Episode 17: Off To Tokyo

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I woke up in my parents vacation house, they usually come here whenever they needed to get away, since the divorce they never really used it and only I have been coming here and taking care of it

I don't know if Beomgyu even knows about it

I went the kitchen and saw someone standing there, I didn't really freak out since I immediately knew who it was

My statement stands corrected

"Beomgyu, what are you doing here?" I asked and he sighed "You weren't there when I came home" He said not even looking at me "I'm leaving for a long time Gyu, I need to get away just to get used to it, make it quick and painless" I said and he looked at me like I was crazy

"That's why I didn't tell the girls or Soobin, anyone but our family, I didn't want to be overwhelmed" I said and he just scoffed

"It's might be painless and quick when you leave but what about when your already there" He said and I was about to say something but he interrupted "What about when your already gone and they notice there best friends isn't going to be waiting for them" He was getting closer to me angry and I was only choking up on my words

"There sister who is suppose to be there when they need help and is suppose to stay near them to make sure she's ok" His eyes started watering "How am I suppose to make sure your ok when your in fucking Tokyo?!" He said and I hugged him letting out a few tears as well

I rubbed his back as he was bent down a bit crying on my shoulder, he's always been my tough little brother that takes care of me since Youngjae is away, yeah he lives close but he's in a whole other city

I've never really seen Beomgyu like this since he liked to keep a strong image

"Please don't go" He said and I just looked at him and smiled through my teary eyes "I have to Gyu, you know that" "No you don't, just tell dad no" "Gyu, we were taught that's not respectful and looks at the bright side, I could be a model, reach my dreams?" I said wiping his tears "Ill come back, I promise"

I hugged him again and we both walked out, my mom was waiting by the car while my dad was waiting in his car

I hugged my mom and headed to my dads car

I waved goodbye to them and we drove away, I wiped my tears and took a deep breathe

My dad smiled at me "I'm sorry that this has to happen but you know why we can't take Beomgyu with us" He said and I nodded "I'm going to look on the bright side, I can start my modeling career and at least I won't be alone" I said and he nodded "Yep, we'll be ok, it's only temporary"

I was looking out my window and made eye contact with someone, it felt like it was in slow mo, we didn't break eye contact until he wasn't in sight any more, was that...


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POV Soobin
I was running to where Beomgyu said to meet him up and that's when I saw Lia and whom I assume is her dad driving away, we locked eyes and I felt my stomach drop

Is this what Beomgyu wanted me to see? Am I too late

I met up with where I saw Beomgyu and his mom, I could tell he cried and my face was just covered in disbelief, I couldn't make it in time

Beomgyu hugged me but I couldn't even move still trying to take in the fact that I missed Lia

I won't see her until a long time and the last thing I said to her was that she isn't the same person that I liked before, stupid

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