Episode 10: The Date

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All scenes that take place in this book are completely fiction and have not happened in real life


Yeonjun pulled in the driveway to pick me up, I grabbed my bag and  slipped my shoes on before heading out the door and to his car, he was leaning on it waiting for me

"Ready to be broke?" I asked and he sighed "Ready as ill ever be" he opened the door for me

We drove out of the neighborhood and to our next destination which I said was coffee, at Soobin's place


We walked in and headed to the counter, I saw Soobin in the back "Oppa!" I called out and Yeonjun looked at me with furrowed eyebrows "Oppa? Since when did you get so close?" I just smiled and looked at Soobin as he walked over

"Hey, I heard what's happening today, good luck!" He said smiling at Yeonjun in a mocking way, he just fake smiled and immediately frowned

"Well aren't you lucky, your our first stop" Yeonjun said sarcastically "Oh I'm honored, what would you like?"

"Sugar free Vanilla Latte with a muffin and a croissant" I asked and I could feel the stare he was giving me, he's never gotten breakfast before and even he knows I don't get this much

"Coffee, you know what kind" Yeonjun said giving him his card as Soobin just laughed taking it


We had our breakfast and sat at the Han river until we finished, I was eating my muffin and looked at Yeonjun as he just sipped his coffee looking after his phone

I hummed for his attention as I offered a piece, he looked at me confused and then took it "Why didn't your order any food?" "Wasn't hungry" "Come on, everyone is hungry in the morning" "Not everyone" He said with clear anger in his voice

"Well obviously someone is hungry, jeez why so stressed I barely made you pay for anything yet" I said with a small laugh and he just layed on his back closing his eyes

I took the chance to admire every feature on his face, he didn't look too bad for a jerk that bumps into you at night

I started at his closed eyes, they looked surprisingly warm and soft compared to his bitchy attitude, then down to his perfectly shaped nose and then plump pink lips

I sighed and looked off at the river and finishing off my muffin, I sipped my coffee and then layed back as well, I looked at the clouds and tried to make a shape or image out of them

I smiled to myself remembering when I did this as a kid with Lia

"Look it's your dog, daegang!" I said as me and Lia layed on the rooftop, she laughed seeing the dog shaped cloud flying above us

"Where too next?" I heard a voice beside me, I turn my head and my face meets with his, we both were laying down looking at each other

I sat up and cleared my throat "I was thinking the mall, shopping" I said standing up as he groaned "Your idea not mine" I said "I know I know"


I walked into the Hollister store at the entrance, I looked around as Yeonjun followed and did the same, he was pretty much looking for himself

I found a couple of things I'd like to try on, I told the staff and she let me use one of the dressing rooms

"Yeonjun-ssi, can you wait here and then rate them as I come out ok?" I asked and he sat down "ssi? wow" "what do you want me to say?" "Oppa?" "Yeah no, I don't know why but that feels weird" "Fine, then just Yeonjun" he said and I nodded

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