Episode 13: Her Smile

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Irene was cleaning the house which woke me up, I really wanted to sleep in since it's Saturday

I walked out and it was just her, my parents weren't there

"Where's mom and dad?" I asked "There out on a trip with Yujin's parents" She said and I nodded with a sigh "How is she? Is she at least nice?" She asked and looked up from the table she was wiping

"Yeah she's great it's just, we have a short time before we get married and I don't think I fully fall in love with her by then, I don't think she will either" Irene nodded and gave me a hug

"That's just how your life is, sometimes you just have to play it's game to reach the next level" She pulled away from the hug and smiled at me

"Also remember Yuna from the other day?" "Yeah why?" I asked and she walked back over to the table

"She called and said her sister was failing a class and she needed to get this project done by the weekend or else she couldn't get any extra credit" "And she's asking me to help?" I pointed to myself surprised and Irene nodded

"Okay well, I'll be right back" I said and went up stairs to change into more approaching clothes, I looked like I just rolled out of bed with my messy hair and pajamas on

I put some jeans on and t-shirt as well as made my hair less messy, it was still fluffy and all over the place but it didn't have pieces sticking up everywhere


I pulled into the driveway of the address that Yuna gave Irene and knocked on the door

I heard the door handle raddle before it was opened by a little girl with a big smile "Hyuka oppa!" She said hugging me as Yuna came laughing behind the corner

"I didn't know you were coming?!" She said and I looked at Yuna "You didn't?" "I know how much she likes you so I wanted it to be a surprise" Yuna said

I walked in with Yena (not izone) holding my arm, I sat next to her and looked at the project "So what are we doing?" I asked as Yuna walked off to the kitchen

Yena began to talk and show me everything "Wow, that's a lot, why would he give you so much in such little time?" "It's Mr. Gwan, not surprising" She said and I nodded "I remember when I had Mr. Gwan, not pretty"

Yuna came back with waters and some snacks, we all sat down and began to work on her project

"Eonnie! aniya!" Yena complained as Yuna looked at her confused "What? Don't be such a baby, it will work" She said and Yena erased the words Yuna wrote "Hey!" "I don't want it" I sat there smiling trying to hold in my laughter, I forget that there sisters and still fight like sisters

"Yena, I don't have to help you" "Your right you don't I have Hyuka oppa" "Bro, he doesn't have to help you either, you erased his words earlier as well" Yuna said and I knew I had to but in "It's fine, it is her project" "See!" Yena said in Yuna's face "But you should still accept and understand your sisters opinion, I think it was a good idea" I said and Yuna smiled while crossing her arms

Yena mumbled something under her breath before writing the words back, we continued in and as siblings do they already forgot about the fight and started laughing to each other

At one point they both ganged up on me, it was scary if I'm being honest

I did notice one thing though, while we were all talking I would catch myself just looking at Yuna, she was really beautiful and actually really funny

Also her laugh is so pretty and addicting I would catch myself smiling whenever she would laugh

It was actually a little awkward since sometimes she'll catch me staring or I'll catch her staring and there's just Yena witnessing it all

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