Episode 20: I still like you

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POV Taehyun
It was the next day, I was still off about Yeji's death, investigating my own past has made me suspicious about so many other things

Yeji being one of them

Something about her death just doesn't seem right, she fell from a high surface and Yeonjun was there trying to stop her but she did it anyway and fell

Doesn't sound like Yeji at all

Chaeryeong told me not to worry about it and to just go to the school in the photo while she was at work

Knowing her, the reason she wanted me not to worry and just go was because she didn't want to talk about Yeji anymore

I went to the train station and headed to Sun Elementary


I was standing outside the entrance, there were kids running around for recess and teachers standing with there arms crossed watching

There were too guards at the front gates so that no strangers would just walk in

I showed my ID and told them I had an appointment with the principe, they called her with the walkie talkie and she confirmed it

They let me in, seeing the kids made me have a memory

"Taehyun-ah, you're it!" A girl with long black hair tied back into two braids shouted, I groaned and ran after the other kids, my friends

"Daesung, you're it!" I yelled tagging the boy with black hair that bounced as he ran in front of me and then running away

The teachers whistle blew

"Time to go inside!" The teachers yelled as I snapped back to reality, I made it to the doors and walked in with the kids

One of them kept smiling at me and looked shy, I waved and they waved back giggling

I went to the front desk and asked for the principle, Mrs. Son

They showed the me the way, I sat in her office until she arrived


"I'm sorry, the kids really wanted to show me there flower projects they were working on" She said walking through the door, I stood up and bowed to her "I hope I didn't keep you waiting long" "Oh no, it's fine" I said with a smile

She moved her hand towards the seat signaling me to sit down

I sat down and scooted forward towards her desk as she sat down and did the same

"What did you need to talk to me about?" She asked "I went to this school when I was a kid, specifically the age 6" I said and she nodded "I want to know if you still have my records and if I could look at them" I asked and she nodded "I can check, we keep all of our kids records in case colleges, high schools, or people like you ask for it, Kang Taehyun right?" she asked and went to the back room "Yes!"

She took a while but finally came out with nothing "I'm sorry, it's not here, did you go to college or was recently involved in a case involving the police?" she asked and I nodded slowly "I think so, why?"

"We'll, we might have given it to them, it's ok, we keep record of that too, I'll go back to the dates around when you were 6 and I'll see if we can find why your file isn't here" She went back and I sighed

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