Episode 2: TXT

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All scenes that take place in this book are completely fiction and have not happened in real life


You think you can escape this?

A voice said to me as I was asleep, my head shook to one side trying to make it stop

Choi Yeonjun

My head shook to the other side






"STOP!" I yelled as I shot up from my bed looking around the room as if I've never been here before, after I notice it was my room and just a nightmare, I walked out at the same time as my roommate Soobin

"Another nightmare?" He said "Yeah" I answered not even looking at him and continuing to walk down the hall to the kitchen

"You never tell me what there about, is it the same one? How bad is it?" He asked sitting down at one of the bar stools

"Yes it's the same nightmare every night and there pretty bad" I said grabbing my water bottle out that I put in the fridge

"What is it about?" He asked putting his head in his hands "It's my personal thing Bin, plus you won't get it anyway" I said, I really didn't want to tell him what happened

"Fine, I've tried before, why would it be different this time" He said getting up and then messing up my hair, he ran to his room laughing after seeing my glare

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After running into my room, I got dressed for work, I worked at Hollys Coffee with my grandma, she was the owner of the place

My great great grandma was Holly and she started the business, we have been keeping it up and running since

I got dressed after my shower and headed out, I grabbed my lunch that I packed before hand and walked out saying bye to Yeonjun

"Hyung! Ill be back late!" I said then closing the door behind me, I walked to my car and put my lunch in the passenger seat, I backing out of the driveway and on to the road


I parked into the small parking lot in the back of Hollys Coffee which was for employees only

I opened the door to the back room of the cafe and saw my grandma showing the new guy how to make her famous rolls

"Hey Halmeoni! Hey Sunoo" I said and they both looked over, Sunoo waved back with a smile while my grandma ran to me "So that's the new boys name, Sunoo" "You hired him but didn't know his name?" "I'm old don't make fun of me and get to making the Bukkumi" She said pushing me away

I just laughed as I put my apron on and was about to make them before I heard a small voice asking about a partnership

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

"Beomgyu-ah! Did your sister drop you off again?" My boss asked me "Hyung please don't tease me again" I said and he just smiled "I won't, this time I want to ask you something" "What is it?" I said taking a sip from my water

𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 | TXTZYWhere stories live. Discover now