The Truth Is Revealed - CH 10

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Cassia ended up back in the summoner's class.

"Lovely to have you back in the room." Tom winked at Cassia.  She blushed and nodded. "So today, class, we are going to talk about portals.

The class's eyes collectively brightened as they got to learn a rare new skill unique to their class and advanced magic and battle strategy.

"Portals are ... well, I can teach you all how to summon them, but they aren't to be used casually. They take up a great deal of personal magic energy, and if you use too much, you will pass out.  It's always best to open a portal with a separate magical item like your weapon or a crystal."

Tom played a small animation on his slideshow of a mage passing out for opening a portal vs. summoning one from the crystal.

"I don't use portals much personally and no textbook will explain this well, so once again, Etheria is best to teach you about this." He summoned her once again. She appeared and stood in a light blue tunic and white linen trousers.

"Good afternoon, class. Portals are dimensional pockets opened by connecting one point and location in time to another in that same moment." She paused briefly while they scribbled down their notes.

"Portals, when you know where you are going, are helpful. Most portal links should be used with a map or GPS so you can see your destination. Never use them for somewhere new and unknown because you can't gauge how much magical energy it's going to take up. Your weapon can be inlaid with one of the rarest or legendary overpowered crystals or monster drops, but if a portal is far and large enough, it will shatter and leach your life energy instead. " "The energy of something and somewhere unpredictable isn't worth chancing."

She summoned a portal. A white sphere opened, going into what looked like a void.

"To open a portal with raw power, you connect the two fingers next to your thumbs on each hand, pull them apart, and form a circle. This will open a pocket with energy based on your natural affinity."  Etheria waved her hand. " Wave your hand to close the portal." She surveyed the class. The young men and women were rapt. Etheria pulled out a rusty battleaxe inlaid with a golden gem.

"This rusty battle is only for demo purposes." She laughed at her own joke briefly. Her eyes hardened, though, as she twirled it expertly. " The golden gem has been filled with moonlight energy, so its specialty is opening doorways to the spirit realm. To open the realms with an enhanced magical item is to draw another circle in the air."  She held the axe in her right hand and cut the air into a circle. The hole was big enough to see the ghosts milling around.

"Close it similarly, which is the same  as dismissing a raw portal." She expertly sliced through the hole in space and time. It closed. "If you open one to more powerful realms and dimensions above or below ours, you will need to recharge your magical items at a power source!" 

She sighed as her legendary gold gem shattered.

"It looks like today is the last time I get to use this gem." She held it out for the class to see. " Take your powdered gem to a crafter; they can always find more uses for it. Huge portals are a different story when you want to move more people." Etheria pulled out a purple smoke bomb. 

"As magi, we never need to cast this ourselves. The wonderful alchemists have made this large portal smoke bomb that uses a fraction of our magical energy. Just think of where you want to go, but make sure everyone is standing closer together; otherwise, people will get left behind."

She waved her hand,, and a massive bottle of water appeared. Ehteria downed it in one go.

"Damn, I forget how much speaking dries my throat out." The class laughed collectively.

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