Onward to the sacred items part 3 - CH 18

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Cassia was having a lovely dream: surrounded by lots of hot, fit Caucasian men (I'm sorry) in black leather underwear, sweaty, and just about to feed her all of the garlic bread and baklava in the world and her main course. And for dessert, the blueberry pancakes she loved so much. Just as she was about to bite into the sweet blueberry goodness, which she could almost taste,. Those soft, flowery, and buttery slivers of heaven. The sharpness of the blueberry syrup.

"Cassia Love, we have a mission."  Suddenly Ali appeared in her dream, telling her. She frowned.

"But I'm just about to eat dessert." She protested, hurryingly cutting into her pancakes. She popped it into her mouth, almost tasting it, before realising she couldn't feel the sensation.

"Cassia, you have to get up, lass... Your alarms have been going off for 20 minutes now and I don't know your phone password." The figure of Ali replied. Cassia finally became lucid in her dream and replied to him.

"But it's a good dream..." She whined. Dream Ali laughed heartily. She could feel him hugging her in real life and gently playing with her scalp. The darkness of the room greeted her and she moved her arm to poke him in the abs.

"Stop doing that or I'll lick you." Ali just smoothed her scalp again before stopping.

"No, wee lass, please don't." Ali knew that, given the chance, Cassia would tie him up and lick his abs. It would be pleasurable for a while and then painful. Cassia scared him that after what he did with Chronosia, he would be begging for mercy from his partner.

"By the way, is it wrong?"

"Ah, we aren't exactly exclusive yet, love so I understand if you got your kinky needs met elsewhere," Ali replied honestly. Cassia smushed her head into his abs. "ooof."

"You really like my abs." He mused.

"Such beautiful abs..."


"A good pair of abs is like a nice woman's tits. But not as soft." Cassia Replied. Ali looked at her funny.

"How much do you like boobs anyway, lass?" 

"They are soft and squishy, and if I wasn't straight AF, I'd date a fat, overweight man with moobs just to appreciate that squishy feeling." She looked him dead in the eye, making him feel like a stranger. 

"So if I were just average, would you date me still? Just nothing in between."

"Not like that! I ... Fuck me. I appreciate you because you are the sweetest man I've ever met and so attentive. Not that I've dated many guys. Not gonna lie, a few I did almost date were absolute flaccid cocks of men."

"You have high standards, then?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Of course I do. A man should treat his woman right and she should! " Cassia buried her head further into Ali's abs." I'm proud to be your partner." Cassia replied softer this time. He wrapped his arms around her, wishing he was short enough to rest his chin on her head, the way they cuddled in bed.

"I'll wait till I can date you properly and treat you like the queen you are... For now, though I'm sorry, I can't be the king you deserve, lass."  He hummed. Cassia just squeezed him a little tighter.

"You are loved and wanted, my lush man."

"I'm flattered, lass. " He untangled himself from their embrace before he sobered up a little. He hoisted her up out of her slumped position and hefted her over his shoulders, making her yell.

"Put me down, you big oaf!"

"Nah, you must shower, hun. We have a mission today; well, not necessarily me; you do." He replied as he placed her gently in the bathroom before tossing a clean towel at her. It slid down her face and messed up her light brown hair.

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