Episode 6: Dizzy and Childhood

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All scenes that take place in this book are completely fiction and have not happened in real life


"Someone definitely pissed him off" I said as we watched Beomgyu storm out of the store and Soobin walked out of the room with a big sigh

"Well that was Beomgyu, the one back there is Soobin, who else?" Yujin asked with a smile "Um...Taehyun hyung, he just moved into the apartment complex around the corner we're all close by" I said and she nodded "Then there is Yeonjun hyung, I haven't talked to him in a while, something happened and we haven't really talked so I don't really know what's up with him but I know he is Soobin's roomate"

"I have a lot of friends but most of them live in different places all spread out, we went to junior high together" Yujin said and I took a sip of my water

"I'm closest to Chaeyeon, Yena, and Wonyoung, Chae is a dance instructor at a near by dance studio" She said and that reminded me of Taehyun

"DDI?" I asked "Yeah Destiny Dance Institute, do you go there?" "No but Taehyun works there" I said "You think they know each other?"

(DDI is a real place in America, I go there for dance)

"I think I remember him talking about someone and her name sounded like it started with Chae, I can't remember, but you should visit some time, I'll come with you so it isn't awkward" I said with a smile and she nodded

"What about the other two you mentioned?" "Oh Yena and Wonyoung? Wonyoung is still in school she is two grades below us but at a different school, Yena works at a small restaurant down the block owned by Kang Seulgi, do you know it?" "Name?" "Kang Cafe" "I went there once with Beomgyu, he goes there often" "Oh cool"

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I went to the office after dropping Beomgyu off at the apartment "I'm back, my brother got into a fight" I said "With who?" Yuna asked

"His boss, he was hitting on me and touched me inappropriately, Soobin from Holly's Coffee told him cause they were apparently friends, he got pissed and visited his boss" I said they all looked shocked "Honestly, I would have done that as well" Yeji said making us giggle

"Who's your brother again?" Ryujin asked "Beomgyu" I said and she looked at me shocked "I met him in the grocery store, I had no idea that he was your brother, wow" She said

"Oh wow, that's such a coincidence" I said with a laugh as I sat in my seat

"I find it sweet that Soobin told Beomgyu and that there friends" Yuna said wiggling her eyebrows "Don't start Yuna" "Eonnie~" She whined "You know your mom was just complaining last week to you about not having a boyfriend and getting old, you should try with him" She said and I just glared

"I will take care of my love life myself" I commented and she just pouted in her seat and continued to type on your computer

"Hey where's Chaer?" I asked noticing she wasn't at her desk "She wasn't feeling well about finding that camera in her flowers so she went home early, she said Chaeyeon was there so she'll take care of her" Yeji answered

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I was heading up the stairs to my apartment room, and I felt uneasy from what happened, he gave me flowers a lot, have they all had cameras? I kept them at my office and threw them away when they got old, luckily I didn't keep them in my room

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