1st class - CH 6

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The weekend of free time was a blur. Cassia spent it with Aurelia and her new friends.

When her alarm went off, she went immediately to shower in her en suite.

She got dressed and headed down to the mess hall for breakfast.

Cassia met with her friends, and they talked for a while until the bell rang, signalling that it was time for them to go to class. The group headed out, made their way to their first classes, and went their separate ways. Unfortunately, Cassia's friends were in different classes, studying support magic, spiritual lore, the history of magic, and the spiritual realms. Also, there is the Alchemical Transmutation class and Smithing.

Cassia was on her own.

She was absolutely petrified, and she stood outside the door until a wave of calm washed over her. Her guardian angel, Seraphina, had hugged her with her full body, making Cassia feel calmer. Cassia could feel the invisible entity hugging her. She didn't quite understand what was going on.

 She didn't quite understand what was going on

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"Thank you." She whispered in the air. She felt the presence rub her head affectionately, like her mother. Seraphina was happy she was acknowledged. She sent her charge a quick wave of courage, making her open the door and go to the nearest empty desk.

The room had already been filled, and Cassia was the last to enter.

Her teacher glanced around the room.

He had glasses with brown hair and brown eyes, a generic nose, and an average haircut. He was of average height, and he was wearing a grey jumper and jeans.  Everyone was baffled by the sheer casual nature of the prestigious nature of the school, yet the teachers dressed so casually.

  Everyone was baffled by the sheer casual nature of the prestigious nature of the school, yet the teachers dressed so casually

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"Good morning, class." The young-ish man said he was making the class laugh. "It's always good to start off by putting the students in a wonderful mood." He surveyed the class." You guys are lucky; you have the renovated building with a new curriculum with fun at the focus, thanks to Headmaster Magnus." 

"Our classes will never be about theory. They will be 100% practical and useful in life. If you find yourself struggling for whatever reason, come find me after classes. Or make a study group; the training room is always a safe environment. "

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