The village of Eleftherios - 13 years later. - CH3

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Cassiopeia and Nathaniel welcomed a baby boy...

Cassiopeia and Nathaniel welcomed a baby boy

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How did this happen you wonder... Keep wondering.

Whats this child's name?

Not important.

Boaz has orders from Zarachiel to deliver. Boaz cawed out to his master.

"Master the King has summoned you. It's serious, he is angry..." Boaz croaked. Nathaniel kissed his child's head.

"My beautiful queen, I must leave you for the time being."

"No, our son has just been born." Cassiopeia cried weakly. He handed the baby over to his wife and hugged them both.

"I love you both." He sighed.

He walked out and flew up to the heavens and opened the portal. 

He went right to the throne room as where Zarachiel resided.

Zarachiel rose from his throne.

"Nathaniel, you have been summoned here as one of Cassiopeia's family members angels has learned of her pregnancy and by an Angel no less. " Zarachiel claps Nathaniel hard on the shoulder and forces him to the ground with his power. Standing over him.

"You have been found guilty of siring a Nephilim. "

Meanwhile, Nathaniel is being held down.

In the village.

An angel hit squad paralyses the family of 2 with posion and then the head angel lays them on the ground and stabs them quickly through the heart.

Nathaniel feels a shock wave go through his heart as his love and charge are killed. 

A foreign feeling of grief overtakes him.

The greif quickly burns to rage.

The flames overtake his body.

He directs the fire at Zarachiel.

7 new wings grow out from his back and he becomes seraphim.

Nathaniel teleported to his home quickly in a whiff of smoke.

He arrived.

He tore through the hit-squad in one go.

The bass of the song his wings made, deafened the people and fried their brains, in its wake the village was razed to the ground...

Morning came and the sun's rays shined on him. He turned his face to the sun and cried for the first time in his life. His pure-hearted soul of a charge was dead and his day-old son whom he'd waited 9 months for...

He looked around at the ash...

"I did this?"

Zarachiel appeared.

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