Episode 8: Yuna's New Place and Simple Confession

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All scenes that take place in this book are completely fiction and have not happened in real life


I was out helping Irene shop since I wanted to get away from my parents while I was out of school

We were going through the isles and I heard commotion to the left of me, I looked at the front desk check out and there was a tall brown haired girl struggling to keep her coffee and sandwiches in her hands

"Hey noona, I'll be right back ok?" I said and she nodded, I ran over to catch the sandwich that fell from her arms as she looked at some shocked "Thank you so much" she said and I bowed "why don't you use a bag "I don't want to pay extra for one since I didn't bring my own, I'm trying to save, it's fine tho my office is rig around the corner" She said getting closer gesturing to put the sandwich I was holding on top of the stack, she seemed like she was in a rush to get out

"Are you sure you have it?" I asked and she nodded with a hum in response "Yuna?" I heard Irene's voice in the back "Huh? Eonnie!" She said turning around and facing Irene

What's happened to being in a rush?

While she was talking to Irene, she now looked familiar, she picked up her sister the other day

"Kai can you go with her and carry her stuff to her office?" Irene said "Oh no it's fine" Yuna said "Yeah and I came to help you" I told Irene before she shook her head

"I'm only getting some fruit and medicine for your mother, to help her" She said and shooed us away

I grabbed the drinks while she held the sandwiches and we walked out, it was silent and kind of awkward but I just kept a straight face and walked looking forward

"Um since when did you know my sister? I saw you talking to her the other day when I picked her up" She said, thank god she said something, the silence was killing me

"Um I'm a senior and usually the seniors give help to the underclassmen, she needed help with studying in a class I already had" I said and she nodded "Thank you for helping" She said and I could feel her gaze on the side of my face

"My turn" I said trying to keep the mood lively "Huh?" "Ill ask you a question now" I said and she nodded looking forward "Why aren't you in school if I am a year older than you?" I asked "How do you know that?" "Your sister told me"

"Well I dropped out because I wanted to focus on the job I had with my friends and also that shit was too hard" She said making me laugh, she was right, it is hard

"Fair" "I'll ask the last question since we're almost there" I nodded as she thought of something to ask "What's your parents like? You seem very put together and that watch on your wrist isn't cheap" She said

I scoffed than looked at my watch "They aren't very caring as you think and this watch was the last thing I got from my grandpa" "Oh sorry" she said "No your good, a lot of people assume that, my parents spend there money on me but don't even pay much attention to me" I said and glanced at her

"Sorry" I said noticing I completely ruined the mood "No it's fine, it's just my mom, my sister, and me, my dad left us for another family so I know what it feels like" She said as it got quiet for a few, she cleared her throat and than pointed to a building "Anyway, here it is"

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