Episode 5: Murder Mission and Boss Fight

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All scenes that take place in this book are completely fiction and have not happened in real life


"Ryujin!" Ryujin's mom yelled from the living room, she walked out of her room from her sleep, she was gonna sleep in since it was her day off but her mom decided to ruin that as well

"Yes" She said "Go get me groceries" She said tossed a piece of paper at her not taking her eyes off the tv screen and acknowledging that her daughter was alive

Ryujin sighed and picked up the paper before she slipped on her slides and headed out

She got into her car with her baggy shirt, short shorts and slides with socks

Her hair was in a messy bun and she only had mascara on, for looking so ruff she actually looked decently good

She drove to the store and walked into the building grabbing a cart and walking down the aisles, she looked at the list and the first item she needed was some fruit for her moms daily smoothie

Couple minutes later

I had to get some ramen bowls for myself since my mom never cooks anything for me, it's really the only thing I eat along with fruit and water, explains why I'm so thin, I barely eat anything

There was a new flavor of ramen that came in so my favorite was moved to the top shelf were I couldn't reach it, I tried stepping on my tip toes but I wasn't quiet there yet

"You need help?" A boy behind me asked, I turned around to him "Uh...aniyo, I got it" I said with a small smile and turned around to the shelf

I looked around on how I was going to reach it, I saw a small step stool that one of the workers was using, I borrowed it since they weren't using it at the moment

I stepped on it and reached for the top, the stool was a little shaky but it was sturdy enough for me to reach it

I grabbed it on my tip toes and then as soon as my heel hit the stool it wobbled and fell taking me down with it

Before I could hit the floor a pair of arms caught me bridal style, I turned my head towards them and it was the same boy from earlier

It felt like everything was slow motion as our eyes met each other, we were both wide-eyed from the sudden event

His skin was so clear and his eyes were so perfect, my eyes went to his perfect nose, then to his lips which were the perfect shade of pink

Once I noticed what I was staring at I quickly pushed him off as I moved my feet to the floor

"I'm so sorry" I said bowing as he just chuckled bowing back "Choi Beomgyu" He said putting out his hand "Shin Ryujin" I said with a nervous laugh and smile from how awkward it was

"Um...thank you, for helping me, I guess I did need your help" I said and he shook his head "It's fine, I wasn't just gonna let you fall" He said with a bright smile before bowing and leaving

I bowed back and then sighed holding my chest, wow, even his smile is perfect, how?

I shook my head out of it and tried to forget it as I continued to complete the list

In the car

I was driving back to my moms house but the whole time I couldn't get this boy out of my head, I'm usually not like this but someone who looked so perfect knows how to stick

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