Episode 21: Our secrets

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I needed to cool off before doing anything, I decided to go to Yuna's house and talk to her

I knocked on her door and she opened it with a smile "Sorry I didn't go to the wedding" She said sarcastically making me laugh a little before letting out a sigh

"What's wrong?" She asked grabbing my hand and taking me in, I sat down in the couch next to her and she looked at me for an answer

"I called off the wedding and my dad blew up in my face" I said and she nodded "Sounds about right" She responded trying to make me laugh

I scoffed a little with a smile, she's not wrong "I'm gonna tell you something Yuna" I said and her eyes lit up "Oh fun" I turned towards her and grabbed her hands looking at her "I...about that night...well you see..." "I'm trying to" "Ok im gonna tell you know" "I'm listening" "I'm...Yeji and I...or...oh god" "It's ok, you don't have to tell me" She said about to get up but I pulled her back down

She looked me in the eyes shocked "Im an agent from America that was sent here a while ago and Yeji was my partner, my parents were my first mission so I was trying to listen to them but that didn't work and now Yeji is dead and I don't know why yet but it definitely wasn't how they said it was" I said really fast and she just stared at me with wide eyes blinking

"Oh...um" She said taking her hand away from mine, oh no

"That's why that night you..." "Yeah" I said not able to look her in the eyes "And Yeji eonnie..." "Yep"

She kept looking down at the floor with furrowed eyebrows and a confused face

"How-" she said but didn't finish her sentence "So you were sent here on a mission?" "Yeah, my parents moved here for a job change but it was actually my companies doing" I said and she nodded and then looked at me "What about me?" "Oh you are real, this is real, I really like you, this wasn't planned at all" I said grabbing her hands and smiling, I really didn't expect this at all

"Aren't you in trouble because of me?" She asked and I shook my head "Of course not, it's not your fault at all, besides, the only reason I needed to do that was to get closer to my parents and getting what I needed but I can still do that without Yujin, the company will just have a hard time adjusting the the plans" I said and she laughed a little

"Wow, this is crazy" She said and I nodded "I know, I know"

"Yeji was your partner too, you think this is what got her killed?" She asked and I shook me head

There's no way

"If it was, I would have known about it" I said and she nodded "Ok, we'll then what do you think actually happened to her?" "We need to talk to Yeonjun, he was actually there"

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POV Yeonjun
I walked to my car since everyone was leaving the wedding

As soon as I put my hand on the handle, Lia called to me

"Oppa!" "Lia" I turned around and she caught her breathe "I missed you" She said with a smile making me let out a small scoff "I missed you too" I said and messed up her hair "I'm sorry what happened to Yeji, especially since it happened right in front of you" She said and I sighed

"Im sorry to you too, I know you were close" I said and she nodded grabbing her arms since we were outside and it's a little cold "Do you have someone waiting?" I asked and she nodded pointing behind her

I saw Soobin saying goodbye to Tae and Beomgyu by his car "Here, and tell Soobin that ill talk to Kai" I said taking off my jacket and giving it to her, she nodded and waved

I got in with a sigh wiping the single tear that rolled down, I really miss her


"Hyung, I appreciate you coming to talk to me about my father and what happened but I want to talk to you about what happened to Yeji" Kai said and it made me confused

I sat down on Yuna's couch since that's where he told me to meet him, Yuna was there as well

"You saw the news with the others didn't you?" I said and he nodded "I did but I know it isn't true" He said and my face immediately changed to a straight face and furrowed eyebrows while looking at him, we both looked as if we were interrogating each other

"What you mean? The police put the report out, I was there" I said "Which is exactly why you would know it's not true"

I scoffed as he kept the straight face, Yuna was just sitting there like a lost puppy

But that's the thing

Yuna is looking like a lost puppy cause she took the bait

She believed what the police said, just like everyone else

But Kai didn't...

He seemed to have experience in this area

"What did you do while I was gone Kai?" I asked and that seemed to have surprised him "When I left and didn't talk to you boys for a while you were a little innocent lost puppy, now your the one interrogating me, you seemed a lot more skilled in this area before" I said and he just smirked

"You do too Hyung" "Tell me your secret and I'll tell you mine" I said and he looked at Yuna before looking at me, I assume she already knows about his secret

"When you left Yeji and I joined an agency, we went on missions that were assigned to us and did all we were trained too, that's why I don't think that what you told the police is true" Kai said and I nodded in shock that Yeji would do that and not tell me

"Your turn" "I made a deal with a man by the name of Oh Sehun, it was a big mistake cause I became his slave, I was just about to be free before Yeji accidentally got involved in a mission of mine, I was then sent to kill her since she was a witness, in return I would get my freedom"

I said and Kai and Yuna both looked shocked and leaned for more information, I looked at Yuna before continuing "Oh...do you want me to leave?" She asked "No no, just wanted to make sure your ok to hear the rest" I said, Yuna always is sensitive when it comes to her friends

She nodded

"I didn't know Yeji so I accepted it, but as I got closer to her, that execution date got further and further, he noticed and made a deal, I kill her and get my freedom, or he kills her and I continue to be his slave, I was ready to kill her and I couldn't do it, I asked him to kill me instead and let her live but he shot her and got away" I finished while I whipped the tears that rolled down

They sat there in shock and speechless "I'm sorry hyung" He said trying to comfort me "I came here to comfort you but your comforting me" I said letting out a small laugh trying to push back how sad I was, I don't like showing those emotions

Sorry it's so short and I haven't updated, the next chapter will be Taeryeong focused and will be out later tonight or tomorrow, I will work on it since I haven't for so long, I also have been working on something else called Dear Rosie which is not yet out


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