We'll make a Summoner out of you yet! CH 8

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They moved on for Cassia's class who mostly forgot.

Randomly while practising she called Alistair forth. She asked for his aid in summoning a familiar.

He merged his own energy with hers and successfully summoned another sprite.

"Another Sprite is rare Cassia." He said smiling although he looked confused. " I've never seen her before." He said holding the sleeping sprite.

"How long do you think she will sleep for?" she asked out of curiosity. Alistair shrugged.

"Sprites on the whole need about the same amount of sleep as the average human. The strongest need maybe a daily nap like our queen. Although I've come to think of her as a bit of a masochistic woman who loathes sleep." He winked. Cassia laughed at this not sure what to make of it.

"I rarely like going to bed either. Sometimes my dreams are boring. I feel like I can achieve more staying up." He nudged her affectionately.

"Promise me you won't stay awake waiting for this one to wake up?"

"I promise Ali."

"Hmmm, are we close enough for you to call me that?"

"To me, we are when you knocked those boys out without a second thought." Cassia grinned.

"I accept it as a nickname. Go to bed, I will wake you when this sprite wakes up." He placed the sprite in a spiritual home that Cassia had made for him. She tended to call on him mostly for the company and he didn't mind.

He asked Seraphina's permission to sleep with Cassia in her bed.

"You wish to 'sleep' with her ?" She asked in the angel's language.

"No. You guys are dirty-minded. While yes I could see her that way, we don't have that kind of agreement and quite frankly I forgot what a comfortable bed is like with another human to sleep next to is like." He replied. Seraphina blushed thinking about the last time she got some , anything.

"Fine. I understand missing that kind of intimacy. As long as Cassia doesn't mind."

"Cassia may I stay in this bed with you?" Alistair asked. Cassia looked at him sharply.

"Wait , what?!"

"Can I sleep here with you?" Alistair asked again.


"I want to cuddle with you." He said firmly.


"Are you going to keep asking why?" He asked her with another question making her giggle a bit.

"You aren't my boyfriend..." she said looking deep into his eyes. He rolled his eyes and he stared at her deeply.

" I'd love to change that one day lass if you ever want me that way." He rolled his eyebrows sexily and flexed his muscles. Cassia licked her lips."But my dear one. I simply miss human things like physical intimacy such as cuddling. Sprites don't get that much. We are mostly focused on being warriors as our culture."

"What texture is your skin?" She asked. A bit wary of his skin texture. He looked taken aback.

"Oh right. We are made of vibrating light more or less spirit energy but in our full-size forms we still have human skin." He took her hand in his. "Its the same as yours. I'm just blue and ginger." He said laughing. Cassia once again marvelled at the size difference placing her palm in his.

"Are all sprites as tall as you?" She asked truly curious. Alistair looked down at her as they sat side by side.

"Most are about 6ft, I am one of the tallest male sprites. My parents" He paused trying not to laugh, thinking dirty thoughts of how he was conceived ."My dad was a giant hybrid and generally, hybrids aren't compatible or able to have children. My mother was this short feisty woman. Somehow she won my father's heart out of all the women in our town and gods know how but here I am." Alistair laughed again.

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