Episode 16: The start

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I walked to my locker with a sigh, it's been a week since the fight at the Halloween party and Yujin still asks if I went to there house

There on a trip right now so of course I haven't, Yujin wasn't really like this at first but I think since the wedding is coming up she's getting a little anxious

I do hang out with Yuna a lot but that's just because I like to hang out with her and her sister, she's one of my good friends

I closed the locker and headed to my last class of the day

Two more weeks and this will be the last class of high school!

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I've been hanging out with Ryujin a lot for a while now and I feel like I'm doing the worst thing a boyfriend can do...I think I'm catching feelings

Surprise! Over time I have gotten together with Minji cause that's what I wanted at the time and still think I want

This isn't good at all, what am I gonna do with Minji, I'm stuck between the two

I've only every done IT with Minji once and I like her personality and she's very pretty, but Ryujin is also pretty and has a good personality

I sat up in my bed and sighed looking out the window, I look over to the side of my bed and see Minji

I like her a lot, we've been friends since we were little and I never thought this would happen, I have always had a little crush on her since she's is a pretty girl but it changed a little, those strong feelings just aren't there anymore

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I woke up and felt a small arm on my chest as her hand was slightly on my cheek as if she held it there and it slipped as she went to sleep

I looked over and saw Chaeryeong sleeping still, I checked the time and she definitely is late for work but I didn't want to move

I moved a little bit which cause her to move her leg on top of me and snuggle her face into my neck making me turn red

I gulped so loud I'm surprised she didn't move, my heart was definitely racing feeling her leg on top of me

Her leg was on top of the blanket and since my shorts slip up her leg, it revealed a lot of her thigh

I looked away fast when I saw it and just stared at my ceiling

I tried sliding out and I ended up falling in the floor, she groaned and rubbed her eyes open looking me at the floor

"What happened?" She said with a laugh and I sat up, I could see right down my shirt on her since it was so big, I didn't want to seem like a creep so I kept looking at her and at the walls

"U-um I just, you know" I said with a nervous laugh, I was definitely hard, I thought it was just because it's the morning but it can be both

"I need to use the bathroom" I said and rushed to the bathroom

You are being such a creep Taehyun what the hell

I heard the door open behind me and my gaze went to the mirror as I saw a smiling Chaeryeong at the door way

She walked over and hugged me from behind, I got big time butterflies "What's this?" I asked and she just giggled and shrugged

"I just know what I want and right now, I don't know why but I just really want this" She said and I let out a scoff, it was definitely a cover for the shaky breathe I would've let out from the amount of butterflies this woman is giving me

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