Episode 11: Taehyun and The Apartment

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All scenes that take place in this book are completely fiction and have not happened in real life


Today was my free day so I wanted to do more research on who's missing report this is

She was found in *** Sinsa- dong, Gangnam-Gu, so I got a train ticket there to see if I could find more, her apartment number was 234

I got on the train and no one knew I was there, none of my friends nor my dad

I got off the train and headed towards the building, I walked in and went to the 3rd floor

I looked for her apartment number, 234


I knocked to see if anyone moved in since the case was still fresh, no one answered, I tried to open the door by turning the knob and surprisingly, it was still open

I cracked the door open but before I could open it, a little boy, probably around 12 years old, grabbed my hand

"I wouldn't go in there" He said "Oh yeah? Why's that?" I asked kneeling down to his level "Because my mom told me a story about that room, I live in 238, where my mom grew up, she saw what happened" He said "Well what happened?" Can't believe I'm listening to a kid, but kids don't ask to much questions about why I'm here so might as well

"When my mom was younger, there was a little girl and a little boy that lived here, they were friends from school, but then they stopped going to school and my mom didn't know why, later that day my mom heard yelling from this apartment room and got worried for her friend and the little boy" He said as I listened more actually intrigued in the story he was telling

"The mom that lived here screamed before it went silent, people thought she was killed, my mom said people, including her, all came out of there rooms to see what was going on, there was shuffling in the room, my mom knocked on the door and asked if the girl could play before bed, the dad opened the door and saw everyone watching outside through the peep whole so he didn't respond and continued to do whatever, they haven't walked out of that room for a while until finally the husband moved out with his kids somewhere, the police came to the room once someone called them" "Why'd they call the police?" "They found her dead in the bathroom, they went to find the husband and then there was word that he died, i don't know how, neither does my mom"

"Do you know there names?" I asked and he sighed "I think it was like Taejoon or something and then the wife was like Seolhee, but im for certain that there surname was Kang" "Thank you" I said patting his shoulder before standing up and stepping in the room

"Your still going in?" "Yeah" "Why?" "I'm just investigating for personal reasons" I said and he crossed his arms while looking at me with a confused face "Can I tag along? My mom wouldn't mind since she knows I'm out playing anyway" He said and I rolled my eyes "Whatever, but if you disappear or get in trouble, that's on you not me"

He followed me in the dark abandon room, the door opened into a mud room to take off our shoes "I'm definitely not taking off my shoes in this" I said and the boy nodded "What is your name by the way" I asked "Ahn Yoonjun" "Kang Taehyun" "Kang? Hmm" He went to the forward which was the living room while I went right to the kitchen, I looked around the kitchen and there was mold all over the sink and the counters were covered in dust

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