my freshmen year but I didn't want to say anything to Hannah, she looked so happy to greet them after they've been away for so long, didn't want to ruin it

I walked to a place where there wasn't many people, it was right by this big window wall with a couch, there was a couple making out on it so I decided to leave, but before I did, someone caught my eye

There were two people outside a few ways down talking in an alley

Juyeons parents are filthy rich so through this window I could see the neighborhood down the hill, one person was a female about my height with dirty blonde hair, mostly brunette, the other was man, old enough to be a father, maybe her father?

That's what I thought at first until she looked around and gave him something, it's was in a brown bag and the other guy took it giving her money, he turned to head to his car and when he did it surprised me

A cop

A cop...doing drugs?

It's not my business and I wasn't too sure of it so I left it and quickly turned around when I saw the girl look up here

I slowly turned around and they were both gone "Hey" I heard from my left making me jerk my head out of surprise

"Oh hey?" I said not entirely sure who he is yet but once I got the full look I think I got it "Taehyun oppa?" I asked, so embarrassing if it wasn't

"Yep! I asked Lia what you were wearing" He said a little shyly "Oh well, I don't really know many people and the people I do know are doing things I don't want to do" I said and he nodded

"Well what are you doing now? You looked pretty interested in whatever was out there" He said looking out "O-Oh um, I was just spacing out, I came here to get away from all the people and maybe one of the girls would find me but here you are" I said and he spun around with his arms out "Here I am"

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