Episode 23: After time

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Few years later
POV Yeonjun
A lot has happened and changed over the years, Im glad all the craziness and drama is past us...for now, we can only wait for the next problems too begin

I have been just here and there living life, I can never get over her death but I have gotten a lot better than before, Sehun was sent to a private severe lockdown and I went to prison for a few years from the stuff he made me do

I just got out last year, I have an apartment of my own now though and now I just hang with the boys and sometimes with one of the girls

Lia and Soobin moved in together a few days actually, they have been getting a long really well, they fight here like an old couple but they'll get over it

They also announced yesterday that they are expecting!!

Im so excited to be an uncle and Im not even related, imagine how Beomgyu feels

Speaking on Ryujin and Beomgyu, they have been going strong, they also have talked about there future and stuff and plan on moving in together but it's still not office yet

They also are a very cold but loving couple, they definitely show there love through aggressiveness

Kai and Yuna are also pretty good, there still kinda in the everything is perfect stage, Im just waiting for there first fight to blow up

I know they'll get over it though

Also Kai and his dad have been slowly building there relationship again and his dad found a different business deal, they still aren't very close though

Also about the agent thing Kai was doing, yeah that was a big no from Yuna

Taehyun and Chaeryeong, there bond is so interesting, they act like they have kids already and are very "parenty"

Chearyeong like goes into mom mode when ever Taehyun does something really bad to himself as well as if he is mean to one of us or the girls

Im pretty sure there trying for a baby but not telling anyone...

It's kinda obvious honestly, also they are so ready, if they aren't then they better get on it cause I want to be an uncle to so many more then just Lia and Soobin's kid, they got me so excited I want more

The other girls, Yujin and Minji, I don't really know what happened to them, Minji kinda just dropped everything, turned emo 🖤 and ran away

Yujin is actually pretty nice and I can tell she is trying to get closer to us since she is hanging out more

I don't know what she does personally though, I only know that sometimes she hangs with us and sometimes she doesn't

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
"Hey baby" I said squatting down at Yeji's grave while Soobin waiting by the car, I wanted to talk alone with her just cause it's what I was used to

We always used to have our little talks while no one was around or knew

"I'm so sorry none of us could know and you got caught in all that, Kai and Yeonjun eventually told us the truth" I placed flowers down while I traced her name with my finger

"Oh and here's your niece! Soobin and I finally did it, we used to talk about this all the time" I said and let out a sad laugh, I missed her so much

"I wish you could see her and be here for the birth"

I stood up and blew a kiss "I love you" I said and then headed back to the car, Soobin came up to me as we met in the middle, he helped me to the car while looking back

We all really missed her

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
POV Sooha
"So you guys were like in love?" I asked my uncle as he nodded with a smile, he picked me up so I could see the picture on the shelf

I was only in the 3rd grade so I was pretty short

"This is all of us together, you know your mom and your other aunts were really close to her, like sisters" He said and put me back down

I kept staring at it has I heard him walk away, I turned around and he brought out a silver boxy thing

"What's that?" I asked "A recorder, you can say stuff on it and it will save it, like a phone can when you take videos, my father gave this to me" "What's so important about it?" "Listen" He said and played it

"Hey Junnie! This is yours truly, I wanted to record this before your dad have it to you to say that I love you!!" A woman's voice said with a males laugh followed behind "See you later, Love Your Yeji!!" She finished, Uncle Yeonjun turned it off and laughed putting it down

"She sounded so happy and pretty" "Yeah she had a beautiful voice huh"

The doorbell rung and he picked me up and put me on his shoulders

I hugged his head to not fall off while he held my legs, we walked to the door and when we opened it, it was my dad!

"Appa!" I said flinging my self forward "Careful" He said pulling me off my Uncles shoulders "Was she good?" "Perfect as always" "That's hyung" "No problem"

"Oh we're gonna have a small party later, Chaeryeong said she had something to say and Lia said we can through a party at our house so" My dad said and my uncle nodded

"A party?!" I shouted and they both laughed waving goodbye

"What does Auntie Chaer have to say?" "She wouldn't even tell me, said it was a secret, I think the only one that knows is your mom" He said and I made a silly face making him laugh

He smiled and kissed my forehead

He walked to the drivers seat and began to drive home

Can't wait!!

So sorry guys that it came to an ending, couldn't keep up so I don't think it's completely, it was coming to an ending anyway

I have two new books coming out tho soon Dear Rosie and Pretty Little Liars, yes it is based off the books if you have read them :)



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