Episode 19: Betrayed

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POV Yeji
It was late at night, I was chilling in my room, I layed on my bed swinging my feet in the air while I solved a crossword puzzle

I chewed on my pencil as I was stumped on this question, all the answers I can think of don't match with it

I then got a text from Kai

Noona we have a problem
Love almost got me exposed

What are you talking about?

I was out with Yuna and these guys tried to jump her, I was able to protect her but she asked me how I did it

I said Taekwondo but she's not taking it, she said it looked like some Avengers shit TT

Holy Jesus
Im only letting this pass since
it's Yuna

At least she doesn't know right?
You didn't tell her anything?


Meet me tomorrow morning
at Soobins cafe


I sighed and went under my covers turning my lights off and going to bed

I can't believe he almost had to explain we're he learned that, it would have been interesting to watch


The next morning

I waited in the Cafe for Kai to show up, he walked in happier than usual
"She kissed you didn't she?" I asked as he sat down "How did you know?" "We trained together and you're really asking me that" I said and he shrugged with the 'you're right' face

"Ok so, we are on break and have no missions which is good, please, thank you for protecting her, but you really need to keep your guard up ok" I said and he nodded

"I know this is the only reason your getting with Minji, for your next mission, so you can hangout with Yuna but you can't get with her or be any way romantic" I said and he scoffed and rolled his eyes

"Too late, she kissed me" He said

"No further romantic interactions, I don't want her involved in this, it's too dangerous" I said and he nodded while Sunoo gave us my coffee and Kai's muffin "Thank you" we said and he bowed before leaving

"Kai, the only time I'm accepting this is if your protecting people, especially Yuna, but don't tell her unless it's absolutely necessary" "Yeah, Yeah, this job is harder then I thought it would be" He said and I got up and rubbed his head

"Love you partner" I said and he rolled his eyes, he's like the little brother I never had


I went to a private area, it was kinda like a ghost town, there was no one there, the only thing I knew was that Yeonjun wanted to see me for something

"Yeji!" He said and called out to me from across the street, I ran over and we walked into what used to me  a mall but it's emptied out

"What are we doing here?" I asked and he told me to close my eyes

It was quiet for a while and then I heard his breathing change "Yeonjun?" It sounded like he was crying or beginning to cry "Can I look?" "No please don't look right now, I-I'll tell you when to open" He said and I slowly opened my eyes turning around, something didn't seem right

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