Episode 12: Crush? Half of the Truth is Finally Out

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All scenes that take place in this book are completely fiction and have not happened in real life


I waited outside for Beomgyu after seeing his text, that is so embarrassing, I hope I didn't do anything crazy or stupid in front of him

He pulled up and he got out as I went up to him "I am so sorry for whatever I did last night and making you have to come back here" I said and he shook his head "Your good, you just showed me your family and we both agreed we don't like Minji"

"Oh I forgot about her, you don't like her? She's your childhood friend" I said "And the reason I don't have a girlfriend right now, I love her as a friend, she's been there but she can get annoying and keeps pushing all my female friend away" "Oh makes sense, well that sucks, I'm just gonna ignore her" I said patting his shoulder and getting in the car

He gets in as well and starts to drive "Thanks by the way" I said with my hand out and he hands the keys back "Of course, anytime" He said confusing me


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I wanted to hangout with Yujin more since we are getting married once I graduate from high school

I was walking out the school and looked up when I heard the honk of a car

I looked in the direction of the car out of curiosity and found Yujin smiling in a car waving at me

I went to her car with a smile, and hoped in the passenger seat "Hey, I didn't know you were picking me up" I said "Yeah well, I thought we could drive around and hangout since you know, they let me out early so I pulled my car up front to get you" She said with a smile making me smile again "Thanks"

We drove to the store and I followed her around as she got all the groceries for whatever she had planned, it looked like a picnic

We got back in her car and headed to Han River, we set up a spot and she put out all the food

"We should get to know each other more, so what's your favorite movie?" Yujin asked "I don't really have a favorite but I do like Horror" I said and she gasped "Me too, always ask this question first cause a lot of the people I meet don't like horror movies"

"What's your favorite color?" I asked "Mmmmmm, purple? yeah purple" "Mine will have to be Yellow" I said "Really? why yellow, I don't hear that one often" she asked me leaning on her hands as her legs were layed straight

"I don't really know, yellow just fits me I guess" I said and she nodded

She looked out to the river and I did the same sitting next to her in the same leaned back on my hands position with my legs layed out next to hers, her legs were shorter than mine, her toes reached the middle part of my shin, closer to the knee cap which I thought was cute

I looked at her and the wind blow her hair making it flow in the wind like waves, she looked really pretty, and I guess I felt a little attraction but I don't feel any strong feeling yet, I feel like it might get there though

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked and she shook her head "You?" "Nope, but I do have nanny who is like an older sister" I said and she giggled "I barely talk to mine, I think she secretly hates us" Yujin commented about her nanny which made me laugh a little through my nose

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