I want a sweet release before the ... CH 15

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Cassia was excited as she awoke. The advanced class in support magic was going to go on their first mission. She bounced out of bed and threw off the covers, surprising Ali, who had stayed the night again. Just as she was about to race into the shower, Ali put his arm around her waist and held her in place.

"Why slow me down, Ali?" She hummed. He groggily sat up.

"Seraphina has told me your floor is still wet from last night's shower and you don't have a bath mat currently."  He gently pulled her to him, kissed her forehead, and gave her a sleepy, conspiratorial wink that surprised her. "Replace the bathmat with a dirty towel, young one, and maybe we can go shopping and get some more stuff for your room when you have free time."  Cassia stopped and put her tiny hand on his rubbing circles affectionately.

"I would love that, and thank you." She turned around and kissed his cheek before pulling out of his grip. "Sleep some more, my big oaf. We have a long day ahead, and you will be by my side either way."

"I have no choice in the matter." He raised a brow. Cassia gave him a fierce look.

"You, unlike Nathan, have always got a choice about whether you want to do battle with me."

"So you call him Nathan now?"

"He has earned it."

"So if I said no,"

"I'm not going to force you; we are friends and more than that."

"Haha, I respect you even more than I gave you credit for that. I chose wisely."


"Hell yeah, lass, you are both an interesting compliment to me and have made my life exciting, so I'm grateful I chose to be your companion."

"How does it work for Sprites?"

"Unlike angels, we aren't bound by powerful magic seals and their lack of free will. We instead form truly powerful bonds with our partners and because we have free will, we have choices on whether or not to fight. Otherwise, we are usually paired by the queen's sight and with our companions, depending on who would be the most compatible."

"Wow."  She looked at the shirtless, tall man with supreme lust and he just looked at her like the air he breathed. Cassia briefly wondered why he looked at her that way since they hadn't known each other long. 

"How do you manage to not look at me like a piece of meat?" Cassia asked.

"When we eventually make love, it will be sweet, sensual, and enjoyable for both of us, but not in a time of such stress." He murmured. " Now go shower." He gently smacked her butt, making her giggle. 

"More please."

"Tonight." He winked.

Cassia lay down a dirty towel from her laundry basket and she looked longingly at her dirty, fluffy bath mat.

The comfort of the finest wouldn't be achieved today.

After the shower, she woke up Ali from his nap and he got showered.  Cassia had strapped on her starter armour.  She prepped her longsword and her rucksack. With key supplies for her mission. Not in the mood to deal with her friends, she teleported via a smoke bomb to the vending machine outside. She grabbed a protein bar after conjuring a coin from her piggy bank.  

She infused some energy from the earth and ate it quickly. The chocolate and vanilla-flavored bar tasted a bit earthy and she drained her water bottle. She was full. Cassia dropped another smoke bomb and giddily appeared in her seat in the support class.

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